Questions tagged [talmud-gemara]

The Talmud is a central text of Judaism. It takes the form of a record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, metaphorical stories, customs, and history.

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What is the source from the Gemara that you should kill a roidef before he comes to try to kill you [closed]

BH I heard if a roidef is coming to try to kill you you should kill him first. Where does it talk about this first in the Gemara and Halacha? How does Halacha define a roidef? And what if the Roidef ...
David 's user avatar
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Where in his works does Maimonides address how to understand אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים and the nature of makhloket more broadly (besides intro to PhM)?

Given what Maimonides says in his introduction to his Commentary on the Mishnah (Perush ha-Mishnayot) it seems like he is not a pluralist when it comes to truth in a makhloket (halakhic debate). He ...
GUT's user avatar
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Who where these commentaries of the book chovot Halevavot?

BH Who where these comentaries Pat Lechem, Marpe La Nefesh, and Tov Halevanon? And is Tov Halevanon the same as Lev Tov on Chovot Halevavot? Also heard there is also Nedar Bakodesh on Chavot Halevavot ...
David 's user avatar
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Who were the people who would make hachlatas in their hearts and be careful to keep them

BH Our teacher told us once that there were certain people from the Gemara correct me If I’m wrong that if they made a hachlata (decision) in their minds to do something they would do it. Would this ...
David 's user avatar
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Kovetz Mefarshim by daf

Has anyone ever put out mefarshim on gemara by daf rather than mefaresh? Or try to collect primary rishonim/achronim discussed in yeshivot per daf and reprint them together?
ak0000's user avatar
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Will the real Shas Kattan please stand up

There is an old tradition commonly referenced in the yeshiva community that Masekhet Ketubot is the "Shas Kattan" of Talmud Bavli, that is, it contains ideas that connect to just about every ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Who’s Bar Tutni

The Gemara in Keritot 4b has Reish Lakish quoting someone named בר תאוטני. If my AlHatorah search was correct, it seems this is the only place in Shas he is mentioned. Does anyone have more info on ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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War for economic reasons

In Brachot 3b David gives his ministers the advice to go to war to bring Parnassah. Then they asked the Urim and Thumim. Is waging war for economic reasons halahically justified?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Is there a mitzvah not to ignore a person?

BH This probably very common sense question although what is the mitzvah that when your with a person you shouldn’t ignore them? What’s the source?
David 's user avatar
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Teaching Gemara to a beginner to prepare for yeshiva. Goal is basic fluency. Looking for a simple perek/masechet to learn. Thanks!

He's a senior in high school and a very smart, analytical fellow though he lacks some basic textual skills because he's in public school. Going for gap year yeshiva next year and they said he should ...
Nitay Eshed's user avatar
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Why do the rabbis disagree on halacha with God

I would like to know why the rabbis disagree with God on Halacha in Baba Metzia 86a: סָפֵק הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אוֹמֵר טָהוֹר וְכוּלְּהוּ מְתִיבְתָּא דִרְקִיעָא אָמְרִי טָמֵא וְאָמְרִי מַאן ...
Michael's user avatar
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Difference between צריך and חייב

In the gemara (Pesachim 108a) the text reads that matzah צריך הסיבה But Not chayav. This is brought down as halacha. Is there any technical difference between saying that one "needs" to do ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why is יעל קגם out of order?

While the Gemara usually sides with Rava, there are famously 6 places where we say the Halacha is like Abaye, known as יע"ל קג"ם (as explained by Rashi) יאוש שלא מדעת - אביי אמר לא הוי יאוש ...
user907a's user avatar
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Gezel do indeed encounter an ocasion with bitlu

Shavua tov! On Makkos טז. on the end of the amud, the guemara asks if just the in shiliach haken and ones we encounter “bitlu ve lo bitlu”. And suggests gezel and mashcuno and pea. Gezel, it finishes ...
Rony Hakim's user avatar
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List of all things that extend your life

Does anyone have a list of things it says in the Gemara that specifically מאריכין לו ימיו ושנותיו? Not sure if such a list exists but if not, can people just name whatever places they know of in Shas ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Where does it say it’s not about the job but rather it’s the merits?

BH I heard that it's not about the Job or certain profession that you have rather it's your merits that actually bring you your parnasa if this is an accurate statement according to the Talmud what is ...
David 's user avatar
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What is involved behind the decision making process of halacha in the Talmud?

