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Book Request: Machshava by Topics

I am looking for a book that provides an anthology of sources on topics of machshava. Organised and that can be used as a reference book for learning a topic.
Nochie Wolf's user avatar
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The written Torah [duplicate]

Moses brought the Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai but our modern Torah contains more than just that. So when was the Torah as we have it today written?
barry esbin's user avatar
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Praying for too many people?

I have a list of people that I daven for, for many different things (shidduch, health, for them to lachzor betshuva, etc) It seems this list became too long though and I'm not able to focus on each ...
Yaakov tanur's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is the term "Memra" (Word) in the Targum Jerusalem Deuteronomy 24:7 connected with Avot De Rabbi Natan 34:9 and Sefer Yetzirah 1:9?

Targum Jerusalem Deuteronomy 26:17 goes like this: "You have chosen the Word of the Lord to be king over You this day, that he may be your God." Does this unique concept called "Word&...
user190208's user avatar
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Why in Deuteronomy does Moses introduce 200 new Mitzvot?

The Book of Numbers concludes the Torah narrative from the creation, through the Exodus, the Receiving of the Torah, the 40 years of the wilderness to make the Exodus generation go extinct, up to the ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Falsifying prophecy that is YET to be fulfilled

In the Torah, the definition of a false prophet relies on his prediction not to be fulfilled (Deut 19.1): וְכִי תֹאמַר בִּלְבָבֶךָ אֵיכָה נֵדַע אֶת־הַדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר לֹא־דִבְּרוֹ יְהֹוָה׃ אֲשֶׁר ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is "God of your ancestors will increase your numbers a thousandfold" considered prophecy?

In Deut 1.11 Moses says: "יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵכֶם יֹסֵף עֲלֵיכֶם כָּכֶם אֶלֶף פְּעָמִים וִיבָרֵךְ אֶתְכֶם כַּאֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר לָכֶם׃". I don't understand what it the "status" of ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Limud HaTorah in Mitzrayim

The Satmar Rav in Divrei Yoel (Parshas Vayigash, p. 480; left column) explains how Yaakov Avinu and his family were, halachically able, to leave Eretz Yisroel and settle in Mitzrayim because it is ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Why do we say Tzidkatcha Tzedek almost every Shabbat Mincha

It is known that in the Shabbat Mincha we use to say Tzidekatcha Tzedek for accepting the decree for the death of Moshe Rabbino who passed away during these hours as can be seen here. However, he died ...
Avi's user avatar
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Mah Tovu And Shem of 42 Letters

Does anyone know a source connecting the common nusach of Mah Tovu, which has 42 words to the Shem of 42 letters? I have searched online, Sefaria, and Otzar HaChochma without success yet.
YSK's user avatar
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what is the basis that there is no olah and fire burning on the altar any more?

BH Hi so I heard that the fire had to be constantly on and was even on during the time in the desert and eventually on the 17th of Tamuz during the times of the Romans, the perpetual fire and the ...
David 's user avatar
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Source for red of setting and rising Sun being from gehinnom and gan eden

A friend of mine once showed me a passage in the Talmud. It was talking about the red colour seen on the horizon when the Sun is setting and rising. If I remember rightly it said that the red from the ...
James Read's user avatar
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Ramban and Ibn Ezra on Genesis 24:1 and Sefer ha Bahir [closed]

In the commentary of Ramban and Rabbeinu Bahya is found very interesting concept called [Kol] (all) which could be found in Sefer ha Bahir. And Ibn Ezra in his commentary on Genesis 24:1 refuted this ...
user190208's user avatar
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Relation between Midrash Genesis Rabbah 51 and Targum Jerusalem Genesis 18:17

In Bereshit Rabbah 51 on Genesis 19:24 is found a very profound principle - whenever in the scripture is found "And the Lord, And the eternal" that means Hashem and his celestial court of ...
user190208's user avatar
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Evidence for the king and his Sefer Torah

One of the most defining characteristics of the Torah's king (Parshas Shoftim) is that he writes himself a Sefer Torah, carries it at all times, is constantly reading it "all the days of his life&...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Jewish Concepts Needed! [closed]

I like to write Divrei Torah every week. My old topic used to be Middos. I am now shifting the topic to Jewish Concepts / Phrases. This is my list so far: Mi K'amcha Yisrael Hashem Echad Ein Od ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
-5 votes
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Does Judges 13:21-23 show that G-d took flesh or that he appeared as angel? [closed]

