Questions tagged [performance-entertainment]

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Mixed-gender seating for entertainment

There is a heter some poskim and rabbis (i.e. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein) give to sit on public transportation next to someone of the opposite gender. My question is, what is the halacha in regards to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Wise saying in the Netflix series 'Shtisel'

Some time ago, I watched the fantastic series 'Shtisel' on Netflix. I can't remember everything clearly, and unfortunately, the series is no longer available on Netflix. However, there's one scene ...
Suslik's user avatar
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Watching the upcoming movie "Napoleon"

With the blockbuster period drama "Napoleon" coming out next month, my question is is it permissible to watch a film about a rasha who happened to be a major historical figure, whether for ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Performing for a mixed concert

One finds orthodox performers who sing for mixed-gender audiences (eg recently) However, one also finds achronim who call this assur. I'm curious for a bit more explanation of the sources/reasonings ...
ak0000's user avatar
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TV left on during Shabbat for serious reasons

The question of leaving a TV on for all of Shabbat was asked here before and was answered: No, it is against the spirit of Shabbat, plus other halachic reasons. But what if you did it to stay abreast ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Does anyone know the nusach for אפפוני חבלי מות that is sung in the movie Simon Magus?

I haven't seen the whole movie Simon Magus. It depicts 19th-century Poland. I saw a scene where a Pesach Seder is held. They're saying Hallel and I've never heard that melody for Psalm 116. They start ...
א בקל's user avatar
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Why did David’s harp playing relieve King Saul's illness?

David's harp playing brought relief to King Saul from his mental illness. (Source: I Samuel 16.) Why did the harp playing provide relief?
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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May a Jewish actor playing a role swear "falsely"?

Avraham the Jew from New Jersey puts on a costume, takes off his head covering, walks onto a stage, or movie set ... action! And says "I, John Jacob Schmidt of Oklahoma, do solemnly swear that I ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Is it okay for Jewish people to read Narnia or Lord of the Rings?

The Narnia series was written by a Christian named C.S. Lewis who also wrote books that argued for Christianity. The Narnia series is supposed to contain Christian themes, which might be there for ...
1Sam1223's user avatar
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Why are some movies "recommended for all women and girls" [closed]

Some movies are labelled as "Recommended For All Women and Girls". For example, the ones listed here: ...
andypea's user avatar
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What is the perception of Dance in Judaism?

What is the perception on dance (of any kind) from the perspective of Judaism? or there are some kind of restrictions?
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Watching TV in the Sukkah?

Are there any poseqim that discuss the permissibility or lack thereof of watching TV, or any streaming media really, in the Sukkah? What is the balance between the principles of תשבו כעין תדורו (that ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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May one listen to Mozart's The Magic Flute?

The Magic Flute is a famous opera by Mozart. Its lyrics can be found here. It seems to be completely secular to me. It includes lyrics that include characters talking to pagan gods, but Mozart himself ...
therxv's user avatar
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Is entertainment for its own sake permissible? [closed]

Are there sources that deal with the legitimacy of fictional writing (or other arts) as to whether it has a legitimate function such as tikkun olam or would it fall under some other category? Or is it ...
Jesse Clark's user avatar
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May a Jew be an impostor on "To Tell the Truth"?

There's a general prohibition for a Jew to lie, except for specific situations such as Darchei Shalom ("to promote peace".) "To Tell the Truth" is an old / revived U.S. television game show where 3 ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is heckling considered shaming the performer?

