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Questions tagged [tisha-bav]

9th of Av; anniversary of the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem; a general day of mourning for historical Jewish tragedies.

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Why is there a custom to say "Kiddush Levana" (Moon Blessing) on Motsaei Tisha Be'av?

Why do some have the custom to say Kiddush (Birkat) Levana on Motsaei Tisha Ba'Av and not on the Shabbat after it (or before it)? After all, it is customary to say Kiddush Levana on Motsaei Shabbat is ...
Avi's user avatar
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Kiddush Levana on Motzei Tisha Beav

Mishna Berura in OC 426:11 rules that one can make Kiddush Levana on Motzei Tisha Beav, but should first eat and change into regular shoes. What if a minyan is reciting Kidduah Levana immediately ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Why is the book of Job permitted to be studied on Tisha B'Av?

According to the Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 554:1-3 one is permitted to study the book of Iyov/Job on Tisha b'Av. The book of Iyov does not seem to have any connection to the destruction of the ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Tefilin on Tisha Be'Av according the Chida

What is the minhag for tefillin on Tisha Be'Av according to the Chida? At Shacharit or only at Mincha?
חיים's user avatar
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Earliest time for Maariv on Tisha b'Av

This year (2024) Tisha b'Av begins on the evening of August 12. In my locale, Plag on August 12 will be at 7:11 pm, and Shkia will be at 8:39 pm. The fast, of course, begins at sundown (8:39 pm). If ...
mweiss's user avatar
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Said Nacheim on Tisha B'Av maariv or shachris

Per Rema 557:1 הגה והמנהג פשוט שאין אומרים נחם רק בתפלת מנחה של תשעה באב לפי שאז הציתו אש במקדש ולכן מתפללים אז על נחמה (רוקח ואבודרהם) מי שאכל בט"ב יאמר נחם בברכת המזון (מהרי"ל): Rema Note:...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Did the Jews burn the Temple?

In Meam Loez The Story of Tisha Bav by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, it is written that the Romans burned to Holy of Holies and then seeing this, the Jews burned the rest of the temple and all the wealthy ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Bad mazal of Tisha B'AV

Does Tisha B'AV actually have a bad mazal? As in, did bad things happen on this and related days and will they continue to happen? Or is it just in the past that calamity struck our people? Why is ...
Shababnik's user avatar
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What are some halachically proper fast-day greetings?

Considering that greeting someone during the Tisha B'Av fast day is prohibited, is there a proper way according to halacha to greet somone before the day? For example, to say "have an easy fast&...
Shababnik's user avatar
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List of bad things that happened throughout 3 weeks

Anyone have an online list of all the bad things throughout history that have happened to us throughout the 3 weeks? Mainly looking for things on Tisha B’av but also the rest of the 3 weeks or 9 days ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Are bad things more likely to happen on Erev Tisha B’av than any other time of year?

Are bad things inclined to happen today? I was thinking about going on a bike ride today, but I don’t trust Erev Tisha B’Av, so I don’t think I will. I feel like there’s a negative energy and that we ...
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Why has Tisha b'Av begun on Saturday night so often recently?

I write this in summer of 2023 (5783). This year Tisha b'Av begins on a Wednesday night. However, in looking back over recent years, I notice that the observance of Tisha b'Av began on a Saturday ...
mweiss's user avatar
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Bris on Erev Tisha B'Av?

I seem to recall reading/seeing that one cannot serve meat at a bris on the 8th of Av (assume not on Shabbos) but I can't find it now. Does anyone know a source that says this?
DavefromBaltimore's user avatar
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Could one bring bikkurim on Tisha B'Av?

Bikkurim can be brought from Shavuot till Sukkot and perhaps longer (not after Chanukah). Part and parcel of the mitzvah of Bikkurim seems to be an aspect of simcha/rejoicing. I have not seen any ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Tallit on Shabbat which is 9 av

Should one wear tallit gadol during the shachris on Shabbat if it is the 9 av (as in 2022)? On other shabbatot the person does wear a tallit. I know that in this case the observance takes place on the ...
fml2's user avatar
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Do any poskim permit one to recite Parshas Hamon on Tisha b’Av?

Do any poskim permit one who says parshas hamon daily the rest of the year to recite parshas hamon on tisha b’av as well? And if so, which poskim?
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למנצח on tisha b’av

Between Ashrei and Uva L’tzion we say Lamnatzeach. It’s apparently a somber psalm referring to the period before the Beis Hamikdosh was rebuilt, and since it’s sad in nature we don’t say it on festive ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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How Does Garlic Ward Away Negative Spirits?

