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Do cooling racks need to be toiveled?

Similar to but different from this question, do cooling racks need to be toiveled?
Hershy S.'s user avatar
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When does a pot/pan need to be toveled?

If I buy a pot/pan with intention to only use it a few times and then discard it (away on vacation and no intention of bringing it home) does it need to be toveled?
Rachel Greenberg's user avatar
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Toveling Stainless Steel Food Thermos

How does one tovel a stainless steel food thermos that has a sticker on the outside that has powerful glue, and cannot be removed. As the food only makes contact with the inside, is this toveling ...
Daniel P.'s user avatar
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Dipping in a basket vs. on a bench

Note that a spring is usable as a mikva for some purposes (e.g., a zav or m'tzora's dipping) and in some conditions (viz, with fewer than forty s'a and/or while not pooled) that a mikva is not. ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is one allowed to dine in a home where pots are kosher but not toiveled?

What would be the halachic course of action if one is invited for a meal on shabbos to a family who are shomer shabbos and kosher, but readily admit that they never toiveled their pots/dishes? Is it ...
shoshana's user avatar
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Tvilas keilim in winter - better in river or lake? (if no mikva around)

In a situation where it's winter and two options are available, is it better to toivel in a river or in a lake? Which option is preferable? Both the river and lake are "medium large". When I ...
ShoulO's user avatar
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Does porcelain require immersion in the mikvah?

Does porcelain need to be immersed in the mikvah? What do ashkenazim hold? How about sefardim? And hassidim?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Does a tea infuser need to be immersed in the mikvah?

I don't know the criteria for an item to be required to be immersed in the mikvah before use. Does a loose tea infuser (images below) need to be immersed? You put loose tea leaves into it and then ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Receiving dishes from a Jew - toivel (immerse)?

I inherited a set of dishes from a Jew. I don't know how observant this Jew was. Do I need to toivel them?
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Does a thin layer of glue on a food vessel disqualify it's emersion in a kaylim mikveh?

I recently purchased metal drinking bottles. I tried the best I could to remove all of the sticker that came with the purchase. A thin layer of glue remains. Can I halachically toyvel it?
Yosef Nanach's user avatar
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Toiveling of Industrial Equipment

Recently, I made some vodka at home and my friend (modern orthodox) asked that it be toiveled so that he may drink the beverage. However, I know that extremely religious Jews will drink whiskey or ...
Dan Green-Leipciger's user avatar
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Does one need to tovel enamelware?

Does one need to tovel keilim that are indicated as being made of "enamelware"? Should a bracha accompany the tevila?
SAH's user avatar
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Can a Jew use a knife that belongs to a non-Jew?

I know there's a whole thing about a Jew being allowed to use the kli of a non-Jew without tevilah, but I don't know the extent of that allowance. I was part of a conversation on facebook where ...
FrumFromBaaleiTeshuva's user avatar
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Are metim toiveled in regular mikvaos?

I just learned that metim are toiveled as part of the preparation for burial. I assume this is done in a mikvah. I assume this is not the same mikvah that the living use to toivel themselves or their ...
SAH's user avatar
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Should the bracha for toiveling be repeated for subsequent immersions in a toiveling "session"?

If one is immersing multiple kelim in a toiveling "session" does the bracha need to be repeated for each immersion or can the bracha be said once at the start? Also, if one is toiveling a kli that is ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Do ceramic salt and pepper shakers need to be immersed in a Mikvah before use?

Considering that salt and pepper shakers aren't used to eat food with directly, nor are they used to make food, do they have to be immersed in a Mikvah before using if they are ceramic?
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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Loosely holding utensils in a mikve - halacha development

The Rambam (Hilchot Mikvaot 2:11) does not allow loosely holding a utensil in a mikve When one holds another person or an implement and immerses them, they remain impure. This applies even if he ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Does a table require tevila?

Does a table need to be toiveled if it is made of glass? It doesn't seem to be common practice, but I would think it's a כלי אכילה.
Ribis Shmibis's user avatar
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tevilat keilim - ger toshav and meshumad

Do keilim (eating utensils) bought from an artisan who is a ger toshav (observant non-Jew) require tevilah (ritual immersion)? Conversely, what if the artisan is a meshumad (Jewish idolator/heretic)?
Loewian's user avatar
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Tovel a dish used only occasionally for food use

If a dish (or the like) is used primarily for such use as doesn't demand that the owner tovel it, but occasionally for such use as does demand t'vila, then does the owner need to tovel it? Here are ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why do we need the second reason?

Chagigah 3:8: כָּל הַכֵּלִים שֶׁהָיוּ בַמִּקְדָּשׁ, טְעוּנִין טְבִילָה, חוּץ מִמִּזְבַּח הַזָּהָב וּמִזְבַּח הַנְּחֹשֶׁת, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהֵן כַּקַּרְקַע, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים,...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Who has a toiveling service in Los Angeles?

What does a single girl do if she has a whole set of dishes (service for 12) to toivel and no time to do it herself? I contacted Dish Dunking Service but he was unreliable and did not call back this ...
Linda's user avatar
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What kinds of metals need immersion in a mikvah?

Metal (and glass) utensils used for food require immersion in a mikvah. What counts as a metal for this purpose? Note that there is no universally accepted scientific definition of a metal.
Ypnypn's user avatar
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Delayed commandment for immersion of vessels?

In parshas Mattos, Bemidbar 31:19-20 we learn about ritual immersions for people and vessels who went to a war. These laws are taught after the war with Midian. Why did the Torah delay teaching these ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Do yartzeit glasses need to be toveled for use as drinking glasses?