Throughout the Talmud we find occurrences such as these: The halacha is xyz because the verse in a certain chapter of Tanach says something similar to it; Rabbi Y disagrees and says the halacha is zyx ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Why would Moshe's new nation have been considered a one legged chair?

Bavli Berachos (32a) contains the following aggadic assertion {שמות ל"ב:י'} וְאֶעֱשֶׂה אוֹתְךָ לְגוֹי גָּדוֹל וְגוֹ', אֲמַר רִבִּי אֶלְעָזָר: אָמַר מֹשֶׁה לִפְנֵי הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, ...
Nahum's user avatar
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How to respect your colleagues

BH I heard there is a Mitzvah to respect your fellow colleagues what does the Torah say from the Talmud and Halacha upon this topic?
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What is the Origin/Meaning of the Phrase - עדיין אנו צריכין למודעי?

The phrase עדיין אנו צריכין למודעי is found in the Talmud and Midrash (see Bava Batra 10b and Genesis Raba, Vayechi). It's a strange phrase to introduce a sage by - "we still need the [Rabbi ...
GratefulD's user avatar
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"Adam needs kavod to live" - source

I've heard the idea that humans need kavod to live being quoted as a maimer chazal from the Gemara but I'm not sure where it comes from, does anyone know of something similar?
ak0000's user avatar
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The legend of Rashi's 4 lines

There is a known legend among Talmudists that each Amud has four lines of Rashi before the beginning of the text of the Talmud to hint to a student to review the Amud four times before continuing. I'm ...
TORAHistheikur's user avatar
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End of days in the Talmud

Are only frightening predictions for the End of Days in the Talmud? (Like that sages wouldn't live in these time periods.) Are there also encouraging statements for these times in addition to the ...
Mezeg's user avatar
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Does an English translation of Rashbam on Bava Batra exist on the internet?

Is there an English translation of Rashbam on Bava Batra somewhere on the internet?
David 's user avatar
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Is there a caution in Torah against leaning on sifrei kodesh

BH Is there a worry of leaning on sifrei kodesh like leaning your left elbow on the book while doing something else with your right hand?
David 's user avatar
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What’s the source of davening twords the wall?

BH What’s the source or is there a source of davening facing towards the wall and not if someone is in front of you? Is the optimum way to daven facing right towards the wall and not behind someone ...
David 's user avatar
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Temporarily Banning a Rishon’s Sefer – Is There a Precedent?

I heard from a reliable source that a great Rosh Hayeshiva (who I personally knew) temporarily banned a set of seforim from the Yeshiva's beit midrash. The Talmud in shabbat 56a states that it is ...
GratefulD's user avatar
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Did Ramban consider marital relations sinful?

Bavli Berachos 43b states as follows: וְאָמַר רַב זוּטְרָא בַּר טוֹבִיָּה אָמַר רַב: עֲתִידִים בַּחוּרֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁיִּתְּנוּ רֵיחַ טוֹב כַּלְּבָנוֹן. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: {הושע י"ד:ז'} "יֵלְכוּ ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Bava Metzia question - Shnayim Ochzim

If three people came into beit din holding a object and two of the people said they both found an object together, and the third person said “I found the object solely by by myself,” what would be ...
A S's user avatar
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Why is Yeush seemingly used in place of Hefker? (Bava Metzia)

In Elu Metziot, (Perek 2 of masechet Bava Metzia), It establishes that Maot mefuzarot is lo haveh yeush becuase of R' Yitzchak's baraisa of Mashmesh. My only problem is that the baraisa adds "sha'...
Avi Katz's user avatar
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Seeking a cross reference between the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds

The Bavli and Yerushalmi overlap in content (to a large extent), but the pagination of the overlapping content differs. I am seeking a reference work that shows on what page(s) given topics in one ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Will the Torah you did learn save you from the Torah you didn't?

On the one hand: Torah study protects forever, in this life, in death, and in the resurrection of the dead. (Sotah 5b, paraphrased) Rabbi Shimon Ben Lakish said: Troubles are removed from all those ...
ThinkingJew's user avatar
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Wagon getting stuck in mud

Is there some story in the Gemara or something where this wagoner has his cart get stuck in mud? Very vague but do any stories ring a bell?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Source of Story with smell from Gan Eden

I am trying to remember a talmudic Story where the Rabbi is selling parfume from Gan Eden or from a flower from Gan Eden? I think he did it to help his sons in law? What Story is this ?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Shimush: Mar'os on Niddah - why does it work?

