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Shoresh Neshama

When we say shoresh neshama, is there a different root for each level of the soul (nefesh, ruach, neshama) or only for the level of the neshama? For exemple, Arizal says that Nadav ben Aharon has only ...
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Is it true the Ari said that if there is hate of one scholar to another it's because they're from the same shoresh?

Is it true that the Ari said that if there is hate from two talmidei chachamim this is because they're from the same shoresh neshama?
David 's user avatar
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Where do human souls come from?

In the kabbalah of the Arizal, which world does the g-dly soul inherant in a human come from? Do they for example come from the world of Atzilut?
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Souls (Neshamos) of converts

When I was in Yeshiva many years ago I heard one of the rebbeim (teachers) of the yeshiva speaking to a young man that had converted to Judaism and that was very successful in learning about "his ...
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