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17 votes
4 answers

Is there a source for not requiring Tevilah for the first use?

I have heard (as I'm sure many others have) that one can use a utensil one time before Tevilah. At the same time, I've heard that this is a common misconception. Is there anyone who holds that this ...
yydl's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Eating on someone else's untoveled dishes

One must tovel (immerse in a mikve) various kinds of dishes before first use, and may not eat from his own dishes until they are toveled. Is it likewise forbidden to eat from someone else's untoveled ...
yitznewton's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Why does a Meat Thermometer not need Tevilla?

In this answer, We were told that "according to the Star-K Tevila Guidelines, no tevila is required for a meat thermometer." Why not? From the Star-K's article on Tevillat Kelim: Utensils ...
Menachem's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Aluminum Pan Reuse

If you reuse an Aluminium pan does it then require a Tevilah as it is no longer a one time use disposable pan and now is a Keli which requires Tevilah?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Tevilat Keilim on a gift

If I buy a food-utensil from a gentile to give as a gift to a Jew, can I tovel it before giving it to him, or must he do it himself as the final intended owner? Is there a difference between glass and ...
Double AA's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Electric Appliances and Mikva

Do electric appliances need to be dunked (toveled) in a mikva? Obviously, if the parts that touch the food are removable (e.g. an electric mixer's bowl and blade, or a blender's carafe, or the ...
Shalom's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Does a cholent bag/aluminum foil take away the need to tovel the pot?

If no food touches it, does it need to be toveled (immersed in mikvah)?
cube's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Does a ger have to tovel their dishes?

When a ger finishes their conversion, must they tovel (immerse in a mikvah) their dishes? Does it matter if they had toveled them previously?
yoel's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Would a metallic prosthetic hand require immersion?

Normally, a metal utensil used to eat with, such as a fork, requires immersion before its first use if it had been owned by a gentile. If a person has a metallic prosthetic hand which he uses to eat, ...
user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Does a coffee grinder require Tevillah (immersion) in a Mikvah?

I recently bought a coffee grinder with non-removable burrs (rather than a blade). The only parts of the machine that is actually of a substance that requires Tevillah are the burrs themselves. I ...
Seth J's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Tevilas Keilim for a meat thermometer

Does a meat thermometer need to undergo tevillas keilim before use, since it does not really do anything to prepare the food itself?
Dave's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Immersing a dish used for a gift

(Based in part on this question.) If I purchase a new dish that would require immersion, and I use the dish FOR a gift (I bring brownies on the dish to my Jewish neighbor), and I do not intend to ...
Seth J's user avatar
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8 votes
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Food utensil on loan from now-dead non-Jew

Do non-Jews have laws of inheritance in halacha? If so, what are they? Okay... that's not my real question, though I think it's a good part of my real question; in the interests of avoiding the so-...
msh210's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Can one engrave on a utensil bought from a non jew to avoid the need for tevilla?

Yahu made the following comment on the question posed as "Electric Appliances and Mikva" "Breaking does not mean that it can not work. As long as what you are doing affects the vessel ...
Aron's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Does a wine bottle stopper require tevillah?

Does a wine bottle stopper require tevillah?
Yaakov Goldstone's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why tovel new dishes?

Yes, we tovel due to Bamidbar 31:23, but what is the logic? I am looking for an explanation that will address the following questions. Do we tovel to kasher or to remove tuma or for another reason? ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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2 answers

Does wine bottle cut into a drinking glass need to be toveled?

I've been cutting wine bottles into drinking glasses as gifts for friends and am wondering if they need to be taken to the mikveh as they now could be considered "new" containers. Does a wine bottle ...
verbatim's user avatar
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3 answers

Do you have to re-tovel non-Pesach dishware after buying it back?

"Utensils which are bought from a non-Jew, even if they are brand new, require immersion in a kosher mikveh." --From Weekly Halacha: Selected Halachos Related to Parshas Vayera by Rabbi Doniel ...
SAH's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Keilim Mikva design

I live in a neighborhood where it is difficult to find a Keilim mikva. Are there any designs available for how to build one? Is it as hard to build as a human mikva?
Rabbi Yaakov's user avatar
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Can someone [be] tovel accidentally? (Does tovelling need kavanah?)

Does tovelling, either for vessels or a person, require kavanah (intent) to achieve the purification? Let's say someone went bathing in the river, or for whatever reason just fell in naked; for dishes,...
Scimonster's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can one Tovel dishes in snow?

We learned that: If no cup is available for washing one's hands, one can immerse them into a river or into snow, if there's enough snow on the ground to fill a Mikve. (About 500 litres/130 gallons of ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Does a French Press Shoulder Nut Require Tevila?

On a French press, there is a piece that sits on the bottom of the plunger rod above the filtering discs called a shoulder nut. The purpose of this piece is to keep the filtering discs plunged down ...
YDK's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Kashering and tevilas of corkscrews

Do they need to be Kashered? Toiveled? If yes to #1, how? One potential issue with not kashering a corkscrew is that it could have had contact with non-kosher wine. I'm not sure whether it would ...
SAH's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Tevilat keilim 101: I have these new dishes; now what?

I am trying to improve the kashrut level in my kitchen. The food itself has been kosher for years as best I know (ingredients, separation of meat and milk), but I didn't always know all the other ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Dishes were used without tevilat keilim; can one just do tevila now or is something else needed?

