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Questions tagged [tzad-trapping]

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Is there an issur of Tzad (trapping) when returning a pet hamster to its cage on Shabbos?

Putting the issue of muktzah aside, the question is- do poskim discuss whether or not a pet hamster is already considered trapped? The baseline halacha is that a "domesticated" animal is ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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What does מטי ליה בחד שחיה mean regarding מלאכת צד on Shabbos

I found the following in קופת הרוכלים introduction to משניות שבת regarding מלאכת צד on Shabbos. I believe there is a mistake being made. As per ביצה כד. it seems that if an animal is already trapped ...
user3316598's user avatar
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Reason for dispute if chilazon has a melacha of trapping

The gemarra Shabbos 75a seems to say that someone who traps a chilazon violated the melacha of trapping on Shabbos. Tosafos brings the Yerushalmi (7:2, 52a) that says that one doesn't violate the ...
robev's user avatar
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How did Hevel acquire his flock?

In Bereishit 4:2-4 we read that Hevel was a keeper of sheep and that he offered from the firstlings of his flock. How did he come to acquire the flock? Did he have to trap them and domesticate them or ...
Yaakov_P's user avatar
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Is it Mutar to trap humans on Shabbos?

Is it Mutar to trap human beings on Shabbos? This would be relevant to a number of cases such as: 1) putting a young child in a crib 2) handcuffing a thief to a pole until the authorities come 3) ...
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