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Questions tagged [tefilla]

Questions about Jewish prayer (the fixed order of typically-thrice-daily prayers, or prayer generally).

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Should people davening alone daven together?

If a few men know there will be no minyan so they choose to daven biyechidut, is there merit to their staying "together" either in shul or not? Is there a notion of "kahal" or &...
rosends's user avatar
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Outdoor prayer facing rainbow

Berakhot 59a אמר רבי אלכסנדרי אמר רבי יהושע בן לוי הרואה את הקשת בענן צריך שיפול על פניו שנאמר כמראה הקשת אשר יהיה בענן וגו׳ ואראה ואפל על פני לייטי עלה במערבא משום דמחזי כמאן דסגיד לקשתא אבל ברוכי ...
Double AA's user avatar
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May I daven wearing headphones?

There are many paths to concentration. I have known students who doodle because it helps them focus on a lecture more effectively. Others like to listen to music while they study either to help them ...
rosends's user avatar
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Davening to change nature

In Mashcehes Brachos (Bavli) 60 the Gemara states that one should not pray that his unborn baby be a boy if it's after the time the baby has formed already in the womb. However, in Masheches Brachos ...
sam's user avatar
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Are there any ill-effects for mis-directed prayers?

Inspired by the end of this answer: Just remember that all non-Jews don't follow the Sheva Mitzvot and could [even] be in Avodah Zarah and then would...a blessing [of theirs] matter? It might even ...
Seth J's user avatar
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What in a siddur can be changed?

There are many different editions of siddurim with many commonalities but also many differences, see here for discussion on MY. Also different communities use different siddurim to match their ...
BSteinhurst's user avatar
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Why does An'im Zemiros have two רs?

The song beginning אנעים זמירות (also named Shir HaKavod), which is popularly sung in shuls on Shabbos and/or Yom Tov and/or Yamim Noraim, basically follows a letter-scheme, with one verse for each ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Why does Mishneh Torah have Shem uMalchut for Yishtabach?

I was looking into the Seder haTefillot as well as other siddurim based on it, and something always bothered me about Birkat Yishtabach, which as most of you know "closes" the Pesuqei deZimra section ...
B.BarNavi's user avatar
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Division of Al Cheit

Al Cheit has a chorus line ועל כולם, אלוה סליחות, סלח לנו, מחל לנו, כפר לנו after the first 20 Al Cheits, then after the next 12, then after the next 12. Who made this division? Why was it not divided ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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What Nusach did the Twansa use?

In most of the places that Sefardim settled after being kicked out of Iberia, there were already Jews living there, usually called "Musta'arabi". In most places, these communities ...
Ben G's user avatar
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Kinnah about mazalos out of order

One of the Kinnos that is said the night of Tisha B'Av discusses the different mazalos/constellations. In the Artscroll version it's listed as Kinnah #5. Artscroll has a nice chart at the bottom ...
robev's user avatar
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Why don't we say "please" (that often)?

The week day Shmoneh Esrei prayer has a series of requests during which we ask Hashem for many of our needs. In my siddur (Tefilla Hashalem) there is a subtle change made in the texts of 1 of the ...
rosends's user avatar
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In prayer for sick, can one name count for two people?

On Shabbat morning, the gabbai prays for the sick to be healed and reads out a list of names of sick people, that was provided by the community. In the case where two sick people have the same name (...
ColBeseder's user avatar
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Recommended changes to the text of selichos when you say them at the "wrong" time

Some of the piyutim in selichos assume that you're saying them at the ideal time - before Amud Hashachar (for example, at the end of selicha #70 שחרנוך קדם עמוד השחר). Many people don't make it at ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Saying Havineinu during the rainy season

The Mishnah Berakhot 4:3 introduces the abridged Amida, known as Havineinu (due to its' opening word). The Gemara Berakhot 29a provides the text of this abridged Amida, in the name of Shmuel. Within ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Source for saying seven specific psalms in the cemetery

What is the source as cited in the ArtScroll Tehillim for saying chapters 33, 16, 17, 82, 91, 104, and 130 of Tehillim in a bais hachayim (Jewish cemetery)? Why specifically these chapters and why in ...
S. I.'s user avatar
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Can the Shaliach Tzibbur walk around while praying?

