Hi Sarah and welcome to Mi Yodeya. Great to have you learning with us. There are several articles that will show you what bracha to say when consuming different kinds of drinks and/or foods. [Chabad.org has some good options][1]. [OUKosher has a detailled and long list][2]. OUKosher has 9 categories from which you can choose and it will show you different brachos. >Baked Goods Beverages Dairy Foods Desserts & Snacks Fruits & Nuts Grains & Grain Products Meat, Fish, & Eggs Soups Vegetables & Herbs Concerning the order of brachos, [Halachipedia has a nice page][3] discussing this. Here's a example: >When there’s a dispute about the Bracha of a food, one should make the Bracha on that one first in order that one doesn’t fulfill their obligation with another food. For example, one should make the Shehakol on orange juice before HaEtz on an orange, since once an HaEtz was made on the orange, some say that the juice was covered, and one wouldn’t be able to make another Bracha. Additionally, one should make Shehakol on chocolate before making HaEtz on a fruit. [26; Vezot HaBracha (pg 127)] See also this [page][4] from Aish written by Rabbi Shraga Simmons and Rabbi Yair Spolter Concerning Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals), I would recommend [this page][5], also from Chabad.org. It has the brachos transliterated and also in English (if needed). It also includes the [Al Hamichyah][6] (Blessing of special foods) and [Borei Nefashot][7] (ice for example) [1]: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/278538/jewish/Food-Blessings-Brachot.htm [2]: https://oukosher.org/guide-to-blessings/ [3]: https://halachipedia.com/index.php?title=Order_of_Brachot [4]: https://aish.com/17-sequence-of-brachot--part-2/ [5]: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/865866/jewish/Grace-After-Meals.htm [6]: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/279847/jewish/Al-Hamichyah-The-After-Blessing-on-Special-Foods.htm [7]: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/279850/jewish/Borei-Nefashot-After-Blessing-on-Other-Foods.htm