The Taamei Haminhagim (659) quotes the Shaar Hamelech who says: טעם שבט״ב מטילין שום על בית הקברות, לפי ששום מבריח החיצונים, ובכל ימות השנה,יכולין לינצל ע״י תורה ותפלה ואין לחם אחיזה - The reason why ...
NJM's user avatar
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Appropriate clothing for Tish B'AV

Could it be acceptable to wear a kittle for 9 Av? I've never seen it, I usually wear black or dark grey. I wouldn't dare try to look innocent- I am guilty and I know it, but that doesn't stop me from ...
Kharseet's user avatar
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Why was God's injunction through Zechariah, on rejoicing, not followed?

With the return home from Babylon, the Temple rebuilt, and idolatry vanquished, God said, through the prophet Zechariah, that from now on the four fast days commemorating the destruction of the First ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Wearing a tie on Tisha B'Av

Is there an issue with wearing a tie on Tisha B'Av? Some Rabbonim who normally wear a tie throughout the week take it off for Tisha B'Av. For instance, see Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff here without a tie ...
NJM's user avatar
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Nakdimon Ben Gurion real name

The first Rash"i in Masechet Taanis (20a) says that Nakdimon Ben Gurion's real name was Boni. How did Rash"i know that, is there any earlier source for that?
Moishe Fishoff's user avatar
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May one learn commentaries of permitted texts on Tisha B'av?

Regarding texts one is permitted to learn on Tisha B'av like Eicha and Iyov, is one allowed to learn the various meforshim as well or only the texts themselves?
Izzy's user avatar
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Why this common greeting: Tzom kal?

Tzom kal (easy fast) is a common greeting before the 9th of Av, but why? It runs counter to the adage, "No pain, no gain". The no pain adage seems similar to L'fum tzaara agra – according ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Rachel should have known about the Churban Hamikdash even if she was buried in the Mearas Hamachpeila

Rashi in Genesis 48:7 אקברה שם. וְלֹא הוֹלַכְתִּיהָ אֲפִלּוּ לְבֵית לֶחֶם לְהַכְנִיסָהּ לָאָרֶץ, וְיָדַעְתִּי שֶׁיֵּשׁ בְּלִבְּךָ עָלַי; אֲבָל דַּע לְךָ שֶׁעַל פִּי הַדִּבּוּר קְבַרְתִּיהָ שָׁם, ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Instances of Shevua Shechal Bo

Does the concept "Shevua Shechal Bo" come up within the context of halacha or hashkafa in any area other than the the week leading up to Tisha B'Av? It just seems like a unique measure for a ...
Ari's user avatar
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Performing Chalitza during Tisha B'Av

Can one wear the leather Chalitza shoe during Tisha B'Av, despite the prohibition of wearing leather shoes? (You might think this applies as well to Yom Kippur, but it states in Beitza 36B that ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Vihi Noam at bedtime Shema on Tishah beAv

Mishneh Torah Tefilah uVirkat Kohanim 7:2 mentions verses of mercy being read before going to bed. Shevuot 15b relates that R' Yehoshua ben Levi used to say (at least the first half of) Psalm 91, and ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Tosfos Yom Tov's elegy

Tosafos Yom Tov is said to have authored elegy, kinnos, to be recited on Tisha B'Av to commemorate the massacres know as Tach V'Tat. Apparently it has not been included in the standard corpus of ...
user6591's user avatar
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Why Shir HaMaalos on Erev Tisha B'Av?

The custom is some places seems to be to say Shir Hamaalos before bentching for the seuda mafsekes on Erev Tisha B'Av. Although we normally say Shir Hamaalos for bentching whenever we don't say ...
NJM's user avatar
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Smoking versus snuffing tabac on Tisha Beav [duplicate]

In SA OC 554 the Caf Hachyim SK 3 rules that to smoke hookah is prohibited almost before Chats it, if not as a mean to treat constipation. But in SK 4 he allows to snuff tabac. My question is if to ...
kouty's user avatar
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Mercy and Strict Judgment are both mercy

In Parsha In Pink on Parshas Va'eschanan, the author cites a Ramchal that gives a beautiful insight into the Passuk of Shema Yisrael (Devarim 6:4). שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד YKVK represents ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Why do bad things happen to us on Tisha b'Av in particular?