For any of the prayers other than the Amidah, are there sources that allow the prayer leader to walk around (for no special purpose) while praying? The question is specific to the Shaliach Tzibbur, ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why, in Yom Kippour and RH davening, when we say Tefilas responsively, does sometimes the baal Tefila go first, sometimes the congregation?

Why, in Yom Kippour and RH davening, when we say Tefilas responsively, does sometimes the baal Tefila go first, sometimes the congregation? For example, Shema Koilanu, aveenu Malkainu, the Baal tefila ...
Ed Rosenberg's user avatar
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Has the Sefer Abudraham been translated into English?

I am looking for an English translation of David ben Josef ben David Abudirham's book on tefillah, entitled Abudraham. Does one exist? If so where could I find it?
Gavriel's user avatar
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When is it permissible to collect charity during prayer?

In my shul someone usually brings around the pushka (charity box) during the chazzan's repetition of shmoneh esrei. I have also heard that it is appropriate to give tzedaka during v'yivarech Dovid. ...
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Prayer in a chapel (bes midrash room) vs. in the main synagogue

Some synagogues have a room for prayers that's used on a regular basis: weekdays, Shabasos, holidays. If there are two simultaneous minyanim, then one will be elsewhere, of course, but otherwise the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Publicizing that you were rescued and how you achieved this - origins

Where I live - in Jerusalem - it's not uncommon to see signs like this: I said Perek Shira for 40 days and was saved. I promised to publicize this. Sometimes it's about other good deeds, usually it'...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Thanking Christian for his prayers

Taking into account that Christianity is Avoda Zara I would like to ask the following question. I met a missionary last night who started off the conversation saying that he prays for Israel and then ...
Moz's user avatar
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Davening for multiple things

In Taanis 8b, בִּימֵי רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָנִי הֲוָה כַּפְנָא וּמוֹתָנָא, אָמְרִי: הֵיכִי נַעֲבֵיד? נִיבְעֵי רַחֲמֵי אַתַּרְתֵּי — לָא אֶפְשָׁר In the days of Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani there ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Why is Mar son of Ravina's prayer commonly recited after Amidah?

Berachot 16b-17a lists a number of prayers that various amoraim recited at the end of Amidah. Common practice (at least in the Ashkenazi and Edot Mizrach siddurim that I've seen) seems to be to ...
Joel K's user avatar
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How to refer to a Kohain with suspended privileges in prayer

When a Kohain chas v'Shalom marries a divorcée or convert, halacha requires us to suspend his privileges - he may not receive the first aliyah during the Torah reading, duchen, etc, until such time as ...
יהושע ק's user avatar
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Why does the paytan refer to the Thirteen Attributes as “Thirteen words”?

There is a piyut which is said by Minhag Lita on the fifth (sometimes, in some customs, on the fourth) weekday of the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah; by Nusach Sefard on the second Monday of BeHa”B; and by ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why no Kaddish DeRabbanan at Minchah?

Rambam writes in Seder HaTefillah: קדיש דרבנן כל עשרה מישראל או יתר שעוסקין בתלמוד תורה שעל פה ואפילו במדרשות או בהגדות כשהן מסיימין אומר אחד מהן קדיש Kaddish DeRabbanan: Anytime ten or more ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Vowels around G-ds Name

What do these vowels around G-ds name mean?
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Why do we say "Mah Tovu" in the morning only?

Many say the paragraph “Mah Tovu” when entering the synagogue in the morning. See, for example, here and here. מַה טּבוּ אהָלֶיךָ יַעֲקב מִשְׁכְּנתֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל. וַאֲנִי בְּרב חַסְדְּךָ אָבא ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Does one say this prayer for medical procedures on a procedure that gives guidance rather than help?

Shulchan Aruch (OC 230:4, as explained by Magen Avraham ibid. :6) paskens that when one undergoes a medical procedure he should say the following prayer: יהי רצון מלפניך ה׳ אלקי שיהא עסק זה לי ...
DonielF's user avatar
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What does "give a blessing on the face of the earth" mean?

The ninth blessing of the weekday Amida as recited between Pesach and the rainy season contains, in some traditions, the phrase: ותן ברכה על פני האדמה and give a blessing on the face of the earth ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Does Halakhah permit one to daven a different Nussach in a bind?

