In Menachos 75a and other places it says that meshicha, smearing of oil, on the רקיקים wafer-offerings, is done כמין כי - like a greek letter chi. Tosefos there brings quite a few explanations for what this anointment looks like.
כמין כי. צייר בקונט' כמין טי"ת ובפירושי חומש פי' גימל ויש מפרישים כמין נון או כמין כ' ובערוך פירש דתניא בכריתות (דף ה:) המלכים מושחין כמין נזר והכהנים כמין כי יוונית פירוש יצק שמן על ראש [אהרן] ויורד אילך ואילך כמין שני מרגליות
Like a (Hebrew) tet... like a gimel... like a nun or a chaf... And the Arukh explains... like a Greek chi [which is] like two legs descending here and here...
None of them seem to me to correspond to the Greek chi that I thought was well-known: Ⲭ, some kind of "x".
How does one understand this? Is it similar to "Well, Tosefos probably never saw an elephant!" kind of thing? Weren't there at least Christian theologians or some such in France who knew Greek? The Arukh is said to have been born in Rome!
Or were there other ways to make a chi?