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'Hole in sheet' myth VS Nedarim 20a,b and Gur accounts

First, sorry to rehash this old canard. Second, I'm aware this topic has been addressed here: Origin of myth about the hole in the sheet? However, that addresses R' Yose ben Chalafta's behaviour, and ...
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End of Redaction of the Mishnah and the Gemara

The Talmud has three layers, the Mishnah, the Gemara and the comments (mainly Rashi for Bavli and others for Yerushalmi, who are well known). What is the estimate timeline for the end of redaction of ...
Jeschu's user avatar
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Is there more than one text of the Mishnah?

I understand there is one Mishnah and two Talmuds (Bavli and Yerushalmi). But is the text of the Mishnah associated with each Talmud exactly the same? Rabbi Gil Student states that the famous quote ...
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