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Questions tagged [torah-reading]

reading from the Torah scroll (reading and blessings)

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4 votes
7 answers

Is there a book / document that explains the proper use of kamatz katan in the Torah?

I am a Ba'al Kri'ah. I am quite confused regarding the rules of "kamatz katan". Another Ba'al Kri'ah explained that a kamatz katan occurs when a kamatz is used in a word (usually a verb) ...
2 votes
1 answer

Nekudos make the sound of 2 other nekudos?

I am learning how to lein the Torah. It seems that all the tunes of the trope are in the vowels and not in the consonants/letters (meaning consonants by themselves can not be sung) the shva (אְ) is ...
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1 answer

Noahide reading Psalms

Can Noahides read Psalms? I've been told that some can't be read by non-Jews. If so, which ones? I don't want to end up reading it if it wasn't meant for me to read.
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2 answers

What is the Halacha if I pronounced הוליכך with a patach under the כ instead of a shva?

I realize that this question may be quite specific but this is something that I am genuinely concerned about and I am beating myself up for it. I leined this Mincha on Shabbat. In the leining, I think ...
6 votes
1 answer

Kohain First Aliya a Requirement?

I daven on Shabbos in a minyan where I am the only kohain and most often there is no Levi. I feel uncomfortable receiving a disproportionate amount of aliyas and feel that it takes away from others. ...
5 votes
0 answers

מִזְבֵּחַ marked with פשטא and accentuated מלרע?

It is my understanding that the absolute noun מִזְבֵּחַ is never marked with just one פשטא (and accentuated מלרע) but always שני פשטין (and accentuated מלעיל), the latter in accordance with its proper ...
9 votes
6 answers

רָקִיאַע or רָקִיַע

The Minchas Shay at the beginning of B'reshis cites a dispute whether the word 'רָקִיעַ' (and likewise for other words with a furtive patach) is pronounced as רָקִיאַע or as רָקִיַע, that is, with a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Gabbai to not-so-good Torah reader

I was gabbai-ing as a guest in a relative's shul. The Ba'al korei—who I was told reads regularly—made multiple mistakes in each verse. What should one do in this case? Chop up the reading by ...
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0 answers

What do these footnotes mean?

BH Hi, what do these footnotes mean? Are they related to the text?
3 votes
1 answer

Could someone translate & explain the Mesorah?

I stumbled across this unusual Mesorah note and was wondering if someone could translate & explain it. I've not noticed this before in any other Tanakh and so I'm curious.
5 votes
2 answers

Can someone who takes out the Torah also get an Aliyah?

Can someone who gets the honor of taking out the Sefer Torah also get an Aliyah? I ask because perhaps there is an idea that someone should only get one Kavod by Sefer Torah.
3 votes
1 answer

Intend not to fulfill Krias Hatorah

May one have in mind not to be yoitzeh krias hatorah in a minyan that he is participating in order to be metzaref for another minyan later? For example (according to the opinion that on Mon,Thu you ...
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2 answers

Scanning as a method of learning?

What is the support, origin, or source for scanning as a method of learning? Scanning the text with the eyes without necessarily pronouncing or voicing the text, I've heard this mentioned as a way to ...
3 votes
1 answer

What was the original reason to read Vezos Haberacha on the second day of Shemini Atzeres?

Contrary to popular belief, it would seem that the practice to read Vezos HaBeracha, the final parsha of the Torah, on the second day of Shemini Atzeres wasn't in order to finish the Torah on that day....
1 vote
0 answers

How לִקַּטְתְּ should be read

When reading Meghilath Ruth, How should I read the word לִקַּטְתְּ in 2:19? Should I attempt to pronounce the ט separately from the תּ (which, as far as I know, isn’t possible without an awkward-...
14 votes
6 answers

Have any of you ever heard anyone pronouncing ayin as "ng"?

I have read that historically the letter ayin was pronounced by some Dutch, Portuguese, and Italian Jews as a velar nasal consonant (ng as in sing). Reference to this can be found here, here, and here....
2 votes
0 answers

Minhag of reading end of Parshat Emor with an undertone

Good morning, Last Shabbat for Parshat Emor, I noticed that our experienced baal Koreh read the end of the Parsha about the episode of the Mekalel aka the blasphemer with an undertone. After services, ...
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0 answers

Why does the Torah continuously seperate "Geirem" from the rest of Klal Yisrael?

