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Questions tagged [torah-reading]

reading from the Torah scroll (reading and blessings)

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Why do most Chumashim mark the end of a Sidra with 3 parsha markings?

With the exception of the end of Vayigash, every Sidrah (Shabbat weekly Torah reading) ends at a parsha (paragraph end.) When there is a parsha end in the middle of the sidrah, Chumashim use a single ...
DanF's user avatar
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Would a Greek sefer Torah be read from in Greek?

If a sefer Torah was written in Greek, would it have been publicly read from in the Greek translation only, or would they also use a Hebrew scroll?
Scimonster's user avatar
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What if someone accidentally gave an Aliya to a non-Jew?

A gabbai called someone up for an Aliya. Yaamod, Reuven ben Shimon Shlishi. Then, it turns out that Reuven isn't Jewish (he thought he was, his mother had a reform conversion and he thought that was ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Kohain First Aliya a Requirement?

I daven on Shabbos in a minyan where I am the only kohain and most often there is no Levi. I feel uncomfortable receiving a disproportionate amount of aliyas and feel that it takes away from others. ...
TorahKnowledgeSeeker's user avatar
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Good resource for learning vowel pronunciation

In trying to improve my leyning, I'm trying to get the finer points of vowel pronunciation down. What is a good resource to learn, e.g., the difference between a patach and chataf-patach or a ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Piyutim in the Scroll

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 139:4) discusses the potential issue that a listener might think that the blessings for an aliya are actually written in the Torah scroll. Different suggestions are offered for ...
Double AA's user avatar
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מִזְבֵּחַ marked with פשטא and accentuated מלרע?

It is my understanding that the absolute noun מִזְבֵּחַ is never marked with just one פשטא (and accentuated מלרע) but always שני פשטין (and accentuated מלעיל), the latter in accordance with its proper ...
5784's user avatar
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Doesn't the Torah set the standard of politeness?

Two of the curses in Ki Tavo are: -You shall betroth a wife, and another man will rape her. [Deut. 28:30] -The Lord will strike you with... hemorrhoids. [Deut. 28:27] But the Talmud instructs us to ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Status of Torah written in Ksav Ivri written before Ezra Hasofer

The gemara in Sanhedrin 21 brings a discussion regarding what script the Torah was givin . One opnion holds that the Torah was given in ksav Ivri (luchos prob given in ksav ashuris according to all). ...
sam's user avatar
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Can a ventriloquist chant the Torah?

A ventriloquist essentially recreates sounds using a different part of the speech system. For example, mouthing the sound ‘B’ would give away the act, so it must be recreated in a different part of ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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When did the use of Ba'alei Kri'ah (Torah readers) begin?

I'm asking this question for my friend, "Rabbi Ed" who emailed me this morning... He wants to know when the use of Torah readers (i.e., a designated person who reads the parsha from the Torah) began. ...
DanF's user avatar
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Leyning on Chol Ha-moed Sukkot

Can anyone explain the rationale for the Ashkenazi leyning in chutz la-aretz on Chol Ha-Moed? For example, on the first day of chol ha-moed, we leyn as follows: first aliya - uvayom ha sheni; second ...
Steve's user avatar
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Looking for online German (Yekke) Torah Trope practice

As a lad, I often attended a German (Yekke) shul in my neighborhood, where they used the Yekke Torah trope. My main shul sometimes used this trope during Yom Tov readings. (I.e. - the Yekke trope is ...
DanF's user avatar
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Catching Up When Saying Tachanun M/Th

On Mondays and Thursdays I often fall very behind during tachanun. I see two options — I can start with the congregation after having listened with proper intent during chazarat hashatz, or I can ...
rosends's user avatar
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Noahide reading Psalms

Can Noahides read Psalms? I've been told that some can't be read by non-Jews. If so, which ones? I don't want to end up reading it if it wasn't meant for me to read.
Simplest's user avatar
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Contrast Hol Hamo'ed Torah readings for Pesach vs. Hol Hamo'ed Succot

I realize that the sacrifice for each day of Succot was different, whereas on Pesach they were the same for all days of Pesach. Somehow, this affects the Torah reading during Hol Hamo'ed. For ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can one repeat the name of Hashem when reading from the Torah to get the singing note right (meaning unchanged)?