Is booing, expressing disapproval or dislike of the performance, and similar gestures, considered shaming someone in public, or does it “come with the territory”?
Fei23's user avatar
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Should I reply amen to a blessing that was said in a movie? [duplicate]

Have you ever watched Stisel or a similar movie? Every several minutes somebody blesses over something, and usually, it is a proper blessing. Should we answer amen to them?
Ian Trolles's user avatar
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Movie about Tales of Rabbi Nachman

I'm looking for the complete movie related to the trailer that is in this video: . Do you know where I can buy a copy of this full movie? Warning: I have already emailed ...
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Source for quote - "Wherever you look there’s something to be seen"

In the film Anger Management, Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson) says: “the Talmud says ‘wherever you look there’s something to be seen’”. Any ideas what passage this quote is in reference to?
Oliver's user avatar
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Biblical ‘Noah’ & cinematic ‘Noah’

How accurate -or not- is the film ‘Noah’ according to the Jewish traditional version of the events and subjects? (I haven’t seen the film so I can’t offer any analyses.) I’d kindly request that any ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Reading video reviews on Shabbos [duplicate]

For example the book "Blockbuster Video Guide to Movies and Videos," wherein are listed movies and videos and short descriptions and reviews of said movies and videos. Would it be permitted to read ...
spratt83's user avatar
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Musical Performances and Shows on Shabbat

There is a musical performance with free admission on Shabbat with, presumably, no Jewish performers. Can one enjoy it without violating Shabbat prohibitions? Or will this be benefiting from someone ...
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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What is the Jewish perspective on play time? [duplicate]

The Jewish books of ethics are replete with the notion that any available moment that a Jew has he should be engaged in the study of Torah - and every moment available that is not utilized for the ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Arnold Schoenberg's Survivor from Warsaw [closed]

This is kind of a music question, and kind of a Judaism question. Several years ago, when I was assistant director of the Nashville Symphony Chorus, I sang with a men's chorus on the Arnold Schoenberg ...
Cory Howell's user avatar
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Jewish tune to replace "Holy Night" in Harry Chapin's "Mr. Tanner"? [closed]

From Wikipedia: "Mr. Tanner" is a song by Harry Chapin from his 1974 album, Short Stories. Big John Wallace plays Mr. Tanner by singing the chorus to "O Holy Night" in the background to the song's ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Is it against halacha for a woman to play a musical instrument in front of a man?

I'm a BT and have gotten my bachelor's and master's in percussion performance. I started becoming observant during my master's and now I'm wondering how the future will be playing music and being a ...
Yael's user avatar
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Can one go to the movies on Shabbat if they order and print the tickets ahead of time?

Can one go to the movies on Shabbat if they order and print the tickets ahead of time? Regardless of whether one should be studying Torah and praying for sake of piety, would one be defying any ...
RandomUser's user avatar
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What are some good sources of a cappella music for Sefiras HaOmer?

I keep the whole Sefira, and I've been having a most difficult time this year (already!) because for the first time, I am trying only to listen to Jewish music. The first goal of this question is to ...
SAH's user avatar
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According to the Rema/Tosfot, is it permissible to see a secular concert in a venue that serves alcoholic beverages?

Halachipedia: Tosfot (Gittin 7a s.v. Zimra) understand that the prohibition includes only music at feasts of wine, as in the Mishna Sotah 48a. Would a concert that serves alcoholic beverages (...
Fei23's user avatar
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Is it ok to listen to music written by someone who's anti-semitic? [duplicate]

Wagner was anti-semitic but made some great music; is it wrong to listen to it? Could one still say the music is great?
Aigle's user avatar
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Flying during the 9 days and watching movies

Is watching a (decent) movie during long international flight during the 9 days permitted? In general since many types of pleasurable activities are limited during the 9 days I would think that ...
flyer's user avatar
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Looking for Jewish music that lifts the spirit

I really love the soft sweet tones, chords and voices in the music of Shlomo Katz, Ishay Ribo, Yonathan Razel; but, searching for similar music, I just don't know where to go. Are there alternatives ...
Levi's user avatar
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live music and eating a meal?

