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If Shavuos and Shemini Atzeres are essentially the same holiday then why are their korbanos different?

The Midrash Rabbah (Shir HaShirim 7:2) equates Shavuos and Shemini Atzeres, calling them both Atzeres (shel Pesach/Sukkos), saying that really Shemini Atzeres should come later on in the year (similar ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Sh’mini atzeret Halacha

Do all the Halachic implications of Yom Tov apply to Sh’mini atzeret (in Eretz Yisrael), or is it considered like Chol Hamoed or some other category?
Kirk's user avatar
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When Shemini Atzeret is on Shabbat, do we do havdalah? Why?

This year in the diaspora, Shemini Atzeret is on Shabbat, and Simchat Torah begins as Shabbat ends. My understanding is that we light candles to usher in Simchat Torah, so I was wondering if we did ...
The Beruriah Incident's user avatar
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Shemini Atzeret coincides with Shabbat, Sukkah farewell and last meal

This year Shemini Azeret and Shabbat coincide. What is the last meal done in the Sukkah? Is Seudah Shelishit in this context has to take place in the Sukkah?
Eli83's user avatar
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Last Sealing on Hoshana Rabba or Shmini Atzeret?

I have heard in numerous Shiurim that one is judged on Rosh ha Shana, sealed on Yom Kippur and finally sealed on... A) Shmini Atzeret B) The night of Hoshana Rabba C) The day of Hoshana Rabba. What ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Torah reading for Mincha when Shemini Atzeret falls on Shabbat

(This question assumes we are in the Diaspora, so that Simchat Torah is on the second day of Shemini Atzeret.) This coming year (5784) the first day of Shemini Atzeret falls on Shabbat. What do we ...
mweiss's user avatar
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Shmini Atzeres; praying without minyan; when to daven Musaf; alternative strategy?

Kitzur Shulchan Oruch 19 directs During the winter we add mashiv haruach (Causer of the wind to blow) umorid hageshem (and the rain to fall) to the second berachah of Shemoneh Esrei. We begin (this ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why do we read VeZot HaBerachah on Shemini Atzeret? [duplicate]

Megillah 31a teaches that the Torah reading for the second day of Shemini Atzeret (observed outside of Israel) is VeZot HaBerachah. Why is this passage an appropriate reading for Shemini Atzeret?
Joel K's user avatar
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Contradiction in the Taz between early Shavuos and early Shemini Atzeres

In his disagreement with the Maharshal's ruling not to start Shemini Atzeres early, the Taz's first objection is a long poetic rendition about why we shouldn't forbid something that isn't mentioned in ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Hypothetical Halacha -- Is "Leishayv Basukkah" an interruption of a brocha on Shmini Ateres (if said by mistake)?

This case happened to me over the past Shemini Atzeres, and even though it's over now, I was still curious about the halacha. I was so used to saying Laysheiv Basukkah the entire Sukkos, so on the ...
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Shemini Atzeret - a "Regel Bifney Atzmo" dispute

There seems to be some disagreement about the nature of Shemini Atzeret and the implications of its being called a "Regel Bifnei Atzmo" (a stand-alone festival). But I assume that, because there are ...
rosends's user avatar
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Which sources deal with someone who said “bayom Chag haSukkos Hazeh” in “Yaaleh veyovo” in Grace after Meals on Shemini Atzeres

In Grace after Meals on Shemini Atzeres, someone said “bayom Chag haSukkos Hazeh” instead of “bayom Shemini Chag Hoatzeres Hazeh” in “Yaaleh veyovo”. My LOR told me that a man has to go back whereas a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Saying Shemini Chag Haatzeret Haze in Shemona Esrei

Why do certain communities say shemini chag haatzeret haze and not chag shemini atzeret haze like all the other festivals (chag hasukkot, chag hapesach). Why is the word chag in the middle of the name?...
Benza B's user avatar
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Do you say mashiv haruach in shacharis Shemini Atzeres if tzibbur already did it in mussaf?

If one is davening at home on the first day of Shemini Atzeres and he has not davened Shacharis yet, but the tzibbur has already davened Mussaf and said mashiv haruach, should he insert mashiv haruach ...
coolkat83's user avatar
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Connection between the three Atzeret?

I noticed that there are three moments called Atzeret. The seventh day of Pesach (Deuteronomy 16:8) Shavuot (Pesachim 68b) Shemini Atzeret (Leviticus 23:36) But what is the connection between these ...
Levi's user avatar
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Atzeret to gather or store?

Atzeret (עצרת) comes from the root עצר which means (nifal, as a verb) to stop, be delayed or to be arrested. But I also heard that R.S.Hirsch explains it means 'to collect, to store or to gather' as ...
Levi's user avatar
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Why is a suka forbidden for other uses all the eighth day, but an esrog is permitted after use?

The Talmud Bavli, Suka 46 amud 2, cites a difference of opinion as to how long an esrog and a suka are muktzim l'mitzvosehem, set aside for their respective mitzvos and forbidden for use for other ...
msh210's user avatar
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What are Hakafos Shniyos?

