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What is the quote about 13 rivers of aparsemon?

Can some share the quote where this came from: "the righteous will bathe in 13 rivers of aparsemon"? I've seen it paraphrased online a lot but I can't find it in the reference listed (Avodah ...
Yerushalma's user avatar
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Joint Bavli and Yerushalmi Gemara edition

Is there a Talmud book that has both of the Yerushalmi and Bavli side by side commenting on any given Mishnah? I think this would greatly elucidate the meaning of a Mishnah, which, afterall, is the ...
A s's user avatar
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Maror - bitter or sweet?

The Gemara (Pesachim 115b) says that if one swallowed the Maror, he is not Yotze, being that one must taste the bitterness. Question: it says in the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 2:5) that Chazeret is ...
User123's user avatar
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What is the source from the Gemara that you should kill a roidef before he comes to try to kill you [closed]

BH I heard if a roidef is coming to try to kill you you should kill him first. Where does it talk about this first in the Gemara and Halacha? How does Halacha define a roidef? And what if the Roidef ...
David 's user avatar
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Seeking a cross reference between the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds

The Bavli and Yerushalmi overlap in content (to a large extent), but the pagination of the overlapping content differs. I am seeking a reference work that shows on what page(s) given topics in one ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Talmud Yerushalmi vs Bavli

We all know that only a Sanhedrin can vote conclusively on a halakha for the entire nation. Since the Sanhedrin was dismantled, the next best option was to listening to the hachamim of your locale. ...
David 's user avatar
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What influence was present to convince Israel to accept the Babylonian Talmud as the basis to Halacha?

In the times of the Gaonim, Yehudai Gaon and Pirqoi ben Baboi seem to have tried to convince Israel to follow the Babylonian Talmud in the wake of earliest codified halachic works. What other ...
Elie's user avatar
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End of Redaction of the Mishnah and the Gemara

The Talmud has three layers, the Mishnah, the Gemara and the comments (mainly Rashi for Bavli and others for Yerushalmi, who are well known). What is the estimate timeline for the end of redaction of ...
Jeschu's user avatar
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Yerushalmi Horoyos in Shas Vilna

The Vilna Shas (Bavli) contains the Yerushalmi Horoyos, without meforshim, following the Bavli version. It does not have this for any other masechta (that I know of). Why is this?
YSR's user avatar
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Question on the connection of the braitot in Sanhedrin 32b

In Bavli Sanhedrin 32b it says: "The Sages taught: The verse states: “Justice, justice, shall you follow.” This teaches that one should follow the best, most prestigious, court of the generation....
Harel13's user avatar
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Is there more than one text of the Mishnah?

I understand there is one Mishnah and two Talmuds (Bavli and Yerushalmi). But is the text of the Mishnah associated with each Talmud exactly the same? Rabbi Gil Student states that the famous quote ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Was the Talmud available in written form, partially or fully, before the 7th century?

was the Talmud available in written form partially or fully before the 7th century? or just was transmitted orally?
capri reds's user avatar
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Does the Talmud say that Jesus writhes in excrement and Mary was a prostitute?

There is a widespread belief among many Christian denominations that Jesus and Mary are referred to in overly disrespectful, even scatological, language in the Talmud. Examples often given are that ...
Bonnie 's user avatar
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Why isn't burning the limbs considered the melacha of cooking?

In Yevamos 33b, the gemarra is trying to figure out what part of the Temple service would constitute a Shabbos violation if a non-Kohen were to do it. The gemarra suggests throwing the animal limbs on ...
robev's user avatar
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Any known translations of the Talmudim et al into classical languages, prior to the 19th century?

Through the 19th and 20th centuries, the Bavli and Yerushalmi were fully or partially translated into English, French, German, Arabic and Italian. Are there any extant translations of the Talmudim and/...
Meir Illumination's user avatar
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Why is there no tayku in the Jerusalem Talmud?

From one count I have seen there are more than 300 times in the Talmud Bavli where a discussion ends with “תיקו” (let it stand, ie the question remains) yet, to my knowledge there is not a single time ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Source of opinion that Talmud Yerushalmi was corrupted by Karaites

In the entry for Talmud Bavli/Yerushalmi in Chida's Shem Hagedolim Hashalem (c.1800, the older versions do not have this paragraph), he references a theory from maskilim of his time that the Rabbis ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Which Talmud is supreme [duplicate]

How could there be two different Talmuds (Babylonian and Jerusalem) if they are both stemming from a direct oral tradition from Sinai? Thank you
charles S's user avatar
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Did Amoraim in Bavel study or know of the Talmud Yerushalmi?

The Talmud Yerushalmi was completed while the Amoraim in Bavel were still debating and discussing halachos that would be recorded later on the Talmud Bavli. I'd like to know if we can know or assume ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Why the Jerusalem Talmud is not mentioned in the Bavli?

The JT was compiled some 150-200 years before the Bavli (WIKI), so the most of the disputes in the Bavli took place when the JT was already finished. The Rabbis (Tannayim and Amorayim) traveled all ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why is Talmud Bavli studied more than Yerushalmi?

I'm far from an expert on either Bavli or Yerushalmi. But, I'm curious as to why yeshivot (and, to an extent, even individual adults learning by themselves, chevruta or via shiurim) study Bavli far ...
DanF's user avatar
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Giving up ones life על קידוש ה׳ not to transgress גילוי עריות

Are there any instances in Shas (Bavli or Yerushalmi) or even records of history where a group or even an individual gave up their life not to transgress גילוי עריות, Adultery?
Sye510's user avatar
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Why no manuscripts of Talmud survive in the Arab lands? ...Munich manuscript which covers the whole Talmud and dates from the year 1334. Alas, that that is the only complete manuscript of the Talmud in ...
sds's user avatar
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Does Rav discourage study of Scripture?

I read the following on Yerushalmi Online: Rav said: As soon as man goes forth from Halachic to Scripture study he no longer has peace. And Shmuel said: It means one who leaves Talmud for ...
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what determines what parts of the talmud(if any) are in hebrew rather than aramaic?

I read in this question That this line ...
barlop's user avatar
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Is the Maharshal's list of differences between Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi complete?

I found here a book written by the Maharshal citing where pasukim are found in the Yerushalmi. In the end of this book, he cites a number of differences in halacha between the Bavli and the Yerushalmi....
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
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One Shabbos or two?

Yerushalmi Taanis 1:1 says: א"ר לוי אילו היו ישראל משמרין שבת אחת כתיקנה מיד היה בן דוד בא R. Levi said: If Israel kept one Shabbos correctly, the son of David would immediately come. But Bavli ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Why is Shekalim in the Bavli?

I have a few different sets of Shas Bavli, and most of them contain Shekalim from the Yerushalmi. (The Steinsaltz version does not, for example, though the Oz v'Hadar version does). When did people ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Zohar vs. Yerushalmi

M"B 25:42 makes it clear that we always follow Gemara over Zohar. And we similarly follow Bavli over Yerushalmi (as is clear from the Hirhurim article quoted in this related discussion). However, do ...
b a's user avatar
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Yerushalmi Versus Bavli in Halacha

The halacha we have today is mostly sourced in Talmud Bavli(the Babylonian Talmud),Medrash and Zohar. I would like to know what Halachot in which we rule according to the Yerushalmi (the Jerusalem ...
simchastorah's user avatar
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Talmud Yerushalmi Halachot

The halacha we have today is mostly sourced in Talmud Bavli(the Babylonian Talmud),Medrash and Zohar. I would like to know what Halachot which we have today which are sourced strictly in the ...
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