Someone reading from the Torah gets the singing note (trop) wrong for one of the names of Hashem, in a manner which does not change the meaning of the verse. He then does not need to go back and ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Gabbai to not-so-good Torah reader

I was gabbai-ing as a guest in a relative's shul. The Ba'al korei—who I was told reads regularly—made multiple mistakes in each verse. What should one do in this case? Chop up the reading by ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Reading along in a kosher megillah - impediment to others?

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 141:15 says you should not read along in the Megillah if you don't have a kosher scroll, because even if you can simultaneously concentrate on the public reading, people nearby ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Does krias hatorah have to be heard in order?

Suppose I came to shul late and heard the last aliyah, then I catch kriah again with another minyan. Would I need to hear the last aliyah again or does the first time suffice?
shmosel's user avatar
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Parshas Zachor during Mincha reading?

I was told about a synagogue where they had a second reading of Parshas Zachor during the reading for Mincha with the following procedure: The first two aliyos are read normally, and for the third ...
Mordechai's user avatar
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Intend not to fulfill Krias Hatorah

May one have in mind not to be yoitzeh krias hatorah in a minyan that he is participating in order to be metzaref for another minyan later? For example (according to the opinion that on Mon,Thu you ...
Nochie Wolf's user avatar
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What was the original Torah reading in Israel on 16th Nissan?

The currently practiced Torah reading in Israel for the first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach is identical to that read in the Diaspora on the same day (where it is the second day of Yom Tov) namely ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Inconsistent sifrei Torah for the required number of aliyos

Different groups (Ashkenazim, Sefaradim, Teimonim) have different traditions for spellings of different words in the Torah. Practically, while each group writes according to their own mesorah, we ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Standing during Torah reading in front of your Rabbi

Are you allowed to stand during Torah reading in front of your Rabbi who is sitting? (I think I heard that this might be a problem because it implies you are better than your Rabbi, or don't fully ...
Tzvi's user avatar
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Why are we quiet during the Tochachah?

It is a widespread minhag (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 78:4, though by no means do all communities do this) that during the Tochachah of Bechukosai (Vayikra 26) and Ki Savo (Devarim 28), the reader reads ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Leining Megillat Esther with Voices

I know someone who, when leining Megillat Esther, they use a different voice for each character, and while their leining they speak in a tone of voice which represents how they believe the character ...
Ploni Almoni's user avatar
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What to do if one walks out in middle of an Aliya

Recently I was in a Shul where the person who received the Aliya (this was the last Aliya) had an emergency and left in middle of his Aliya. He rushed out so quickly he did not say the Bracha that one ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Why does the Fast Day leyning skip verses?

Why does the Torah reading for public fast days skip pesukim? My sense is that this is the only Torah reading in which this procedure is followed. Are there any others?
Vincent Calabrese's user avatar
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When do you take off a Tallis which was put on for the Torah reading?

I have seen in many Ashkenazi synagogues that the person called to the reading of the Torah at Shabbos mincha puts on a tallis. Typically, he takes this tallis off after the kedusho of the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Where can I find titles/names for the Mizrahi sidrot / triennial pericopes of Torah?

I'm tracking down the "triennial pericopes" (sidrot) from the introduction to Ginsburg's massorah, also listed in the Jewish Encyclopedia, and thus I have the beginning and ending verses, but I'd like ...
sventechie's user avatar
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Why is Barchu connected to communal Torah recitation?

Why is Barchu connected to communal Torah recitation? I get the pattern, in that we say it before the brachos of Shema and before the brachos of Kriyas Hatorah. But why? The intent behind it would ...
Michael's user avatar
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Minhag of reading end of Parshat Emor with an undertone

Good morning, Last Shabbat for Parshat Emor, I noticed that our experienced baal Koreh read the end of the Parsha about the episode of the Mekalel aka the blasphemer with an undertone. After services, ...
Eli83's user avatar
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I'm looking for regional melodies for the brachot for before and after chanting Torah in an Aliyah

I'm looking for regional melodies for the brachot sung before and after chanting Torah in an aliyah. I'd love to know the Ukrainian, the Belarusian, the Yemenite, the Ethiopian, the Iraqi, the ...
Sabra's user avatar
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why do we lein both rishon and sheini of ki savo on monday/thursday/shabbos mincha?

