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Circular reasoning in deriving the time that kohanim can eat terumah and the time that the evening Shema can be recited

The very first Mishnah (Berachot 1:1) states that the earliest time for the recitation of the evening Shema is the time that kohanim can eat terumah: מאימתי קורין את שמע בערבין משעה שהכהנים נכנסים ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can one use terumah to light a stove?

In Pesachim 23a, the gemara (in the name of Rav Papa) derives from Numbers 18:27 that the prohibition of terumah to non-priests only applies to eating and drinking, but not to other forms of enjoyment....
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Mishna Demai 5:11: why can't you take teruma from vadai on demai?

(Lomdus alert: this question is not for beginners.) In Maseches Demai (5:10-11) we learn that taking teruma from a vadai (=untithed produce) on demai (=possibly untithed produce) does not work, even ...
Shaul Behr's user avatar
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Invalidating women from the priesthood and from terumah

In Yevamot 6:2, we are told that one who has sexual intercourse with various types of women will "invalidate" them. The language is as follows: וכן הבא על אחת מכל העריות שבתורה או פסולות כגון אלמנה ...
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