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Four Gates - ארבעה שערים

The Tur OH 428 describes a system for finding the year's calendar based only on (a) the molad of this year's Tishrei, and (b) knowing which of last year, this year, and next year are regular or leap ...
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Is there a Hebrew Calendar discussion place? [closed]

Well, is there? I mean a Torah-observant place, if possible, where they discuss the math and the system behind the current calendar, original sources, perhaps the history involved in it as well (the ...
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Why not say tachanun until 2 Cheshvan?

It's recorded in most siddurim I've used that some people have the custom to skip tachanun on Isru Chag (the day after Sukkos), and start again the day after, while others don't resume saying it until ...
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Why is the day of Rosh Chodesh announced before every month except Tishrei?

Why is Tishrei the only month not included in the custom of announcing the day(s) of Rosh Chodesh on the Shabbos before the month begins?
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