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Can a woman take a spoon with her to the mikvah?

If a woman is going to the mikvah for herself and has a utensil that also has to be dipped in the mikvah, is there any halachic or public policy reason she can't take it with her? Possible reasons I ...
Heshy's user avatar
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When does a pot/pan need to be toveled?

If I buy a pot/pan with intention to only use it a few times and then discard it (away on vacation and no intention of bringing it home) does it need to be toveled?
Rachel Greenberg's user avatar
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Loosely holding utensils in a mikve - halacha development

The Rambam (Hilchot Mikvaot 2:11) does not allow loosely holding a utensil in a mikve When one holds another person or an implement and immerses them, they remain impure. This applies even if he ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Can an item toveled by someone non-religious be used?

If a cooking pot was expressly intentionally toveled in a kosher mikva by someone who is not religious (intentionally does not keep shabbat, kosher etc.) and did not make a blessing, but followed all ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Using mikva under owners conditions

I recently passed a keilim mikva which is located in a highly congested area.There is no charge to use the mikvah. Right above the mikva there was a big sign that said " you do not have permission to ...
sam's user avatar
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Are metim toiveled in regular mikvaos?

I just learned that metim are toiveled as part of the preparation for burial. I assume this is done in a mikvah. I assume this is not the same mikvah that the living use to toivel themselves or their ...
SAH's user avatar
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Where are the 24-hour keilim mikvaot in NYC?

Can anyone help me find a 24-hour keilim mikvah in NYC, preferably Manhattan or Brooklyn? (NOT the East River.) There must be a ton of them, but it's surprisingly impossible to find a listing online.
SAH's user avatar
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Can a women's mikvah be used to immerse vessels? [closed]

What happens if a vessel/container drops into a women's mikvah. Does it render it invalid? Thank you!
psychnerd's user avatar
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Does porcelain require immersion in the mikvah?

Does porcelain need to be immersed in the mikvah? What do ashkenazim hold? How about sefardim? And hassidim?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Does a tea infuser need to be immersed in the mikvah?

I don't know the criteria for an item to be required to be immersed in the mikvah before use. Does a loose tea infuser (images below) need to be immersed? You put loose tea leaves into it and then ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Do ceramic salt and pepper shakers need to be immersed in a Mikvah before use?

Considering that salt and pepper shakers aren't used to eat food with directly, nor are they used to make food, do they have to be immersed in a Mikvah before using if they are ceramic?
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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Keilim Mikva design

I live in a neighborhood where it is difficult to find a Keilim mikva. Are there any designs available for how to build one? Is it as hard to build as a human mikva?
Rabbi Yaakov's user avatar
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Would silverware intended for one-time kosher use (e.g. airlines) need to be immersed in a mikva?

According to the Star-K, First Class and Business Class meals are double wrapped in real chinaware and sealed with kosher certification tape. They are then sent to the airline food service caterer ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Does a coffee grinder require Tevillah (immersion) in a Mikvah?

I recently bought a coffee grinder with non-removable burrs (rather than a blade). The only parts of the machine that is actually of a substance that requires Tevillah are the burrs themselves. I ...
Seth J's user avatar
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