With all due respect, first make  sure you are being careful in the area of tznius.

As the Zohar says, *"Observance of the tznius code by mothers affects the wellbeing of the family both spiritually and materially"* (*Parshas Shemos*, page 125. See also [*Spirituality and Intimacy*][1] by Raphael Aron, page 35). Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler says,
*"When you see a fault in others, turn the thinking and analysis to yourself. Even if you don't share the fault in its entirety, you likely share it in some small measure. Even if your weakness has never manifested itself in action, you have most likely pondered doing the very thing you are criticizing"* (*Michtav m'Eliyahu*, volume 5, page 123; see also  
[*Seek Peace and Pursue It*][2] by Dr. Dovid Leiberman, page 51). In other words: *“First correct yourself and then correct others"* (*Bava Metzia* 107b).

In addition, "One should constantly pray for the spiritual well-bring of one's children" (*Maggid Taalumah*; see also *Artscroll Berachos* 7b, note 25).

My practical advice is to read the book [*Outside/Inside:*][3] by [Gila Manolson][4].

  [1]: http://www.feldheim.com/spirituality-and-intimacy.html
  [2]: http://www.feldheim.com/authors/lieberman-dovid-ph-d/seek-peace-and-pursue-it.html
  [3]: http://www.feldheim.com/outside-inside.html
  [4]: http://gila-manolson.com/books.php