In Judges 13:21-23, describes the angel of the Lord appearing to Manoah and his wife, who had been visited previously to announce the birth of their son, Samson, but in the verse the angel of the Lord ...
Connor Jones's user avatar
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Saving a life when the other person is putting himself at risk

Shalom, I was looking for some sources who could help answer a somewhat polemic questions: Is it still a commandment to save a person who purposely endangers himself because of an ilegal action. ...
Andres Bruck's user avatar
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Parable of the cedar and the reed

In masechet Taanit 20:1: the Gemara cites a parable about the cedar tree and the reed that when a southerly wind comes, it uproots the cedar, while the flexible reed will withstand this wind. It is ...
Avi's user avatar
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A list of quotes from ChaZaL about astronomy

I am learning some rudimentary astronomy at the moment. I am limiting myself to phenomena that can be observed with the naked eye. My aim is to get a complete understanding of the motion of the seven ...
James Read's user avatar
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Prophecies in Devarim 29 & 30 not fulfilled?

In Devarim 29:22 we see that G-d says that He will punish us by making our land “beyond sowing and producing”, but we see that before 1948, there was agriculture. In Devarim 30, G-d says that if we ...
aleeex's user avatar
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Why was Zebulun-Issachar pact limited to the two tribes and more questions

The Midrash (B"R 99) describes the arrangement (Rashi calls it a pact) where the tribe of Issachar was engaged in studying the Torah (presumably full-time) and the tribe of Zebulun engaged in ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Morrocan Sujood different?

Did Morrocan Jews practice Sujood in prayer before the contemporary era? If so did their tradition/practice differ from the Yemenite and Ethiopian traditions?
הראל's user avatar
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What are the halachic parameters of perishah min hatzibur?

We always hear about the concept of not being poreish min hatzibur. (I'll have to come back and edit the question with some examples when I'm not out.) Where is this concept defined in halachah? What ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Not wanting to rely on Bittul

I seem to remember one of the Poskim on Yoreh Deah (Shach?) saying that if one does not want to rely on Bittul to eat something into which issur fell (and was annulled via bittul) then he is akin to a ...
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Ramak's Pardes Rimonim English translation

I'm looking to see if anyone has translated the Pardes Rimonim of Moshe Cordovero into English. I found a record online of a translation by Elyakim Getz, but I can't find any information about who he ...
user22461046's user avatar
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If a man is wearing shorts which don't reach the knee, can he fulfill the mitzvah of Sh'ma? [duplicate]

There's plenty of information online on dress during prayer in general. But it's harder to find information on dress while saying Shma. My question Imagine that a man is wearing a pair of shorts. ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Were the idolatrous kings of Yisrael no longer Jewish? [duplicate]

In Rambam's Mishneh Torah, Laws of Idolatry 2:5 he states יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁעָבַד עֲבוֹדַת כּוֹכָבִים הֲרֵי הוּא כְּעוֹבֵד כּוֹכָבִים לְכָל דְּבָרָיו וְאֵינוֹ כְּיִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁעוֹבֵר עֲבֵרָה שֶׁיֵּשׁ ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
5 votes
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Is the Munich Talmud manuscript censored?

I was listening to a presentation about The Munich Talmud, a 1300s handwritten Talmud. My question is: Is that Talmud censored? Wikipedia says it is not censored and that it is a faithful ...
King of Sumer and Akkad's user avatar
-1 votes
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How are the ages of three for girls and nine for boys determined in practice? [duplicate]

IIRC, 3yo is the age for a girl to make the man lying with her liable for punishment (or fines), and 9yo is the age for boys. I also recall that sexual maturity is determined practically by physical ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Who are the other characters in our dreams?

In my very vivid dreams, I interact with many real and imaginary characters - some are my living and dead relatives, some are people from my past and present, people I've seen on TV and the Internet, ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why do Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur occur at the beginning of the Jewish year?

Why do Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, two of the most significant Jewish holidays, occur at the beginning of the Jewish year, while in secular contexts like business and academics, final exams or ...
sharon ariey's user avatar
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What is a Novardok "Vaad asiri kodesh"?