i would assume it is to be able to link the parshios of bikurim and vidui maaser due to their similarities, but would like to see a source inside for it. thanks!
eliyahu's user avatar
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Torah Reading for Chet Haegel, when the reader is a Levi

The Be'er Heitev in OH 428(7) brings the custom to arrange the aliyos in Parshas Ki Sisa so that the story of the Cheit Haegel is read during the Levi aliyah. גם נוהגין לקרות ללוי פ' העגל וקורין אותה ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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History of Hashkeim vs. Bo

I learned in this book that in some ancient traditions, they started a new parsha at Hashkeim (barad) instead of at Bo (arbeh), as I'm used to. (This is a variation of the minhag to read the whole ...
Heshy's user avatar
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If Orach Chayim 53:14 prohibits 'memorized' Torah recited by the Blind, Why are synagogues allowed to hear 'memorized' Qere [during Torah portion]?

If spoken קְרִי‎ Qere corrections are never written in any Torah (but memorized like a Blind recitation : Orach Chayim 53:14), Why are synagogues allowed to hear Qere [during Torah portion]? Shulchan ...
חִידָה's user avatar
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Pausing Longer After Pesucha/Setuma

Should a Baal Koreh pause longer after a pesucha or chasuma than he would for the end of a posuk for Krias Hatorah?
NJM's user avatar
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Calling a convert up to the Torah as "Ben Avraham Avinu"

I hear sometimes people being called up to the Torah as "Ploni Ben Avraham Avinu" I assume that these are people who - by their own choice - wish to advertise that they are converts. (I also ...
gordon613's user avatar
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Silent sheva after long vowels

I assume most have heard about the 5 famous rules of Elia Levita regarding the vocal sheva. His rules tend to work well in practice, even the third, much debated rule about the concept of long vowels (...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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What is the correct vowelization for the word יעמד in ויקרא ט”ז verse 10?

(In the fourth aliyah of shacharit Yom Kippur.) All the sources I have put a chataf qamatz under the 'ayin. The question is what is under the yod: qamatz or qamatz qatan. I have sources that show ...
Larry Denenberg's user avatar
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Do any sources discuss reading Megillas Ester too fast?

I remember seeing a source explaining that ideally Megilla should be read somewhat fast because it is called "iggeret" (a letter), and letters are read at fast speed out loud. I've also heard the ...
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Congregational standing during Torah reading

In a number of shuls that I have attended, I have noticed that the congregation stands for certain sections of Torah readings. Specifically: Aseret Hadvarim - The 10 Commandments Az Yashir (song at ...
DanF's user avatar
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Torah reading for foreigners in Israel on Chol HaMoed Sukkot

The Torah reading on Chol HaMoed Sukkot is different in Israel (each day’s mussaf sacrifice is read four times) and the Diaspora (more than one day’s portion is read to take account of sfeika d’yoma (...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why do you have to start over if the oleh makes the bracha at the wrong place?

Towards the end of Shoftim, there's a parsha that begins כי תצא למלחמה על אויביך, but it's not the correct beginning of Ki Teitzei. If the oleh makes the bracha having in mind the wrong כי תצא, he ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why do we (not) read Kesubim publicly?

Why are the five megilos read in synagogue on holidays, but not the books of Mishlei, Iyov, Daniel, Ezra/Nechemia, Divrei Hayamim, or Psalms?
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Not to receive an 'Aliyah when Leining

I was once told in the name of R' Herschel Schachter that we try to avoid giving the ba'al kriah his own 'aliyah under most circumstances (exceptions would include maftir, a bar mitzvah bochur even on ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Is there a Yemenite Taamei Hamikra teacher in Brooklyn?

I was saying shnayim mikra today and bemoaned the fact I don't know how to read it with the trope in the Yemenite tradition. I was wondering if anyone knew where I can learn it from someone locally ...
Eliyahu HaTalmid's user avatar
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Within Orthodoxy, is there a dress-code for receiving an aliyah?

I was told that when the oleh receives an aliyah he must have his sleeves covering up to his forearm and must be wearing pants. Also, the collar bone cannot be seen. This was derived from something ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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