Questions tagged [women]

Questions about or that apply specifically to women.

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Should women recite the daily Nasi

Are women included in the custom to recite the Daily Nasi for the first 13 days of Nissan? Or no, since it is positive and time bound is it proper for them not to?
Kirk's user avatar
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Looking for nineties album of Zemirot changed to female gender [closed]

UPDATE: I was able to finally find it last night: Marcia Falk: Blessings In Song | Fran Avni As Mike, who referenced Marcia Falk’s book,suggested. Thanks!
Blythe's user avatar
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Are women obligated in Birkat Hachama

According to Halacha, are women obligated to recite Birkat Hachama? Or no, are they exempt from reciting it as a positive time bound commandment?
Kirk's user avatar
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Is reciting Tamid daily obligatory

According to Halacha, is the daily recitation of Tamid considered obligatory, or merely a strong minhag? If it is an obligatory recitation, are women also obligated to recite it or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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Are women obligated in neilah

According to Halacha, are women obligated to recite neilah on Yom Kippur? Or are they exempt because it is a positive time bound commandment?
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jewish women have exposed arm between shoulder and elbow

According to Halacha, do Jewish women have to cover their arms between their shoulder and elbow, or is it permissible for them to show skin there so long as the shoulder is completely covered? Would ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May women read the haftarah

The accepted orthodox Halacha is that women do not read from the weekly Torah portion publicly, and this is found in tractate Megillah 23a. My question is, would it be permissible for a woman to read ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Yibbum with an incompetent woman

According to Halacha, are Jewish men obligated to do Yibbum with their widowed sister in law if she is mentally incompetent (the equivalent of a deaf mute)? Or no, since she is not competent to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Kol Isha during mixed gender singing

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a man to listen to a woman and man (or multiple men and women) singing at the same time, on the principle the men’s voice would override kol Isha? Or would ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can men have women shave their peyot/beard

According to Halacha, 2 of the three negative commandments that don’t apply to women are shaving Peyot and shaving the corners of beards. My question is, is it permissible for a Jewish man to ask a ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Egg donation from a mamzer

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a Jewish woman who is a Mamzer to donate her eggs to help a non-Mamzer Jewish woman become fertile? Or no, because Mamzerim are prohibited from “entering ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is makeup generally tzanua on women

According to Halacha, are there any issues of tzniut for a woman to wear certain types of makeup? In general, I see it is accepted in the Frum world, but are there any types of makeup that could be ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are women obligated in the positive commandment of remission on Shemitta?

According to Halacha, Jews are supposed to remit the debts of other Jews every 7 years during the Shemitta year, which has a positive commandment and a negative commandment (aseh sheba and lav sheba). ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Does a woman have to dress tzniut in front of other women

According to Halacha, is there a requirement for a woman to dress tzniut around other women (with no men present)? Or, since there are no men around, is she permitted to dress in what would otherwise ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are women obligated to recite hallel on certain holidays

According to Halacha, a woman is exempt from certain time bound mitzvot. My question is, are women obligated to recite Hallel on certain Jewish holidays, or since it is time bound to those days are ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a husband or father object to a woman becoming a Nazir

According to Halacha, a husband or a father have a right to object to their wife or daughter (if their daughter is still under their father’s authority) taking a vow. My question is, does this apply ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are women obligated in kiddush on Yom tov

Women, despite being exempt from certain time bound positive commandments, are obligated to make kiddush on Shabbat. My question is, are women also obligated to make kiddush on Yom Tov or no? And ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Tzitzit and women

According to Halacha, women are exempt from being obligated to perform positive, time bound, commandments. My question is, since Tzitzit aren’t time bound but only required if one is going to wear a ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are body piercings ok for a Jewish woman to get? [duplicate]

My S/O wants to get a piercing just so she feels good about herself. We got into a small argument 15 minutes ago as I told her not to and shouldn't, and she started getting a bit defensive saying that ...
user avatar
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Is there a problem with gender pay discrimination

Inspired by this question I am curious if there is any issue in Halacha or anything else with paying (Jewish) women less than (Jewish) men or vice versa? Since there is a mitzvah to do business with ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can 3 women do dream rectification

According to the Shulchan Aruch OC 220:1 when one has a dream which makes them anxious, they can have 3 people rectify it. My question is, can this be done by 3 women?
Kirk's user avatar
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How far behind a woman can a man walk?

The gemara in Pesachim (iirc perek 10 or so) says it is forbidden to walk behind a woman on the street, to avoid unwanted thoughts. Behind is quite loose - is there a "safe distance"? What ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Bat mitzvah - I'm female aged 50. Never been taught or had a bat mitzvah

Are any immersion courses available for someone that never had a bat mitzvah...and at age 50 is this feasible?
Chetsiba's user avatar
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First-person grammatical changes in tefillah [duplicate]

Someone mentioned to me the idea that women should be saying "Modah ani" in the morning instead of "Modeh ani," which, grammatically speaking, makes sense. I've never seen any ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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What do women who normally abstain from drinking havdalah wine drink do when the Seder falls out after Shabbat?

There is a widespread custom that women do not drink from the wine used in the havdalah ceremony. When the seder falls out on motzei shabbat havdalah is incorporated into the kiddush, which women are ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Can a court retroactively annul a vow that was already annulled by the father/husband?