Can anyone point me to a religiously-based discussion of why so many bad things happened to us Jews on Tish'a b'Av in particular, far more than on any other day on the calendar? In some cases the &...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Seudah Ha'mafsekes: Must one wash?

When I was a child, my parents always ate a Seudah Hamafsekes ("separating meal") before Tisha B'Av. This meal consisted of bread, a hard-boiled egg dipped in ashes, and water. A friend of ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Reciting the parshiyyot of the tefillin on Tish'ah BeAv

Some have the custom to read all four parshiyyot contained in the tefillin while wearing them. (See e.g. Mishnah Berurah 25:16.) It is forbidden to learn Torah on Tish'ah BeAv, but one may recite ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Can one study about the Beis Hamikdash on tisha bav?

I know that we cannot study any Torah which makes us happy on tisha bav- which is generally any Torah (source needed). Based on that, is it generally accepted among (ashkenazi) poskim that studying ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Why was the first Temple destroyed? [duplicate]

Why was the first Temple destroyed? The Talmud says it's because the people engaged in idolatry, adultery and murder. Yoma 9b But after the 55 disastrous years of King Menashe, during which he all ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Kaddish before Haftarah on Tish'ah beAv Morning

R. Akiva Eger (on Shulchan Aruch 559:3) cogently argues that one should never recite kaddish between maftir and haftarah, as such an interruption would mean that one does not fulfill the requirement ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Is it permissible to learn Hilchot Teshuva on Tisha Beav?

The Shulchan Aruch paskens (OC 554) that it is forbidden to learn most parts of Torah on Tisha Beav, except for a few small sections about aveilut. The question is: the Shulchan Aruch doesn't ...
talmidforlife's user avatar
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Is it against custom to celebrate a bar mitzvah on rosh hodesh Av?

Is there any rule or custom against celebrating a bar mitzvah on rosh hodesh Av, considering that the beginning of Av is considered a time of mourning?
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
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Source justifying no Tefillin: 9 Av

I was discussing the Ashkenazi minhagim and hanhagot of Tish'a beAv with a contact of mine, namely the universal Ashkenazi practice to refrain from tallit and tefillin until after chatzot. He told me ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Kinnah about mazalos out of order

One of the Kinnos that is said the night of Tisha B'Av discusses the different mazalos/constellations. In the Artscroll version it's listed as Kinnah #5. Artscroll has a nice chart at the bottom ...
robev's user avatar
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"Guidelines" on whether a person who davens b'yechidus has to read eichah on Tisha B'av

Can anyone who has access to the sefer "Guidelines" on the Three Weeks and Tisha b'Av by Rabbis Jaeger and Barclay tell me what if anything they say about a person who davens without a minyan reciting ...
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Heter to Work on 9 b’Av But No Bracha

Shulchan Aruch 554:23 says one is permitted to work even before chazot if he will lose money. 554:24 says he will not see a siman bracha from that work. Why would the mechaber go out of his way to ...
הבלשן's user avatar
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Extending Shabbos that precedes Tisha B'av

Is it permitted to purposely extend Shabbos to Sunday night when Tisha B'av is observed on that Sunday? We see that regarding Jews traveling near the international dateline, there are Poskim who said ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Which Kinnos to focus on? [closed]

In the past, I have found often that I can't go through all of the Kinnos during the service without rushing or skipping them. Are there any particularly important or interesting Kinnos that I could ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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Shabbat 9 Av: Marital relations vs Torah study

Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah 400:2 rules that a mourner observes the private mourning practices of shiv'ah on shabbat. This includes not engaging in marital relations, not washing in warm water and not ...
Joel K's user avatar
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May one do the Mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim/Consoling Mourners on Tish'a B'av?

Based on On Tish'a B'Av,can someone say the typical "Mourner's statement" to any/everyone else?, may one perform the mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim for one who is sitting shiv'a on ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Levi tribe and the spies story investigation

I gathered a couple of questions together because they might be linked but I'm OK with splitting them: Why didn't Levi send a spy? I know, I know they didn't have Nahalah in Israel. So what? The ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Purim in Adar and not Av?

We all presume that Haman was well literate and familiar with our Tanachic sources. It is widely known that since the sin of the Spies (Meraglim) 9th of Av was chosen for all kinds of misfortunes for ...
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