Throughout last week's Parshas - Parshas Acharei Mos - it states a Halacha, then it says that every Jew should keep it, and then adds every Ger (convert). For example: פרק יז:ח וַאֲלֵהֶ֣ם תֹּאמַ֔ר ...
5 votes
6 answers

Looking for a good tikkun kor'im

I have an old Tikkun Kor'im by Mishor whose cover has literally come off (ah, the motivation for that question is revealed!). Now that i'm in the market for a new tikkun, i'd like to make sure i get ...
19 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't Chabad differentiate between Ches and Chaf, and Ayin and Aleph?

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe writes that the Shabbos before the great debate in Minsk, the Alter Rebbe served as the chazzan and baal koreh for his minyan. Furthermore, although the Alter Rebbe used ...
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0 answers

ם at the end of a word

There are certain words in the Torah that one would expect to end in ים, but are spelled without the י (One example is שְִׂעִירִם). I am a Ba`al Qoreh. I attempt to be precise when I read the Torah ...
1 vote
1 answer

Minhag to say ”emet toratenu hakedosha” before torah blessing

Ive heard people at my shul saying the words “emet toratenu hakedosha” before saying the bracha after the torah reading. What is the source for this minhag? Would this pose a halachic issue, as it is ...
3 votes
2 answers

How does the Torah reading cycle work in Reform and Conservative communities?

I’ve noticed that Kriyat Ha-Torah works differently in Reform and Conservative synagogues. The aliyot are shorter. I heard that this is because they work on a three year cycle, rather than an annual ...
6 votes
2 answers

Learning to chant Torah with trope

It takes me at least 3-4 hours (cumulative) to learn 5-10 psukim (sentences) in trope. This is just one Aliyah! And unlike many of you, I know the notes, the grammar, and understand most of the words. ...
6 votes
5 answers

Learning How to Lein, Chabad-style

I have trouble picking up tunes, and therefore I have never been able to catch how to lein. I have listened to a few Torah reading tutorial tapes, listened to the Chabad cantillation tune many time, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why are there varying vowels on proper nouns in Megillas Ester?

In Megillas Ester, several proper nouns (such as Mordechai, and Shushan) use komatz and patach interchangeably. In sefardi pronunciation this does not make much of a difference, but in ashkenazi ...
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0 answers

Parshas Achrei and Pesach

This year, on Erev Pesach (Monday, April 22, 2024) the Torah reading is parshas Achrei Mot. The Chabad-website notifies that the daily reading of Erev Pesach is the 2nd Portion (Vayikra (Leviticus) 16:...
1 vote
3 answers

Are there any websites that have Maqam Based Torah recitation recordings online?

Similar to the maqam based Quran readings maybe? I always hear people talking about those.
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0 answers

Reading along in a kosher megillah - impediment to others?

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 141:15 says you should not read along in the Megillah if you don't have a kosher scroll, because even if you can simultaneously concentrate on the public reading, people nearby ...
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0 answers

I'm looking for regional melodies for the brachot for before and after chanting Torah in an Aliyah

I'm looking for regional melodies for the brachot sung before and after chanting Torah in an aliyah. I'd love to know the Ukrainian, the Belarusian, the Yemenite, the Ethiopian, the Iraqi, the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Kriyat haTorah helper materials

I'm looking for a resource where I could find notes for my Bar Mitzvah parsha (Tazria) along the lines of: in 4th it's always "hee" and never "huu" it's always noga in the middle ...
2 votes
2 answers

Error in Old "Ktav" Edition of "Tikkun LaKor'im"

I have an old copy of the old Ktav edition of "Tikkun LaKor'im, which was published in 1946. It was printed using an copy of a hand-written Torah, of unknown provenance. The problem with it, is ...
1 vote
0 answers

List of Aliyos with Different Stopping Points

Have noticed some Aliyos that seem to be different Mesoros where they should end. For example Bereishis Chamishi - From 4:19 - some go until 4:22, others until 4:26 (end of Perek) Terumah Sheini - ...
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0 answers

Why 2 sets of cantillation marks for the 10 commandments? [duplicate]

There are two sets of ta'amim for the Aseres Hadibros. (We read in the synagogue using Taamei Elyon.) But the ta'amim are supposed to be an aid to understanding. So, what differences in ...
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0 answers

Each word of Torah is its own mitzvah for gentiles?