If dishes have only ever been used for kosher food but they were not toveled (immersed), what steps must be taken per halacha to be able to continue using them? Can one just take them to the mikvah ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

toveling racks from new built in wall oven

If someone is having a wall oven installed, should the racks that come with the oven be toveled as a separate item? Note that racks of this type can be removed from the oven.
Diane Seiferas's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can an item toveled by someone non-religious be used?

If a cooking pot was expressly intentionally toveled in a kosher mikva by someone who is not religious (intentionally does not keep shabbat, kosher etc.) and did not make a blessing, but followed all ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Gathering my own rainwater to tovel

Is it permissible to tovel dishes in a bucket which I've left outside to gather rainwater? Is there an issue, for instance, if there hasn't been rain for a period of time?
Benjamin G's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Using mikva under owners conditions

I recently passed a keilim mikva which is located in a highly congested area.There is no charge to use the mikvah. Right above the mikva there was a big sign that said " you do not have permission to ...
sam's user avatar
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0 answers

Don't rely on rov for general blessings, but do for tevila

The Mishnah Berurah (215:20) brings from the Chayei Adam (Kelal 5) and Pri Megadim (Pesicha LeHilchos Berachos) that even if there's sfek sfeka (a double doubt) telling you to make a blessing, we don'...
robev's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Two brachos one mikvah

If I made a bracha and immersed two vessels, and then someone came over and asked me to immerse their vessel as well, since I did not have their vessel in mind, do I say a new bracha?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Bracha change on Tevilas Keilim

Yoreh Deah 120:3 one who Toivels a vessel should make the Bracha "Al Tevilas Keli". However if one Toivels two or more vessels they should make the Bracha "Al Tevilas Keilim". Aruch HaShulchan Yoreh ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is immersion of utensils (tevila) valid before koshering (hagala)?

dinonline (here) writes that The hagalah [koshering of non-kosher utensils] should be done before the tevila [immersion in a mikve]. Are there other sources saying so? Are there sources saying ...
mbloch's user avatar
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4 answers

Microwave tray tevilah

Does you need to tovel the glass plate from a microwave in a mikvah, and do you need a Bracha?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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2 answers

Order for tevilah and kashering

This is an extension of this question. If one purchases used keilim from a non-Jew which would require both tevilah and kashering, which order is prescribed: tevilah then kashering or kashering then ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Nutcracker Tevilah

Does a Nutcracker need tevilah? What about Poultry Scissors? Can opener?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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Tevilas Keilim for Glass

Does glass need tevilas keilim? And if so, does one make a Bracha?
yydl's user avatar
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Do hookahs need to be Toiveled?

I saw this question somewhere else said as a joke but, seriously, does a hookah require tevilah (immersion)? After all, why wouldn't smoking be like ingesting food, as on some level you are ingesting ...
simchastorah's user avatar
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2 answers

Do Israeli silver gifts (e.g. kiddush cups) need to be dunked in the mikva?

People get these nice Israeli silver gifts like kiddush cups or fountains -- do they need to be dunked in the mikva?
Shalom's user avatar
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Tevila on mouthwash cup

In some people's sink area they keep a glass or metal cup to wash their mouth out after they brush their teeth. Must one Tovel that cup even though they don't swallow the water/liquid? Plus, even if ...
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Toveling an item with Hashgacha

Many years ago, my parents bought me a jar of cider which had a hashgocha clearly visible on it. The cider came in a handled mug with a top (like this
rosends's user avatar
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Can a woman take a spoon with her to the mikvah?

If a woman is going to the mikvah for herself and has a utensil that also has to be dipped in the mikvah, is there any halachic or public policy reason she can't take it with her? Possible reasons I ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Tevila in Keilim Mikva without permission

Recently was at a Keilim Mikva which had a sign "No Tevila allowed for outside utensils. Only utensils purchased at this store may be Toiveled here". I was wondering if one goes ahead and ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
4 votes
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Tevilat keilim - one item definitely needs a beracha, the others dont

When there is a safek regarding whether to do tevilat keilim on an item we generally don't say a beracha when tovelling the item since this beracha is d'rabbanan i.e., tovel without a beracha. However,...
bondonk's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Toivel a hot and cold water cooler?

I recently bought a hot and cold water cooler for our house. I thought it was a simple gift. I bought one with a stainless steel water basin to help avoid possible health issues with plastic (and ...
Chaim's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Tovelling a non-stick pan

Should a metal pan with a non-stick coating be tovelled and if so, should it be with a bracha? Does the non-stick coating mean that it isn't counted as a metal pan and therefore it doesn't require ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
3 votes
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Toiveling Keilim on Shabbos

Can you Toivel Keilim on Shabbos?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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Tevilath Keilim in a creek or other natural body of water

Are there any special rules to be aware of in order to do Tevilath Keilim in a creek or other natural body of water, as compared to a Mikvah?
Seth J's user avatar
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Where are the 24-hour keilim mikvaot in NYC?

Can anyone help me find a 24-hour keilim mikvah in NYC, preferably Manhattan or Brooklyn? (NOT the East River.) There must be a ton of them, but it's surprisingly impossible to find a listing online.
SAH's user avatar
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Would silverware intended for one-time kosher use (e.g. airlines) need to be immersed in a mikva?

According to the Star-K, First Class and Business Class meals are double wrapped in real chinaware and sealed with kosher certification tape. They are then sent to the airline food service caterer ...
Shalom's user avatar
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