Questions tagged [speech-talking]

speech, verbalization

20 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a tradition not to mention the pink animal?

My family always say "pink animal" in reference to, well, the pink animal. But now we find nobody remembers the reasons for this. It seems to me I've seen the Hebrew writers say "davar acher," or "...
Chaim's user avatar
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Can a ventriloquist chant the Torah?

A ventriloquist essentially recreates sounds using a different part of the speech system. For example, mouthing the sound ‘B’ would give away the act, so it must be recreated in a different part of ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Is it ok to Text After Kriyat Shema al Hamita?

Is it okay to text after saying kriyat shema al hamita? You're not supposed to talk afterward, as it says: Tremble and sin not. Reflect in your hearts while on your beds, and be utterly silent. -...
user3554664's user avatar
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Speaking in the middle of Havdallah

Someone was making havdallah and, after saying the bracha on besamim (spices) and then smelling them, exclaimed "Ah! A mechayah!". Is this considered a hefsek (interruption) in the havdallah? Meaning ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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When does one need to be careful not to incite the Satan?

The Gemara (Berachos 19a) learns out from Yeshayah 1:9-2:1, that one should not say that something bad could have happened to him, so as not to incite the Satan. The question is: doesn’t David ...
User123's user avatar
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What if a statement is vocalized as a question?

When making a statement or declaration, such as "i'm making a kinyan for Ploni", must it be vocalized as a statement, or can it sound like a question (raising the tone at the end a little; hopefully ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Limits of pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton

What methods of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton are forbidden? Can I listen to a live radio show where It is being said? Can I cause a machine to make Those Sounds? Can I cause a non-Jew to speak It? ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Some senses open, some we can shut

I recently heard a question, why can we close our eyes and mouth without our hands, but not our nose* and ears? I believe this sounds like the perfect question to ask the Torah. Does anyone have any ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why didn't Hashem tell the snake that his power of speech would be removed?

B"H In the curses Hashem tells the snake it says "because you have done this, you are cursed from all beasts of the field..", without specifying exactly what that means. If you would ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Informality in addressing God

In Hebrew or English, people are addressed as "you". But in many other languages, such as French or Italian, there is a formal way to address people (vous, lei) and an informal way (tu, tu). ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why are many conversations in Tanach between two parties exclusively

Inspired by a comment on this question it seems the vast majority, if not the entirety, of conversations in Tanach are between two and only two parties. I would like to understand conceptually why ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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How much speech capacity is required to have an aliya or daven from the amud?

A person who has had the voicebox removed (due to cancer, for example) can still have a bit of speech, and it's not necessarily quiet. The main thing is that it doesnt sound like normal speech. Can ...
patient's user avatar
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Is there an obligation to speak God's praises?

Each time we say the Amidah, we include the modim prayer. In it, we list things that we must speak about -- our lives that we place in God's hand, our souls which are entrusted to God, God's miracles ...
rosends's user avatar
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Equal volume when doing birkat kohanim with a microphone

I attended a musical davening this week, and to accommodate the large crowd, the chazzan wore a microphone. The kohanim however did not. The result of this was that the chazzan's voice ended up much ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Is a beracha given in writing effective?

To whatever extent giving someone a beracha is effective, does a beracha given in writing have the same effect? Is the efficacy of the beracha somehow tied specifically to speech?
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Does Shemot 23:13 literally mean Marvel & DC Comics are forbidden?

Does Shemot 23:13 literally mean Marvel & DC Comics are forbidden? "and the name of the gods of others you shall not mention; it shall not be heard through your mouth." ( וְשֵׁ֨ם ...
חִידָה's user avatar
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What is the difference between sichah biteilah and devarim yeserim?

On Shabbos one should refrain from speaking about mundane matters. The Rambam makes a statement that one should refrain from sichah biteilah on Shabbos (Hilchos Shabbos 24:4) while the Rosh uses the ...
Dude's user avatar
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Time, Place and Speak

I heard from someone that מזל stands for מקום זמן לשון, (there is a) place (and) time (to) speak. Do you where this idea comes from?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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If someone repeats a secret can I tell the person whose secret it is

If Person A tells something to Person B in confidence, but without explicitly asking him not to repeat it, and Person B repeats it to Person C, can Person C inform Person A about this, so he knows ...
Ben's user avatar
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Will the donkey of Moshiach talk?

B"H The question and answer here Touch on the idea that the donkey that Moshe rode (his family and placed his belongings on (not him himself, the ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar