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Is Marvel considered idolatry?

Just wondering if watching a Marvel movie or TV show [besides for the prohibitions on watching secular TV and movies in general] is considered idolatry or not, being that it deals with many pagan "gods" as well as "origins of the universe/civilization etc." that aren't in align with the Torah?

There is a similar question:

Does Shemot 23:13 literally mean Marvel & DC Comics are forbidden?

although several distinctions can be made between that one and this one:

  • that question is only asking if its in violation of Shemot 23:13 , this one is asking regarding the general prohibition of idolatry [which has many different sub laws and sources, not only from that verse]

  • that question only asked about "..Does this apply to discussing fictional movies", since its asking about the prohibition about "talking" about these things, while this question is asking about watching, which could also potentially involve the prohibition of "do not stray after your eyes", as well as the prohibitions [codified by the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch] not to even think about idolatry, not to "ask how they are worshipped", and if there is an idol with a sheet covering it, not to even peek underneath, as well as the law that if one is traveling on the road where there is an idol, one should ideally take an alternative route, and if that's not practical, one should at least run very fast past the idol etc. etc...