This is a quote from an article I read on "The Vilna Gaon in Shenos Eliyahu explains that each and every word of Torah that we study is its own separate mitzvah with its own separate ...
2 votes
1 answer

During Torah reading may Jews leave to bathroom

According to Halacha, during the Torah reading, Jews should not leave the synagogue where the Torah reading is occurring. However, is it permissible for them to leave if they have to use the restroom, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Does krias hatorah have to be heard in order?

Suppose I came to shul late and heard the last aliyah, then I catch kriah again with another minyan. Would I need to hear the last aliyah again or does the first time suffice?
1 vote
1 answer

Can the son of a kohen born to a non-observant giyores be called up to the first Aliya

Can a son of a kohen that married a non-observant giyores be called up to the Torah for the first Aliya?
3 votes
2 answers

Origin of the term pasuk

A verse in Tanach is referred to as a pasuk - פסוק. Where does this term come from and what is the earliest recorded usage of it to refer to a verse?
1 vote
0 answers

Repetitiveness and the reason for the way of reading the Torah on Hanukkah

Why is it during Hanukkah that the reading of the Torah (according to the Ashkenazi Nusach Sfard) is repeated again on Shlishi? Was it not possible to add other verses? And why is the reading ...
3 votes
1 answer

Reciting/singing Aḥeinu outside of the formal prayer setting and origin of tune

Where, when and why did the prayer Aheinu begin to be recited outside of the liturgical context? It seems that it originated as and was restricted to being recited after reading from the Torah, ...
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0 answers

Torah reading at fast day mincha services if the fast will not be completed?

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 566:3 rules that the chazzan does not recite aneinu at mincha of a fast day unless there are ten people present who are fasting. Mishnah Berurah 14 rules that the same ...
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2 answers

On the status of Melchizedek as a Kohen [closed]

In Genesis 14:18 it is stated that "And MelchiZedek, king of Shelem, brought out bread and wine and he was a Kohen to the Most High God." A number of questions arise from this: How is it ...
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0 answers

why do we lein both rishon and sheini of ki savo on monday/thursday/shabbos mincha?

i would assume it is to be able to link the parshios of bikurim and vidui maaser due to their similarities, but would like to see a source inside for it. thanks!
1 vote
1 answer

Torah reading for Mincha when Shemini Atzeret falls on Shabbat

(This question assumes we are in the Diaspora, so that Simchat Torah is on the second day of Shemini Atzeret.) This coming year (5784) the first day of Shemini Atzeret falls on Shabbat. What do we ...
13 votes
2 answers

Bar Mitzvah before Circumcision?

If one was never circumcised can they be called up to the Torah for their bar-mitzvah?
3 votes
2 answers

Why wasn't the Torah given earlier?

The world existed for over 2000 years before the Torah was given en masse. If the Torah and our fulfilling of it, is the point of creation, why was it given after so long? If people could please ...
10 votes
1 answer

Nature of the minyan for reading Zachor

According to some opinions (see Shulchan Aruch OC 146:2 and 685:7; and others), one is obligated to hear parashat Zachor read among a minyan, but one can (and must) read it without a minyan if there ...
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0 answers

Why don't we lain the Makkos on Pesach?

There are several portions in the Torah that discuss Pesach, and we lain most (if not all) of them on Pesach, plus the actual story of Kriyas Yam Suf. Why don't we, in a similar vein, read the Makkos ...
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0 answers

Torah Reading for Chet Haegel, when the reader is a Levi

The Be'er Heitev in OH 428(7) brings the custom to arrange the aliyos in Parshas Ki Sisa so that the story of the Cheit Haegel is read during the Levi aliyah. גם נוהגין לקרות ללוי פ' העגל וקורין אותה ...

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