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Does the Jerusalem Talmud or Mishna speak of shepherds tending their flocks in the fields near to the second Jerusalem templeduring the winter months?

Prior to the destruction of the Temple at the hands of the Romans, I understand that sheep singled out for sacrifice in the Jerusalem temple were tended by their shepherds in the fields near Jerusalem ...
Lesley's user avatar
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How is it concluded from Yerushalmi Shevi'it 6:1 that Rabbi Yishmael b'Rabbi Yosei was a kohen?

I heard a number of months ago that it can be concluded from Yerushalmi Shevi'it 6:1 that Rabbi Yishmael b'Rabbi Yosei was a kohen (this topic in itself is debated, see a short summary in his Hebrew ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Is Shmuel (Amora) considered a Tanna by the Jerusalem Talmud?

The Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot.9a (similarly Yevamot 9a or Sotah 16a) says it in the name of Tannayim: "תני יצאת בת קול ואמרה אלו ואלו דברי אלהים חיים אבל הלכה כדברי בית הלל. איכן יצאה בת קול רבי ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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What are the specifics of the fake Yerushalmi story?

I heard, long ago, about a mesechta (or entire seder, I can't recall which) of Yerushalmi that was fabricated. It was finally proven to be a fake when a rabbi realized that every mesechta (or seder) ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Rabbi Shimon without any other qualifiers

When there is a "Rabbi Shimon" without giving his father's name or his town, who is it assumed to be? The specific example I'm looking at is in Yerushalmi Brachot Daf 25.-25:.
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
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Is the Story About Members of Beis Shammai Killing Members of Beis Hillel True?

The Yerushalmi Talmud at Shabbos 1:4 has a mysterious passage speaking of a time when Beis Shammai literally violently out-dueled Beis Hillel: Mishna: These are the laws they said in the attic of ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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