If a woman made a vow and violated it, and it was later annulled by her father/husband, can the court now annul the vow retroactively if it finds an opening, thereby exempting her from being liable?
שלום's user avatar
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Seeking Sources on the Russian Decree Regarding Jewish Dress Code

I am currently studying the later version of the Sefer “Daas Moshe VYisroel” and came across an interesting point in Rabbi Binyomin Rabinowitz's approbation letter. It states: "הנה מנהג חבישת פאה ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Why can’t a lady blow Shofar for a man?

If the Mitzvah is to hear the sound of the Shofar - not to blow it - then why can’t a man fulfill his obligation by hearing from a lady’s blowing, if the דין שומע כעונה doesn’t apply here?
שלום's user avatar
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Woman blowing shofar vs. hearing from a man?

If a woman knows how to blow shofar, is there any more mitzvah in her hearing it from a man vs. doing it herself? (Is it different that the mitzvah is lishmoa vs. al tekias?)
Shalom's user avatar
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Shmiras eineiyim for women [duplicate]

Is there any issue for women looking at men. Are there any halochus that apply only to women and not to men?
chaya landau's user avatar
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Can a woman take a spoon with her to the mikvah?

If a woman is going to the mikvah for herself and has a utensil that also has to be dipped in the mikvah, is there any halachic or public policy reason she can't take it with her? Possible reasons I ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Men and women swimming together [duplicate]

Is there any issue with men and women swimming togther in the same swimming pool if all people are covered properly with coverups and married womens hair is covered etc? If its not allowed what are ...
pine5900's user avatar
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Why does Hizkiya say that old men are a burden while old women are an asset, and would this apply today?

The Gemara in Arakhin 19a quotes Hizkiya, who explains why the value of a man decreases more with age than a woman's value decreases: אמר חזקיה אמרי אינשי סבא בביתא פאחא בביתא סבתא בביתא סימא בביתא ...
lgshost's user avatar
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Can pregnant women look at animals? [duplicate]

Ive heard that pregnant women should not look at animals. What is the inyan behind pregnant women not looking at animals?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Does the Torah prohibit men from shaking women hands? [duplicate]

My friend is devoutly Jewish and when he met my family, he shaked hands with all members of my family, accept for my mother and sister, claiming that both Judaism and the Torah prohibit men from ...
Connor David Jones's user avatar
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Source(s) that Rashi's daughters gave shiur in gemara to men, from behind a mehitza or curtain?

Rabbi Breitowitz says so in a shiur here, starting at 1:19:40, He says "It is brought down in some mekoros..." Anyone know the mekoros?
PurpleTurtle's user avatar
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Mechitza for Men and Women

Research suggests that a Mechitza is often implemented in a synagogue to prevent distractions and impure thoughts for men during prayer, which is understandable. However, it raises the question of why ...
bethebest 's user avatar
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Male and Female duties and responsibilities [closed]

The Torah indeed outlines distinct roles and responsibilities for men and women. However, the concept of "bitul Torah" traditionally pertains primarily to men. In my understanding, this ...
bethebest 's user avatar
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Who were the virgins in mishnah shekalim

Who were the virgins in Mishnah Shekalim 8:5 who sowed the veil? There are other mentions in 2 Maccabees about virgins.
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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Does a woman need to appoint a shomer when eating a meal or working before mincha?

Halacha says that once the time for Mincha arrives, unless one appoints a Shomer, one may not sit down to eat a meal or get initially involved in certain forms of work lest he forget to Daven. Would ...
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Wives of the Shevatim

Do any midrashim etc detail the names and background of each the wives of the sons of Jacob? I know the book of Jubilees does, but that is not considered 'canonical'. Besides that, I only know of the ...
ANH's user avatar
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Where can I learn about Serach bat Asher?

Looking for any books on the topic that go into all the aspects to her. Thanks.
JSarai's user avatar
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'Plonis' in Poskim on Nedarim 20

This page on Nedarim 20 is discussing the stringency of a husband avoiding thinking of other women during sex. When it comes to the Poskim ...
ANH's user avatar
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Women behind the kohanim during birchas kohanim

The halacha is during birchas kohanim you can not be behind the kohenim. Does anyone know if this does or does not apply to women in the ezras nashim in a situation where part of the ezras nashim is ...
shlomoBMG's user avatar
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Anyone have an English Translation of Abarbanel on Bereishis 1:27?

Anyone know of an English translation available of the Abarbanel's commentary on Perek 1, Passuk 27 of Bereishis?
PurpleTurtle's user avatar
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Does difference in population of men and women create problems?

How does Judaism view the sexual demography of the world in terms of that principle that each one must seek a partner in order not to feel alone as determined by God in Genesis? I know that various ...
Thales's user avatar
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Four counted as dead & Agunot

Nedarim 64b relates of the Gemara: "it was taught in a baraita: Four are considered as if they were dead: A pauper, and a leper, and a blind person, and one who has no children." Could one ...
ANH's user avatar
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כל כבודה בת מלך פנימה

The Chasam sofer in his commentary to Maseches Shabbos, writes that although the Gemara clearly states that women are obligated to light נר חנוכה, but due to modesty concerns כל כבודה בת מלך פנימה (...
shayachagigah's user avatar
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Is it permissible to listen to a woman speaking over a song if that is part of the song?

Consider this following song, Presence of Mind by Dynazty (I have marked it to the point relevant to my question). At this point, a male speaks over the song, and these are part of the song's lyrics. ...
Benyamin's user avatar
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Can a Yefat Toar be taken from nations who are ineligible for marriage?

My understanding is that a Yefat Toar (Devarim 21:10-14) is forcibly converted and can be married. The Torah prohibits marrying people from certain nations such as Egypt and Edom for a number of ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar

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