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Questions tagged [translation]

Questions about translation in general, or about translation of specific words in Jewish texts.

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1 vote
0 answers

Ramak's Pardes Rimonim English translation

I'm looking to see if anyone has translated the Pardes Rimonim of Moshe Cordovero into English. I found a record online of a translation by Elyakim Getz, but I can't find any information about who he ...
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1 answer

Where can I find Asarah Ma'amarot in English online?

I'm looking for the English translation of Asarah Ma'amarot by Rabbi Menachem Azaria de Fano, specifically Ma’amar Chikur Din 3:21. It can be a community translation of that specific Ma'amar, or a ...
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Is לַיְלָה, (Laylāh) a male or female angel? (Niddah 16b)

Depending on the translation, the angel called "Night" לַיְלָה, (Laylāh) is sometimes referred to as "he" and sometimes "she" - or in the case cited below simply "...
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0 answers

Meaning of a phrase my grandmother used [closed]

My grandmother used to say a certain Yiddish phrase when she was feeling pestered. It was something like, "Die hachen meina chynukah!" It seemed to mean something like, "Get off my back!...
1 vote
1 answer

Does anyone have this paragraph from the Be'er HaGolah in English or Spanish?

Does anyone have the Be'er HaGolah on Shulchan Arukh in English or Spanish? Only looking for the paragraph below: Be'er HaGolah on Shulchan Arukh, Choshen Mishpat 348 ה) וכ"כ הרמב"ם בפי"...
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2 answers

Hebrew phrase/term and pronunciation for "the Lord is my high ridge" from Psalm 18.2

I would really appreciate to know the original Hebrew phrase/term and its pronunciation for "the Lord is my high ridge" from Psalm 18.2
-1 votes
2 answers

Masoretic v Septuagint

Having come across some claims, and some websites, there seems to be a disagreement between the Masoretic and Septuagint scrolls/texts and that one is more or less reliable than the other. Are there ...
-1 votes
1 answer

In Genesis 22:14, which is more accurate: Yehova Yireh or Adonai Yireh? Are they the same or not? The Hebrew is יהוה. What does it mean?

In Genesis 22:14, Abraham calls the place "Yehova [יהוה] Yireh, which I always understood as “God will provide”. But is it really “Adonai [יהוה] Yireh” which your site has “On God's mountain he ...
3 votes
4 answers

Translation of the word "nimshal"

Rabbinic writings (e.g. * Rabbah and other midrash) use the words "mashal" (noun) and "nimshal" (verb). What do these terms mean in English? I've heard "parable" or "allegory" for the noun but I am ...
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0 answers

Is there an English translation of Rambam's perush hamishnah?

I am aware of individual masechtos that have been rendered into English however I am unaware of any systematic translation effort of Maimonides' entire commentary on the mishnah. Does it exist?
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4 answers

English Translation of Rabbi Chaim Volozhin's Nefesh ha-Chaim?

I need to find an English translation of Nefesh Hachaim. Preferably one that is gratis on the World Wide Web. Thanks!
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3 answers

Where I can find the Iggeret Hashemad of the Rambam online in English?

Where I can find the Iggeret Hashemad of the Rambam online in English? There are lots of scholarly resources talking about it, but I am unable to find the words of Rambam complete in translation.
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1 answer

Differences in meanings between similar pronouns (עָלָיו, לוֹ); likewise (יהוּ,- יו-)

Is there someone who discusses the differences between pronoun synonyms? I'm thinking of two sets as examples, both of which occur within a few pesukim of each other in perek 5 of Shir HaShirim: 5:4 ...
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1 answer

What's the difference in meaning between the words טעם and עילה?

In the introduction to Chovos Halevavos, R. Bachya (as translated by R. Yehuda Ibn Tibbon) writes: מצות השמע שאין השכל מחייב בהם ולא דוחה אותם כאיסור בשר בחלב ושעטנז וכלאים והדומה להם ממה שנעלמה ממנו ...
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What do these footnotes mean?

BH Hi, what do these footnotes mean? Are they related to the text?
3 votes
1 answer

Could someone translate & explain the Mesorah?

I stumbled across this unusual Mesorah note and was wondering if someone could translate & explain it. I've not noticed this before in any other Tanakh and so I'm curious.
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2 answers

Rambam Interlinear Online?

