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Citing the Jerusalem Talmud and Mishna Torah [duplicate]

How would you write an academic citation (format agnostic) for the Jerusalem Talmud or the Mishna Torah? i.e. a specific quote from each. I'm specifically asking about these as there is no standard ...
marisbest2's user avatar
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Rambam's Hilchos HaYerushalmi

I am looking for Rambam's Hilchos HaYerushalmi (ed. Lieberman) (or a some other edition if it exists). Is it available for free online?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Rambam on Planting non-fruit trees on Shemita

The Yerushalmi in Sheviit 4:4 says: וכן היה רשב״ג אומר נוטעין אילן סרק בשביעית So too Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel would say - one may plant non-fruit trees on the seventh then RaMBa"M goes and ...
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