What is (was?) exactly a Vaad Asiri Kodesh [וועד עשירי קודש] in the context of Novardok Musarists? Could it be a collective moment too or was it just a time for individual introspection? Thanks!
net's user avatar
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If a Palestinian convert to Judaism can he get Israeli citizenship? [closed]

If a Palestinian convert to Judaism or even better to the religion of prophet Abraham, can he get Israeli citizenship ? Quran actually instructs Muslims to return to the religion of Abraham, so if ...
Shafeek's user avatar
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Do you have to tell your friend if you have hate for him Chas ve shalom in your heart?

I heard a person say that if you have hate towards a person in your heart you have to tell them about this because it's forbidden to keep those thoughts in your heart. Is this like if you feel ...
David 's user avatar
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Contradiction between the book of Exodus and the book of Ezekiel

In Exodus 34:7, it says that the consequences of sin can be passed down to the third and fourth generations, but in Ezekiel 18:20, it states that each person is responsible only for their own sins. ...
sharon ariey's user avatar
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Where can I find Asarah Ma'amarot in English online?

I'm looking for the English translation of Asarah Ma'amarot by Rabbi Menachem Azaria de Fano, specifically Ma’amar Chikur Din 3:21. It can be a community translation of that specific Ma'amar, or a ...
Yerushalma's user avatar
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Did King Solomon (Shlomo HaMelekh) execute personally?

When Shlomo haMelekh ordered executions, did he carry them out personally or were they done by executioners? (This question is especially about Shlomo and not other kings of Israel.)
הראל's user avatar
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Is it true that the yetzer hara for honor never goes away?

BH I heard someone say that the Yetzer Hara for all bad things eventually goes away with age, but the yetzer hara for honor never goes away. Is this true? If so, where does it say this?
David 's user avatar
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What are the meaning of some of these small letters in the Torah

BH Hi, I remember — correct me if I’m wrong — that the aleph of the first word of Vayikra is small because Moshe’s humility because he said how can I be written at the beginning of such a holy book so ...
David 's user avatar
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Can a shower be a Mikvah if so how? [duplicate]

I was told that a shower can be used if a Mikvah is not available. Is this so or only in certain cases?
Mider2009's user avatar
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What does ציר"ו stand for?

The Chida's Bris Olam (Sefer Chasidim 315), quoted by the Kaf Hachaim Palagi (21:9), uses an acronym ציר"ו - what does that stand for? וענין זה כשיעמיק האדם בו תסמר שערות בשרו ויהי ציר"ו ...
NJM's user avatar
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Chofetz Chayyim’s son-in-law

The book Ha-Tzaddik Rabbi Shimon (p 27) contains the following story, attributed to ‘the notes of the Chofetz Chayyim’s son-in-law’. Are these notes published or available, or is the excerpt in this ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Is getting home just before Tzeit Kochavim considered Shabbos violation?

If one arrives home during Bein Hashmashot, what is the din - is Shabbat violated or is it bedieved ok (not ideal but ok after the fact)? If violation, is it a d'Rabbanan (Rabbinic transgression) or d'...
Jay's user avatar
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Source for the permission to imagine Hashem as a person while davening

I have seen mentioned by a Rav the following regarding how we interact with Hashem during tefilah: "However, when we speak to Hashem, so for our benefit, He gives us permission to imagine that a ...
Judah S's user avatar
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Research shows that the human brain may stay active for hours after death. Implications for halacha?

[QUESTION SIGNIFICANTLY REVISED] There has been research that showed that "the time death is declared when the heart stops beating. As the heart stops beating, it stops pumping blood to the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Were Levites allowed to enter the Holy Place or was it only for priests?

The Bible shows that Aaron and his sons were chosen from the rest of the sons of Levi to officiate as priests, and these "other" Levites had secondary functions in religious service. There ...
jean-luc's user avatar
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Why the prohibition of idolatry doesn't stem from the Mitzvah of loving God?

The second commandment of the Ten, prohibits idolatry out of God's jealousy and harsh multi-generational punishment. In the current era of romanticism, jealousy usually arises from deep love and ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Can a Convert with a Jewish Father (Zera Israel) be a dayan?

Shalom, Following my question from this link: A Ben Ger who converted before his mother did - can he become a Dayan? Can a convert with a Jewish father (Zera Israel) be a dayan?
חיים's user avatar
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How were unruly wives dealt with by the Beit Din?

I have heard that if a husband wants to keep his wife bound, the Rambam would say the Beit Din should take him out back and beat him. My question is, what remedies did the Beit Din have for a wife who ...
Mider2009's user avatar
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