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Questions tagged [teruma]

terumah, a portion of crops given to kohanim

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Terumah for non-Kohanim

Let's say I, as a Kohen, would receive terumah. Would it be permissible for me to give the terumah which I have received to the poor so that they may consume it despite not being kohanim?
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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How can one eat non-certified kosher Israeli produce?

In Israel, there are many stores that are not certified kosher that sell produce grown in Israel. What is the procedure for taking teruma and maaser, and is there anything else a buyer would need to ...
therxv's user avatar
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3 answers

Can one use terumah to light a stove?

In Pesachim 23a, the gemara (in the name of Rav Papa) derives from Numbers 18:27 that the prohibition of terumah to non-priests only applies to eating and drinking, but not to other forms of enjoyment....
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Formulation of blessing on individual tithes

When separating all the relevant tithes from one's produce, one can include all the various obligations in one collective blessing before the entire process (Tosefta Brachot 6:19 (note variant ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Environmentally friendly tithe disposal

Being born in the galut, I'm not well acquainted with the laws of tithing. However, I'll need to spend some time in Israel, therefore I started to read about it. As OU's guide says, one should wrap ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Why is Maaser greater than Terumah?

Why does the Levi get more tithes of a field than the Kohen? Or in other words, why is Maaser Rishon so much larger than Trumah Gedolah? Even if the Levi gave his Terumas Maaser to the Kohen that got ...
user907a's user avatar
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Meiruach through a side door

There is a concept that ma’aser is only required once Meiruach (literally, “smoothing”) is performed on the crop (Peah 1:6 et. al.), at which point the crop is complete and eligible for taking Ma’aser ...
DonielF's user avatar
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