Do glass containers for yahrtzet candles need to be toveled to use as drinking glasses after the candles have been totally consumed?
s. Stern's user avatar
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to grate cheese with a saw not Toveled?

The mishna in Masechet Shabbat says: A man may take a hammer to split nuts, a chopper to cut [a round of] pressed figs, a saw for sawing cheese, a spade to scoop dried figs, a winnowing shovel and ...
kouty's user avatar
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Tevila for a plastic kettle?

Does a kettle 1, whose body made of plastic, need tevila? (Do we consider the body, or the metallic resistor?) 1 A very classic electrical kettle, ie a jug with a warming resistor immersed into the ...
yO_'s user avatar
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Touching Keilim While Toveling

Is one obligated to hold the object he or she is toveling? That is, if they put the object in a bag, let's say, and dunk the bag such that the object is entirely immersed, is that a kosher tevilah? Or ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Toivel a utensil used in a store

A local (jewish/frum owned) store near me sells these little glass cups with mousse in them (produced by a non Jewish company). Do such cups require tevillah from the stores perspective? follow up ...
mroll's user avatar
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Why don’t we have to toivel hot water heaters?

If a water heater is essentially a giant pot why is it different than a coffee urn which does the same thing but is required to be toiveled?
Yaakov's user avatar
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Kashrut of second-hand silverware

Note: I've just emailed my rav to request a psak, this question is purely to explore the halachic background of the issue. Does second-hand silverware require both tevilah and kashering? If one is ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Barbeque grill tevila

It seems the popular opinion of Kashrus organizations is to require dipping the actual grill. See here by footnote 48 in the name of OU.
user6591's user avatar
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Can tevilas keli be avoided by giving the item to another Jew and borrowing it back from him?

The idea of giving an item that is difficult to immerse in a mikvah to a non-Jew and then borrowing it back is known to me (see for example the answer from “Lechayam” to the related question Electric ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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tevilas kitchen carts

Do stainless steel top kitchen carts require tevila prior to placing food items (such as fruit) directly on them?
Loewian's user avatar
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Why doesn't the Rambam mention the Brochah on Tevillas Keilim?

Why doesn't the Rambam mention the Brochah on Tevillas Keilim? Even if he holds its a Mitzve Drabanon (as this is subject to an argument), but by others he specifies the Brochah. So why is it ...
Solly's user avatar
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Immerse an item to be used only with a liner? [duplicate]

As a general rule, one must immerse, in a mikve, any glass or metal utensil or receptacle obtained from a non-Jew and to be used for preparing, serving, or eating food. (Source, source.) What if it's ...
msh210's user avatar
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vessels and dipping [closed]

How many times does one halachically have to dip a vessel into a mikveh? Is one allowed to wet his hand in the מקוה prior to dipping as opposed to letting go of the vessel so that the water can ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Tevilla for second hand dishes

I heard once that if a Jew, who is trustworthy in halacha, gives you their second hand dishes, which they definitely tovelled themselves, you still have to tovel them again. I was young and ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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May a Jew Benefit from non-Toiveled utensils

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a Jew to benefit from selling non-Toiveled utensils to non-Jews or no? For example, if Jews decide to buy up the rights to a silverware company that sells ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is Tevilas Keilim needed? [duplicate]

Regarding a ceramic crock pot that is always used with a plastic liner does it need tevila? or since food never touches pot its fine? I looked it up
Chaim Streimel's user avatar
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Rav S.Z. Auerbach on Toveling Tables and Refrigerator Shelves

According to Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, z"l, as cited by the Kof-K, tables do not require tevila. However, he is cited in the same Kof-K article as having seemingly allowed omitting tevila of ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Untoiveled but used dinnerware and cookware - how to salvage if possible? [duplicate]

What's the deal with untoiveled, but used, dinnerware and cookware? Can they still be toiveled to make usable/kosher or must it all be tossed?
JBear's user avatar
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Nespresso Machine Tevilas Keili alternatives

I recently acquired a new Nespresso coffee machine that will most probably be damaged if immersed. (The warranty will be void if immersed). Are there any alternatives to Tevila? I've heard you can ...
user3211's user avatar
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Does a dish received as a gift from another Jew need to be toveled? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Tevilat Keilim on a gift If I buy Ploni a new coffee mug, does he need to tovel it? Did I need to tovel it?
yoel's user avatar
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Do dental instruments need to be toyveled?

Metal utensils that will be used to handle food that's to be consumed generally need first to be immersed in a mikvah ("toyveled") (if owned by a Jew). If the food or utensil is hot, the utensil must ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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When does a keli not require immersion?

So I have been told on a few occasions that a keli that can hold a certain large amount of water does not require immersion before use. What is the minimal amount in gallons that would make t'vila ...
Dude's user avatar
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Does chinaware need Tevilat keilim

According to Halacha, does chinaware need tevilat keilim when it is bought by a Jew from a gentile or no? Is this question a machloket amongst the different poskim?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Should I say the bracha when I immerse the vessel in the Mikve if I don't know what it is made of?

For example: we immerse without bracha on utensils made of porcelain, but utensils made of glass we do immerse with bracha. If I don't know if it's actually made of glass or porcelain, what should I ...
Jonhz's user avatar
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Do I need to toivel Britta water pitcher?

Does a Britta water filtering pitcher need toiveling?
DevorahK's user avatar
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Can a women's mikvah be used to immerse vessels? [closed]

What happens if a vessel/container drops into a women's mikvah. Does it render it invalid? Thank you!
psychnerd's user avatar