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Are there any references from the schools of Shammai and Hillel that support belief in the soul separating from the body at death?

I found an old question on Mi Yodeya asking for proof of the existence of the soul. Part of the question made this comment: Judaism asserts that a human being is a composite of a body and a spiritual ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Does one get back his neshama in the exact form when resurrected?

I'm viewing the phrasing in the paragraph Elokai Neshamah: ואתה עתיד לטלה ממני ולהחזירה בי לעתיד לבא My loose translation: In the future, you will take it from me and return it to me in the (...
DanF's user avatar
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At Techiyas Hameisim what will happen to reincarnated souls? [duplicate]

At Techiyas Hameisim what will happen to all the bodies that had souls that came down again as gilgul (that the soul had already been in another body)? Which body will arise by Techiyas Hameisim if ...
menachem's user avatar
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Can a soul be destroyed to non-existence?

Can a soul die (make choices that will lead to its being completely destroyed)? The Zohar 1:131a states that the souls of transgressors will became ashen cinders under the feet of the righteous. From ...
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Reincarnation vs. resurrection of the dead

Some Jews believe in reincarnation. They are also supposed to accept the Resurrection of the Dead, where actual bodies are resurrected. In that case, for each soul, which body is resurrected?
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