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4 votes
2 answers

May I discuss my friend's unabashed un-Halachic behavior?

Suppose Shmeryl regularly and unabashedly eats at McDonald's (not the Kosher one in Israel!), or engages in some other unambiguously un-Halachic behavior. Shmeryl doesn't believe that there's anything ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Lifting a handkerchief before signing the Ketubah?

I know at a Jewish wedding, just before the Ketubah is signed, the groom picks up a handkerchief in front of everyone. I remember this has something to do with "kinyan chalifin"; could someone please ...
Shalom's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Eating your own (kosher) food in a non-kosher restaurant?

This was brought to mind by this question: What are the rules about joining your co-workers (or the like) for a meal in a non-kosher restaurant, but bringing your own food? Is it prohibited as mar'is ...
Alex's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

A restroom in a formerly-kosher eatery vs. one in a never-kosher eatery: which is preferable?

Say I'm on the road traveling, and I need to use a restroom. Which of the following two restrooms is preferable? One in a restaurant that used to be kosher, but is now non-kosher. One in a restaurant ...
Ken's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Turning off a stove on Shabbat

Can one turn off a stove on Shabbat? I recently heard that Rav Tendler does in fact hold this, and that it was followed in the home of Rav Feinstein. The reasoning had something to do with gas being ...
Ken's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Two types of preventative enactment?

I believe this is a strictly academic question. Correct me if I'm wrong. Many of the restrictions enacted by the Rabbis (as opposed to those extrapolated from the Torah) were done so in order to ...
WAF's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Moving muktza garbage cans?

Help! It's Shabbos and the wind is blowing my garbage cans halfway down the block! I know they're muktza, so I can't move them. What can I do?
Shalom's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Hebrew letters Hey-Yud-Dalet after a name

I'd seen some stuff written about a man, with the Hebrew הי"ד (Hey-Yud-quotes-Dalet) after his name. What does that mean?
Shalom's user avatar
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42 votes
27 answers

Experience-based advice for focusing and slowing down prayers?

I tend to daven (pray) without sufficient focus and very quickly. In particular, I find that most of the time that I'm praying, my mind is on things other than the words that I'm saying. And, not that ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Image of God: Equality and Discrimination

I have heard from many unreliable sources that the Torah's description of mankind as being "in the Image of God" implies some level of equal standing of all humans and therefore the expectation (...
WAF's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Am I allowed to count people?

Where did the practice of not counting people come from? People count not-one, not-two, not-three etc. What is wrong with counting one, two, three etc? This is often found when counting to see if ...
N123's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Which hechsheirim are reliable?

There are so many hechsheirim (Kosher certifications) out there. How is an individual supposed to find out which hechsheirim to rely on, and which not to?
N123's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Give ma'aser on money that you didn't make yet?

Can I give ma'aser on money that I didn't earn yet but I know I will be earning in the future?
N123's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

May I use my neighbor's Wi-Fi without asking permission?

My neighbor has never set up password protection on his wireless router. If I wanted, I could wirelessly connect to his high-speed Internet service. May I use his Internet service without asking him ...
N123's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Wearing a gartel

Where did the minhag of wearing a gartel come from?
N123's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Fish eaten with milk?

Is there any halachik problem with eating fish and milk together? (A classic example is a bagel with lox and cream cheese)
N123's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Tzitzis while exercising?

Does one need to wear tzitzis while exercising? Isn't it disrespectful to the tzitzis to make them all sweaty?
N123's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Kashering a microwave

How can I kasher a microwave?
N123's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is Basar Shenisaleim Min Ha'ayin still a problem?

There is a concept in halacha called Basar Shenisaleim Min Ha'ayin (meat that was hidden from the eye). Basically in the olden days, if a non-jew were to deliver meat and there was no siman (sign) on ...
N123's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Does Ma'aser need to be given on gifts?

If I receive a monetary gift, do I need to give ma'aser on it? What about if I receive a gift that is an object (as opposed to money)?
N123's user avatar
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Does soda need a hechsher?

I have noticed that many cans of pepsi don't have a hechsher (kosher symbol) on them. Do they need one?
N123's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Do photocopies of torah need to be put in shaimos?

Do photocopied sheets (such as chumash or gemara) need to be put in sheimos or can they be thrown straight into the garbage?
N123's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Is it permissible to open soda cans on shabbos?

What is the halacha regarding opening soda cans on shabbos? I have heard that according to the ones who hold that you can open it, if I would ask that person to open it for me, I would need him to ...
N123's user avatar
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2 answers

Chanuka - what was the real miracle?

Was the miracle the fact that they found the oil? Was it that the oil lasted all 8 days? Was it that they won the war over the mighty greeks? From the fact that we light menorah, it seems that the ...
N123's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is it better to wear wool tzitzis?

Is it better halachikally (according to jewish law) to have the beged (garment) of your tzitzis to be made from wool as opposed to cotton? Is it a chumrah?
N123's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Are you allowed to get a haircut on Motzei Shabbos?

Is there anything wrong with getting a haircut on Motzei Shabbos (Saturday night)?
N123's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Were the people of Chelm really unintelligent? [closed]

There are many stories that are told over about the people who lived in Chelm. They all have the theme of: the people in Chelm were fairly unintelligent. Where did this come from? Is it true? It ...
N123's user avatar
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3 answers

Wear your tzitzis out or in? [duplicate]

There seems to be some misunderstanding/machlokes (disagreement) on how you should wear your tzitzis - with the strings sticking out or tucked in. What's the proper way?
N123's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Why doesn't the OU put DE on food packages anymore?

The OU used to put DE next to the OU symbol when a product was Dairy Equipment. Such a product can not be eaten with meat but can be eaten right afterwards (you don't need to wait the amount of time ...
N123's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Torah studies at Synagogue [closed]

How do we make studying Torah by adults a central part of our synagogue?
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5 votes
2 answers

Origin of a Jewish quote about fools

There is a quote about fools that I have heard, which is attributed to the Talmud. It goes as follows, "Never tell a fool he is a fool. All you'll have is an angry fool." I know that there are a ...
ShoreNuff's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What do I do when asked to "open the Aron" or "take out the Torah"?

If I'm in synagogue and someone asks me if I can "open the Aron" or "take out the Sefer Torah," what will I be expected to do, and when?
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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28 votes
9 answers

Archeological proof of Exodus?

Is there empirical proof that the exodus from Egypt and related happenings (like Har Sinai etc) did in fact occur (i.e: Archeological proof)? I believe in the Torah, but how would you prove to someone ...
lehrer's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Mezzuzahs- putting them up, and saying brachot

Is there an "issur" regarding not putting up a mezuzzah? Is there such thing as having 30 days until the issue kicks in? Also, can you say the bracha each time you put one up? Or, if two different ...
cube's user avatar
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3 votes
8 answers

Can you recommend an alternative outer talit bag?

I need to replace my outer talit bag - the one that most people have as a brittle, transparent, zippered bag with gold piping (e.g.). I am tired of having these bags break on me, and I don't have a ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to deal with the parts of the Torah reading that are pre-empted by the congregation

Sometimes, our traditional approach to the reading includes having the congregation recite a short section of the reading aloud before the Torah reader does it, and then he follows. The most ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Obtaining the 7 Species in the U.S

Often on T"u BiSh'vat people like to eat members of the shiv'as haminim - the Seven Species by which the Land of Israel is praised. Some of them, such as grapes and dates, are easy enough to come ...
WAF's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Understanding Rashi's resolution of an ambiguity in Parashat Vayigash

The following is based on a question I wrote in the margin of my chumash about ten years ago. In Yehuda's speech to the Egyptian viceroy (Yosef in disguise) at the beginning of Parashat Vayigash, he ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Why is the Shofar sounded on Rosh Hashanah?

Why is the Shofar sounded on Rosh Hashanah?
user26's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?

It seems agreed upon that one or more representatives from Lvov traveled to either investigate, visit or out Shabtai Tzvi in 1666 when he was still claiming to be the mashi'ach. Immediately following ...
WAF's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Naming your child using a dead relative's initial

Is there a Jewish tradition of naming your child using the first letter of the name of a recently deceased relative?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Picking out the alephs [closed]

How can you quickly pick out all the alephs on a page of Hebrew printed text?
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Orthodox Visits to Other Denomination Sanctuaries

Why is it that some people won't set foot in another's sanctuary, even if it was for a non-prayer function? Can an orthodox person be in a reform style temple sanctuary for a lecture or concert? I ...
user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How to advise your barber

Men: What is a succinct, clear, Halachically complete line to tell a barber what not to do when cutting your hair?
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Why did Yosef's brothers speak freely in the presence of the interpreter?

In Parashat Miketz, Yosef's brothers encounter him disguised as the viceroy of Egypt, and he accuses them of espionage, jails them for three days, and makes a demand that they know their father would ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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18 votes
11 answers

Method for practicing Torah reading

What is your method for practicing reading a Torah portion and thus memorizing the associated vowelizations and intonations? I'm looking for ideas for maximizing your effectiveness at performing a ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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59 votes
21 answers

Is Christianity Avodah Zara?

It is commonly accepted that Islam is not Avodah Zarah (idolatry) since Islam has a clear monotheistic theology with a belief in Allah that parallels our view of "kail" or Hashem. It is even ...
Aaron Greenberg's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

December greeting responses [closed]

How do you respond when greeted, during the Winter "holiday season" by a non-Jewish acquaintance with each of the following? Happy Chanuka (in proximity to Chanuka) Happy Chanuka (not in proximity to ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

When blogging/emailing/etc., do I use "God" or "G-d"?

Is there a religious problem with typing out the name: "G-o-d"?
Shalom's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Am I allowed to give my kid a non-Hebrew (non-Jewish?) name?

I'd seen some poster that said it's horribly wrong to ever give your kid a non-Jewish/non-Hebrew name. Is that the norm?
Shalom's user avatar
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