Does anyone know a place online where I can find and English, interlinear translation of the Rambam? The only English I found is on the website. But that is far from interlinear. So ...
3 votes
1 answer

Has the Yalkut Yosef been translated into English in its entirety?

I know work on the Yalkut Yosef (English) Saka Edition has been ongoing, but I was wondering if all volumes have now been released or if there’s an estimated release date for when all the books will ...
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1 answer

Seeking an English version of Minchat Chinuch

Is there an English version of Minchat Chinuch by "Rabbeinu Yosef" (Yosef Ben Moshe Babad, 1800–1874), a commentary on the Sefer ha-Chinuch?
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1 answer

Daniel 9:24 -- The purpose and meaning of the words in brackets?

Daniel 9:24: שָׁבֻעִ֨ים שִׁבְעִ֜ים נֶחְתַּ֥ךְ עַֽל־עַמְּךָ֣ ׀ וְעַל־עִ֣יר קׇדְשֶׁ֗ךָ לְכַלֵּ֨א הַפֶּ֜שַׁע (ולחתם) [וּלְהָתֵ֤ם] (חטאות) [חַטָּאת֙] וּלְכַפֵּ֣ר עָוֺ֔ן וּלְהָבִ֖יא צֶ֣דֶק עֹֽלָמִ֑ים ...
4 votes
1 answer

Translation help: powers of the seven great men of the city

I'm struggling with a particular part of the reasoning of the Mahari ben-Lev in responsum 2:72, in which he addresses whether or not the טובי העיר have the power to make a rule banning townsfolk from ...
21 votes
6 answers

"Anyone who saves a life is as if he saved an entire world": Jewish life or any life?

I am puzzled by the Mishnah's original text of the famous Jewish idea that "whoever saves one life [...] saves an entire world" (Sanhedrin 4:5). The English from reads thus: "It was for ...
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0 answers

What is the exact translation of עד־עולם?

I was asking another question about how long Hashem's anger lasts and I saw some people were claiming that עד־עולם doesn't mean forever but rather until moshiach. What is the proper translation and ...
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1 answer

English translation for Kovetz Maamarim?

I’m looking for an English translation of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman’s sefer, “Kovetz Maamarim”. Are there any publications?
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What does להדיאש mean?

In the sefer על הגאולה ועל התמורה, in the middle of the פרקי פתיחה. It's written: ונהירא שבאמצע המערכה נגד גזירת הבריכה בשנת תשי"ח ונאסר אז עליו הדיבור מצד הרופאים, והציעו לפניו מטעם איזה רבנים ...
3 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning of the words חציפא נצח לבישה

The Ramban, sidra Bo 13:16, writes as follows: ,וזו כוונתם במה שאמרו ז"ל (ירושלמי תענית פ"ב ה"א) ויקראו אל אלהים בחזקה (יונה ג ח), מכאן אתה למד שתפלה צריכה קול, חציפא נצח לבישה (עי' ...
0 votes
1 answer

Guide for which parts of the Maggid (in the Seder) need to be done in Hebrew?

I have heard that most of the Maggid can just be done in your native language, but there are some parts which should be done in Hebrew. Which parts are these? (sources if possible, please)
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Understandig the Chiddushei HaRim on the sin of Nadav and Avihu

The Chiddushei HaRim (Parshas Shemini, p. 168) explains what really lies behind the sin of Nadav and Avihu. He seems to explain that when G-d gives us a mitzvah, doing that mitzvah, without knowing ...
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1 answer

What is this intro to this rendition of Kah Echsof?

My inability to hear lyrics, and my inabilities in Yiddish require me to ask the fine folk here what exactly is being said in the first words that precede Kah Echsof in this rendition. Could someone ...
10 votes
2 answers

Shochtim who learned from translated materials

The Maharil in his Tshusvos Chadashos ("New Responsa," mentioned here), writes (Siman 93) that the custom is not to give kabblah to shochtim who learned the laws shechita in German (translated ...
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0 answers

What does the phrase HY''D mean?

What does "Hashem yikom damam" mean? Does it imply Hashem will take revenge on the murderer? Being that we believe every soul taken was a decision made by Hashem, even if it's impossible to ...
10 votes
6 answers

What is the firmament?

