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Why not recite a beracha when taking off tefillin

According to a sugyah in the Talmud Yerushalmi there were rabbis who held the opinion you should recite a beracha when taking off tefillin: כשהוא חולצן מהו אומר ברוך אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו לשמור ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What is the source from the Gemara that you should kill a roidef before he comes to try to kill you [closed]

BH I heard if a roidef is coming to try to kill you you should kill him first. Where does it talk about this first in the Gemara and Halacha? How does Halacha define a roidef? And what if the Roidef ...
David 's user avatar
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What influence was present to convince Israel to accept the Babylonian Talmud as the basis to Halacha?

In the times of the Gaonim, Yehudai Gaon and Pirqoi ben Baboi seem to have tried to convince Israel to follow the Babylonian Talmud in the wake of earliest codified halachic works. What other ...
Elie's user avatar
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Why isn't burning the limbs considered the melacha of cooking?

In Yevamos 33b, the gemarra is trying to figure out what part of the Temple service would constitute a Shabbos violation if a non-Kohen were to do it. The gemarra suggests throwing the animal limbs on ...
robev's user avatar
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What exactly are the forbidden statues according to Yerushalmi- Avodah Zarah 3:1 18a?

We read in Yerushalmi- Avodah Zarah 3:1 18a (English translation by Rabbi Jacob Neusner): [A] All images are prohibited. [B] "Because they are worshipped once a year", the words of R. Meir [...
Amos74's user avatar
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How far must one suffer for Arba Kosos?

As discussed here, the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 10:1) notes that some Amoraim suffered tremendous headaches from drinking the Arba Kosos that lasted for weeks, if not months. (I'm not sure what the events ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Is the Maharshal's list of differences between Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi complete?

I found here a book written by the Maharshal citing where pasukim are found in the Yerushalmi. In the end of this book, he cites a number of differences in halacha between the Bavli and the Yerushalmi....
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
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Do any halachic sources address the question of making a siyum masechet on a tractate of Yerushalmi?

I don't see a reason why one couldn't make a siyum on a masechet of Yerushalmi but I was wondering if there are any halachic sources that discourage it or address this specific question.
Vtr's user avatar
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Rambam on Planting non-fruit trees on Shemita

The Yerushalmi in Sheviit 4:4 says: וכן היה רשב״ג אומר נוטעין אילן סרק בשביעית So too Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel would say - one may plant non-fruit trees on the seventh then RaMBa"M goes and ...
Eytan Yammer's user avatar
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Yerushalmi Versus Bavli in Halacha

The halacha we have today is mostly sourced in Talmud Bavli(the Babylonian Talmud),Medrash and Zohar. I would like to know what Halachot in which we rule according to the Yerushalmi (the Jerusalem ...
simchastorah's user avatar
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Talmud Yerushalmi Halachot

The halacha we have today is mostly sourced in Talmud Bavli(the Babylonian Talmud),Medrash and Zohar. I would like to know what Halachot which we have today which are sourced strictly in the ...
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