I heard a long time ago that some people do not listen to live music and eat a meal at the same time, only at weddings? Is this a minhag or halacha?
user12637's user avatar
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Going to a stadium, to watch a game, during Sefirah

R' Moshe Feinstein forbids going to stadiums to watch sporting events all year round. But some rabbis rule differently than R' Feinstein. See, for example, this link, as well as the ruling of R' ...
aJew's user avatar
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Source for story about the Maskilim's play mocking what the "orchei hamilchama" would look like according to chazal

Does anyone know of a reliable source for the story about how the Maskilim made a play to mock what a milchama would look like according to the torah/chazal, in which they depicted only the Chofetz ...
Hillel's user avatar
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Can a Jew act in a play / movie where he / she has the role of an idol worshiper?

Can a Jew act in a play / movie where he / she has the role of an idol worshiper? He would perform the acts of idol worship without believing in the idols at all.
Yehuda's user avatar
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Is Smuggling Candy and Snacks Into a Movie Theater Forbidden?

Ever since I was a kid, we have routinely brought our own pre-packaged snacks into movies in order to avoid the exorbitant prices of those sold in the theaters. Is it permitted to bring such snacks ...
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Is it permissable to be in a musical group that does not exclusively play simchas?

Is it permissible to play in a musical group that does not only play at 'simchas' (weddings, etc.)? I once heard someone say that playing any music in public that is not for a specific mitzvah is ...
jj2's user avatar
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Is there a historical, cultural, traditional, or scriptural explanation for the prevalence of Jews in the comedy business? [duplicate]

If you took the general demographic data for the U.S. and compared it to the demographics of professional comics and comedians in the U.S., I think you'd find that Jews are disproportionately ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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Movie picturing the destruction of the holy temple?

Lately, I have been telling my 3-year-old son about the building, destruction, rebuilding cycle of the Beis Hamikdash (holy temple in Jerusalem). He is wondering how it would have looked. Are there ...
Adám's user avatar
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gedolim on "The Jazz Singer"

The film The Jazz Singer is about a Jewish boy who goes off the derech and portrays him positively. What was the contemporary (1927) rabbinic response to the film and did cantor Yosselle Rosenblatt ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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How do observant Jews entertain themselves?

I used to be a secular Jew. As with any secular person, I watched tv, went to the movies, hung out with friends, went to bars, etc. After becoming observant, most of these activities had to go. While ...
Inquiring Jew's user avatar
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Performing Magic Tricks for Children

I've often seen people do magic tricks for their nieces, nephews or for children in general. To an adult observer, the trick is obvious - but to young children, it seems like real magic. Considering ...
user6618's user avatar
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What's the earliest reference to a Purim shpiel?

There's a fairly common custom to put on a play on Purim. Wikipedia has a short article about it here, which mentions that some are based on the story of the megillah, while others traditionally ...
MTL's user avatar
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May a Jewish actor remove his kippah in order to play a non-Jewish character?

Pretty self explanatory really. Yarmulka or kippah is a minhag that we have to cover our heads. May Jewish actors remove their head covering for the purposes of their jobs?
Yehuda's user avatar
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Listening to a Jewish broadcaster in the US after Shabbat ends in Israel [duplicate]

Many baseball games (for example) take place Saturday afternoon in the US. This generally corresponds to beginning (or mostly taking place) after Shabbat ends in Israel. If the broadcaster of one of ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Watching TV on weekdays (not on shabbat)

Is it generally allowed to watch TV at my home (I am male and living alone)? I wrote "generally," meaning watching on a regular weekday (i.e. not Shabbat or Holiday) and just watching normal programs, ...
Peter Nugter's user avatar
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Mezuza in a room with a television

Of course watching things other than kosher things on a television is Asur, that's not my question. My question is that if one has a television in a room and watches it for things that all agree are ...
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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NFL and Rosh Hashanah. Ravens and Orioles scheduling debacle

As of now the National Football League is trying to bully the Baltimore Orioles (a baseball team) into moving their long scheduled Sept. 5th game so the NFL Baltimore Ravens can play their opening day ...
srock's user avatar
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Can you attend a sporting event on a minor fast day?

This year the tenth of Teves falls on a Sunday, which happens to also be an NFL game day. Is it permissible or discouraged to attend such a sporting event during the fast?
Scott's user avatar
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