In Genesis 1:6-8 the firmament and its creation are mentioned for the first time: And God said: 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.' ...
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The Chofetz Chaim on the attitude of the people during the Purim-story

I saw in the sefer (החפץ חיים חייו ופעלו ג ) that the Chofetz Chaim explains the attitude of the people during the Purim-story. It seems that he says that our ancestors feared that they could not ...
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1 answer

The Alshich's explanation on the machatzis hashekel

The Alshich HaKodesh (Shemos, 30:13, sv. והנה על דבר שיעור מחצית השקל ולא שקל שלם) seems to explain what the reason is behind the machatzis hashekel - the half shekel - he seems to be saying that the ...
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2 answers

English translation of Alei Shur (Rabbi Wolbe)

I was wondering if anyone knows of an English translation of Alei Shur by Rabbi Wolbe? I have yet to find one.
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Can someone please translate this commentary by Malbim on Psalm 84:7

Here’s the relevant text: עברי, והמסלות האלה הנמצאות בלבבם הם עוברים בעמק הבכא, שבבל היתה עמק ומלאה בכאים ואילנות, כמו שנקראת בשם נחל הערבים, והמליץ תפס תחת הערבים שם בכאים, שיש בהוראתו גם בכי, כי על ...
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1 answer

Who is "TL" translator/commentator of Hovot Halevavot?

Bitahon and Hishtadlut for livelihood In the top answer they bring a quote from Hovot Halevavot with one sentence added at the end from "TL". Who is TL?
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Shulchan Aruch Hebrew-English Sefer [duplicate]

Is there a good Hebrew-English Shulchan Aruch translation for purchase? I haven’t seen one, which is surprising. Note: I’m not looking for Kitzur SA
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1 answer

What’s up with the translations of Genesis 49:22?

In Genesis 49 when Jacob blesses his sons the blessing he gives to Joseph is usually rendered (in most translations) as something similar to: “Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Translation of the Aruch haShulchan

Is there a translation of the Aruch haShulchan available anywhere? If so, does it include the Hebrew? Is it in print or online? Does it follow tzurat hadaf?
11 votes
3 answers

Sefaria and Rabbinic Endorsements

Sefaria is a popular Web site with various translations of holy texts. Are any rabbinic authorities on record as endorsing or forbidding it? Translations can be subjective. It is inevitable that one's ...
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Does an English translation of Rashbam on Bava Batra exist on the internet?

Is there an English translation of Rashbam on Bava Batra somewhere on the internet?
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Who are Simon/Sperling/Levertoff the translators of the Soncino Zohar?

I am looking for an English Zohar and found this: It lists the translators - however I could not find anything about these people online. My goal is to ...
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1 answer

What is the difference in meaning between the words עֵ֭דֹתֶיךָ and עֵדְוֺתֶ֥יךָ

The word for “Your decrees” (Sefaria) appears in Tehillim 119 (& elsewhere) in two forms with and without the letter “vav”. The meanings seem to be identical but the pronunciation is different. ...
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4 answers

Meaning of Purim

What is the origin/meaning of the word Purim? I always assumed it meant the multiple lots of Haman, but I just heard a shiur saying the word Purim comes from "pirurin" - little things - of the ...
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Which English translation to use for shnayim mikrah?

According to some poskim, a person can be yotzei his obligation of shnayim mikrah ve'echad targum by reading the pesukim twice and an English translation once. If I remember correctly, this is only ...
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2 answers

Jeremiah 23:33 - "burden"?

I have difficulties to understand the German term "Last" or "Lastwort" in the common Christian German translations of Jeremiah chap 23, verse 33 (corresponding to "burden" in English versions). Thanks ...
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1 answer

What does this blessing say?

Besides the obvious 5784 in the top right corner :) , what does this blessing say?
3 votes
1 answer

English translation of Ibn Ezra's Torah commentary

I'm trying to look for a book with Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Torah, with both Hebrew, and English translations. However, I can't find one. Could anyone recommend a book which has this?
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1 answer

What is the Correct Translation of Leviticus 19:18?

I realize there are debates about whether how this commandment should be interpreted. My question is about how it should be translated. My Hebrew is far from fluent, so can someone help me understand ...

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