In Hilchos Niddah, expertise in מראות, examining bedikos or kesamim (intentional examinations, or accidental stains on the woman's undergarments) to decide if they are tamei - which would make the ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Why does one's son's talmud torah take precedence over his own in the event that his son is smarter than him?

The gemara in kiddushin (29b) says תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: הוּא לִלְמוֹד וּבְנוֹ לִלְמוֹד – הוּא קוֹדֵם לִבְנוֹ. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר: אִם בְּנוֹ זָרִיז וּמְמוּלָּח וְתַלְמוּדוֹ מִתְקַיֵּים בְּיָדוֹ – ...
DavidM's user avatar
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Does fiduciary responsibility exist in Halacha

Putting aside Dina D’malchuta Dina, is someone liable for violations of fiduciary responsibility in Halacha. So does Halacha have a notion of fiduciary responsibility (which means not poorly managing ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Why pay 10 men to be in shul?

BT Megilla 5a records: Mishnah: What is reckoned a large town? One which has in it ten idlers [בטלנין]... Gemara: A Tanna taught that the ten idlers attend the synagogue. In fn. 21 of the Artscroll ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Where can I find a good translation with explanation for bava kamma

List a lot of different places where I can find them, but not mercaveh. I need with a good explanation.
Daniel Leibtag's user avatar
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Do Men of Low Moral Character Care About Reputation/Entering Ruins?

The Talmud in Brachot (3a-b) discusses the prohibition of entering a ruin. תָּנוּ רַבָּנָן, מִפְּנֵי שְׁלֹשָׁה דְּבָרִים אֵין נִכְנָסִין לְחוּרְבָּה: מִפְּנֵי חֲשָׁד, מִפְּנֵי הַמַּפּוֹלֶת, ...
GratefulD's user avatar
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*Obligation* to only learn what you enjoy?

The famous gemara in Avodah Zara: א"ר אין אדם לומד תורה אלא ממקום שלבו חפץ שנאמר (תהלים א, ב) כי אם בתורת ה' חפצו Rabbi [Yehuda HaNasi] says: A person can learn Torah only from a place [in the ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What is the earliest explicit reference to the "Talmud" after it was compiled?

I am thinking of perhaps the earliest direct quotation of it, or reference to it by name or at least in some manner in which it is clear that the Talmud itself is being described. Essentially, I am ...
arara's user avatar
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Does Deuteronomy 24:16 contradict what happened to King David’s son?

Deuteronomy 24:16 says a child will not be punished for the sins of the father and vice versa. Then how is it the child of David and Bathsheba be put to death? What is the reason for this according to ...
Orly's user avatar
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Hashem "joins" a good thought to deed

There's a famous saying (Kiddushin 40a) that Hashem treats a good intent as though it had been carried out: מחשבה טובה מצרפה למעשה But מצרפה literally means "join," and I seem to recall an ...
shmosel's user avatar
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The Pin Test - Urban Legend or Fact?

I have heard that certain, erudite Gedolim had photographic memories and passed the pin test. A volume of Talmud would be opened; a pin was thrust through its pages. The Gadol would look at the word/...
GratefulD's user avatar
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An example of a man asked for a sign, been given the sign, then rejecting the sign, but he repents afterwards?

I wonder if there is a case in The Torah, of a man (or group of people) asking God for a miracle, then God offered the miracle, but the man rejected the sign, or accepted the sign but later will show ...
Ezra2020's user avatar
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Why isn't the Gemara Megillah 16b more direct with its sources?

The Gemara Megillah 16b selection of the pasuk from Devarim (28:10) to explain the term וִיקָר is quite puzzling. It appears that it would have been more fitting and straightforward for the gemara to ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Gemara relating to Yeshua Hanotzri

Does anyone have a list of all the places where Yeshua Hanotzri is mentioned in the Gemara (and was redacted because of the Christian censor)? I found theses two places: Sanhedrin 43a Sanhedrin 107b
Moz's user avatar
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What daf and exact quote is this talking about in the Rashash

BH The Rashash on the Tosfot daf 7B dibur hamaskil VeIbait Eima brings support from a different Gemara somewhere in Brachot. What’s the exact source and lashon of this? Like where is it? In my Gemara ...
David 's user avatar
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Different publishers of kovetz mefarshim

I'm wondering what the different major publishers of kovetz mefarshim on Gemara are, and if there are any pros/cons to the different editions. In general, and if known regarding Kiddushin specifically....
ak0000's user avatar
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