Suppose one's minhag is to daven Nussach A; but, one finds oneself in a synagogue, which only has siddurim of Nussach B, and one has not committed all of Nussach A to memory. He could daven Nussach A ...
Mark A.'s user avatar
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When does Kedusha start?

During Kedusha, one is to stand with the proper physical attitude (or, if one is still davening, stop and listen, at least according to some opinions). But when does Kedusha begin? Knowing when it ...
rosends's user avatar
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When can I turn pages for my neighbor

If I am praying next to an elderly person who I know is somewhat dependant on my help to find the place in the prayer book, at what points in davening may I silently direct him to the correct page/...
Ze'ev's user avatar
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When to sit down when davening

During Shabbat morning davening, we recite Psalm 136 and my siddur has the following instruction, "Most congregations recite the following psalm while standing". So I make sure to stand and then begin ...
rosends's user avatar
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How does the earliest written siddur compare w siddurim of today?

How does the davening in the siddurim of Rav Amram Gaon (who gave us the earliest written siddur, Is there a free copy of this early (earliest?) siddur online?) compare with siddurim of today? ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Are there circumstances when one should repeat a prayer in which he had no kavana the first time?

Halichipedia writes One should have kavana (proper concentration) when praying Shemonah Esrei. If one is unable to have kavana for all of Shemonah Esrei one should make an extra effort to have ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Minyan, netz hachamoh, and precision in time

There are halachic sources that discuss the importance of davening shemona esrei at netz (at sunrise), some of which state that it is preferable to daven at netz over davening with a minyan (at least ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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How to pronounce "nechamasa" in kaddish?

In most siddurim I've seen, the word "ונחמתא" in kaddish is written "וְנֶחֱמָתָא," with a סגול ("eh" sound) under the ח. However, someone recently told me that a certain (very trustworthy) rabbi ...
MTL's user avatar
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What book do these notes synopsize?

I picked up a (IIRC ArtScroll) sidur (prayer book) in my synagogue one day. It had no indication of ownership in it, but it had some handwritten notes (all in the same hand). Among them were: Between ...
msh210's user avatar
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How can the order of Ovinu Malkeinu be explained? Forgiveness comes before repentance

The order of the lines in [Ovinu Malkeinu] is troubling. It starts with a confession אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ חָטָאנוּ לְפָנֶיךָ (and אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ אֵין לָנוּ מֶלֶךְ אֶלָּא אָתָּה) and follows with ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Facing east when standing in prayers

I was praying with my kid in a synagogue wherein the aron was against the eastern wall, and most of the seats were facing north or south. My kid wondered why the people around us turned to face east ...
msh210's user avatar
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Catching Up When Saying Tachanun M/Th

On Mondays and Thursdays I often fall very behind during tachanun. I see two options — I can start with the congregation after having listened with proper intent during chazarat hashatz, or I can ...
rosends's user avatar
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MiSheBerach for someone who doesn't like his/her own name

Another question asked about a case in which someone does not want to use his/her mother's name in a MiSheBerach. What if someone dislikes his/her own given name and goes by a different name? What ...
Seth J's user avatar
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No minyan at shul

If a person goes to shul and there is no minyan (somewhere where there usually is one): Does that person still have the same obligation to find another minyan? Or, are there any opinions that hold ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Does it still count as a Bracha if one stuttered and repeated words?

What if someone has a stutter and they tend to repeat words when doing a Bracha. As long as they said all of the words, does it still count as a Bracha?
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Pray barefoot or not?

At the burning bush, God told Moses: Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground. [Ex. 3:5]. Later, the kohanim served barefoot in the Temple. But the Talmud ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Tefillah when marrying almana

I've heard there exists a formal Tefilah to be said when marrying an almana where one asks mechila from the first husband who was niftar. Would someone know where this tefilah can be found as well as ...
TorahKnowledgeSeeker's user avatar
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What is the "kedusha of the individual"?

In a 13th century manuscript of a machzor according to Minhag Ashkenaz (Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Hébreu 644), on the pages for the kedusha on Shabbat for shacharit and mussaf, there is an ...
magicker72's user avatar
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