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Why does the Steinstalz Talmud interpret this one sentence in contradiction to Rashi?

A sentence towards the bottom of Sanhedrin page 5b speaks of kneading dough in a state of impurity. דתניא פעם אחת הלך רבי למקום אחד וראה בני אדם שמגבלין עיסותיהם בטומאה ...‏ In the English Koren ...
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Meaning of the word בר in Proverbs 31:2

I'm a ben Noach. I was studying the use of the word בר in the Mishlei Shlomoh and I noticed that many important translations translate Proverbs 31:2 as follows: "What, my son? and what, son of ...
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Does an English translation of Rashbam on Bava Batra exist on the internet?

Is there an English translation of Rashbam on Bava Batra somewhere on the internet?
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