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Questions tagged [tefilla]

Questions about Jewish prayer (the fixed order of typically-thrice-daily prayers, or prayer generally).

10 questions from the last 30 days
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If a woman arrives late, should she skip pesukei d’zimra to daven shemoneh esrei b’tzibbur?

There is a well-established practice for men to skip parts of pesukei d’zimrah to finish in time to daven shemoneh esrei with the tzibur. Should a woman also do this?
Shimshon's user avatar
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זֵכר or זֶכר in אשרי? [duplicate]

All my life I've said זֵכר. But recently I noticed in the artscroll siddur and tehillim, זֶכר. I checked a bunch of other siddurim, they all had it as זֵכר. (Unlike parshat Zachor, no sidur mentions ...
Chani's user avatar
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Halachic source for R' Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern praying late [duplicate]

As we all know there are halachic times to pray. I recently discovered that R' Yitzchok is known (to some level) for praying late among other things. I know he's a Mekubal and that's why he's one of ...
Netanel Menajem's user avatar
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Is it all Leah's doing?

As we know from the commentaries and midrashim, Leah's eyes were weak from praying to Hashem to not have to marry Esav. If she had, her job would have been to cause him to turn into a "good guy&...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Who established the tefilas Mussaf? [duplicate]

Many people know the aggadeta in gemara Berakhos 26b regarding the origin of daily tefilos: The Gemara comments: It was taught in a baraita in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yosei, son of Rabbi ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Is there a gemara that explains why our forefathers' prayers were answered right away?

I think I remember a gemara that says the reason why our fathers were answered right away as opposed to us is because they knew G-d's name. I am searching for it but I have not found it yet.
bil'am hatsadik's user avatar
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Mispronouncing G-d's name "Adee-noy"

If a shaliach tzibur pronounces the name of G-d as "Adeenoy", can one say "amen"? Can one say "Boruch hu uvaruch shemo"? Does one fulfil the requirement of tefila B'...
Chani's user avatar
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Order of Selichos

In most siddurim used by ashkenazim, nussach Ashkenaz or Sefard, we have a daily addition for selichos sandwitched between tefilas Amidah and Tachnun. Some people suggested to me that it was taken ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Touching dogs obstructs prayers - source?

One of the first things I learned in yeshiva was that there is some source that says that: if one touches a dog, then their prayers are "held up in heaven" for 40 days. I don't remember ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What is the origin and history of Nusach Roma?

This year I visited Italy. There I found that, at least in Rome, the Jewish community uses a unique prayer order that differs greatly from other nuschaot, like Sephardic and Ashkenazic. Does Rome’s ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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