Following @Yahu's suggestion, I'll summarize Urbach's analysis of the editors of the tosfot of the different masechtot:
Brachot - An unknown Ashkenazi (Germanic) scholar who personally knew Rabbi Moshe of Evreux, but was probably not his student. The tosfot are mostly based on the writings of Rabbi Yehudah Messer Leon.
Shabbat - Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, combining the tosfot of Rabbi Yosef Porat and the RaSh of Sens.
Eruvin - A student of Rabbi Yitzchak of Dampierre (the Ritzva), combining a multitude of different tosfot.
Pesachim - Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, mostly based on Tosfot Sens, with additions from other sources.
Yoma - The Maharam of Rothenburg, mostly based on the writings of the students of Ri.
Sukkah - RaSh of Sens, based on writings of the students of Rabbeinu Tam.
Beitzah - A student or students of Rabbeinu Peretz, mostly a combination of Sens and Evreux.
Rosh Hashanah - RaSh of Sens.
Taanit - Probably a student of Rabbi Yitzchak of Tresson, mostly based on Rabbi Yitzchak and Rabbi Yitzchak's rabbi, Ri of Melon's teachings.
Megillah - Rabbi Yehudah Messer Leon, who also combined tosfot from his contemporaries, such as Rabbi Elchanan, son of the Ri.
Mo'ed Katan - Rabbi Shmuel, son of Rabbi Elchanan and grandson of Ri, mostly based on the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak ben Rabbi Mordechai, student of the Riva, and those of Rabbi Avraham, student of the Rashba.
Chagigah - Probably Rabbi Moshe of Evreux, mostly based on those of Rabbi Yehudah Messer Leon, with two sections by Rabbi Shimon of Yunebeil and some additions from Rabbi Elchanan and others.
Yevamot - Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, using a multitude of different sources.
Ketubot - Likely Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, mostly based on RaSh of Sens.
Kiddushin - A student of Rabbi Yitzchak of Evreux, bringing mostly teachings of the rabbis of Evreux.
Gittin - Unknown. Based mostly on tosfot of Touques or those of Rabbi Eliezer of Touques.
Nedarim - A student of Rabbeinu Peretz, based mostly on teachings from Evreux.
Nazir - A student of Rabbeinu Peretz, based mostly on teachings from Evreux.
Sotah - Possibly a student of the rabbis of Speyer, or perhaps he was Rabbi Baruch ben Shmuel of Mainz.
Bava Kama - {Rabbi Eliezer of Touques]4, mostly based on the tosfot of Rabbi Yehudah Messer Leon.
Bava Metzia - A nephew of Rabbi Chizkiyah of Magdeburg (who was also the uncle of Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, though this editor is not him).
Bava Batra - Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, based mostly on Rabbeinu Tam and Ri.
Avodah Zara - A student of Rabbienu Peretz, mostly based on the teachings of Rabbi Shmuel of Falaise.
Sanhedrin - A student of Rabbeinu Peretz, mostly based on Tosfot Sens.
Makot - A student of Rabbeinu Peretz, mostly based on Tosfot Sens.
Shvuot - Rabbi Eliezer of Touques, mostly based on the tosfot of Rabbi Elchanan and those of Rabbi Moshe of Evreux.
Horayot - An unknown Ashkenazi (Germanic) editor, based mostly on Rabbi Simcha of Speyer.
Zevachim - Rabbi Baruch of Worms and a student of his, based on the writings of several students of Rabbeinu Tam and Tosfot Sens.
Menachot - RaSh of Sens with some later edits by his students.
Chullin - A student of Rabbi Aharon of Regensburg, mostly based on Tosfot Touques.
Bechorot - Rabbi Yitzchak, student of Rabbi Baruch. Mostly based on Tosfot Sens.
Erchin - Possibly a student of the son of Rabbi Shmuel, also possibly a student of Rabbi Mordechai Halevi or the Maharam of Rothenburg, based on a variety of sources.
Temurah - A student of Rabbi Shmuel of Evreux and "Maharar", which is likely either Rabbi Mordechai Halevi or the Maharam of Rothenburg.
Kritot - A student of Ri and Rabbi Chaim Kohen, based on a variety of Ashkenazi (Germanic) teachings.
Me'illah - A student of Rabbeinu Peretz, based mostly on teachings of Rabbeinu Peretz.
Kinim - An unknown Ashkenazi (Germanic) editor, based on Ashkenazi (Germanic) sources.
Niddah - An unknown editor, based mostly on Tosfot Touques.