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*Asher Bamayim* (אשר במים) in kashrus halacha

To find the kashrus status of an organism, we first need to correctly classify it as plant, animal, bird, or asher bamayim*, as each group has its own distinct requirements. E.g., animals need to chew ...
Adám's user avatar
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What does the term "glatt kosher" mean, today?

A mashgiach explained to me that the term "glatt kosher" means that the lungs of cattle and sheep (the 2 main kosher animals sold in U.S.) are smooth and do not have air pockets. I hope that I have ...
DanF's user avatar
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What does having a Mehudar Etrog and Lulav mean over just having a kosher set?

I often hear the word 'Mehudar' used during this time of year to refer to special Lulav-and-Etrog sets. What does Mehudar mean?
yoshgoodman's user avatar
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Word for "strictly" parve

What word do people use to identify something as completely parve--that is, kosher to eat with meat or milk--as distinct from "b'chezkat chalavi/basari"/DE/nat bar nat? Would it be correct to say "l'...
SAH's user avatar
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