In Israel on motzei Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah, many yeshivos, shuls etc. do "Hakafos Shniyos". What do they do exactly? Where does this custom come from and what's the idea behind it?
Gavriel's user avatar
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beyom or bayom hashemini Chag Haatzeret hazeh?

Every siddur, machzor, and bentcher that I've noticed writes בְּיוֹם, with a sheva, and then divides up into different cases (חג המצות/חג השבועות/חג הסוכות/השמיני חג העצרת, with additional options in ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why is there any debate regarding sitting in a Succah on Shmini Atzeret outside Israel? [duplicate]

A 2nd day of Yom Tov is observed outside of Israel because of sfeika d'yoma - (doubt which day Rosh Hodesh was declared, and thus, which day is the 1st day of the holiday.) The Torah states that one ...
DanF's user avatar
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Should a Jew from outside Israel who is visiting Israel for Sukkot eat in the Sukkah on Shemini Atseret?

Halachipedia writes that Outside Israel, on the eighth day of Sukkot (first day of Shemini Atseret), one should eat in the Sukkah without a Bracha of Leshev BaSukkah. The source for this is ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Does everyone say the piyut addressing Af beri?

According to the opinion that Machnisei Rachamim should not be said as we don't pray to angels, is there a problem to address Af Beri? I haven't heard of anyone skipping that piyut.
user6591's user avatar
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Is there a malach taking care of rain or not?

The Gemara in Taanis 2a mentions rain as one of the items that Hashem never gives the key of which over to a messenger. אמר ר' יוחנן ג' מפתחות בידו של הקב''ה שלא נמסרו ביד שליח ואלו הן מפתח של ...
user6591's user avatar
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Why does Chabad do hakafot erev Shemini Atzeret

Growing up, I typically went to a Chabad and I have noticed that they have hakafot on erev Shemini Atzeret (meaning the night of Shemini Atzeret). What is the reason and why do they do this?
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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What is the last day to shake the lulav in Diaspora?

Do we shake the lulav on shemini atzeret or simhat torah for folks living in diaspora?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Lulav and Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres [duplicate]

If you have the minhag to eat in the Sukkah on Shmini Atzeres, why is there no minhag to take the lulav (without a bracha) on Shmini Atzeres?
user7171's user avatar
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On what day exactly should one read the added phrases prayers?

When praying the Amidah at the second prayer of "Atá Gibor..." during summer one adds, "Morid hatal" between Pesach and Shemini Atseret; whereas in winter during Shemini Atseret and Pesach one adds, "...
Nun50's user avatar
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When did it come about that Shmini Atzeret became Simchat Torah?

The Torah calls last day of Sukkos Shmini-Atzeres (or techically a separate holiday (PZ"R KS"B)) but at some point in time it became Simchat-Torah (in Israel) or the 2nd day in Chutz L'aretz. When did ...
reuve's user avatar
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What is the last meal during the period of sukkot, and the days following, for which sefaradim are required to sit in the sukkah?

What is the last meal during the period of sukkot, and the days following, for which sefaradim are required to sit in the sukkah? There are different minhagim with this issue. Which minhag do ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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What does Tosfos 46B mean by "for the sake of the sukkah"?

Tosafos Sukkah 46B talks of the rabbis making a decree that one cannot eat the esrog. Tosfos says that in Eretz Yisrael, the decree is not made on account of the sukkah. Whereas in the diaspora, the ...
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Bircas HaMazon when starting to eat on Hoshanah Rabbah and finishing on Shmini Etzeres

A person eating a seudah on Hoshanah Rabbah wanted to continue eating his seudah when Shmini Etzeres already started. He was "pores mappah", made kiddush and continued to eat. Now, after a meal eaten ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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What are we "celebrating" on Shmini Etzeres?

According to the Gemorah in Sukkah Daf 48a Shmini Etzeres is a Chag in and of itself. However what exactly is the "chag" of Shmini Etzeres. Sukkos we are commemorating the Anei HaKavod, Pesach is ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Why doesn't Tefilat Geshem have a verse referring to Miriam?

The "Tefilat Geshem" ("Prayer for Rain") recited on Shemini 'Atzeret contains six verses. Each verse refers to a different person (except the last, which refers to a nation) and makes various ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Mashiv HaRuach - V'Sain (veten) Tal Umatar

Why do we start saying Mashiv HaRuach on Shemini Atzeres yet we do not say V'Sain Tal Umatar until Dec 4 / Dec 5 (In Chutz L'Aretz)? Why should they not be on the same day when they are similar ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Why don't those outside of Israel shake Lulav on Shmini Atzeres?

If one holds that Jews living outside of Israel should sit in a sukkah because of Sfeika Dyoma (We aren't sure what day it is), then why shouldn't we shake lulav and esrog? Worst comes to worst we are ...
Rabbi Yaakov's user avatar
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Why do we say "Shmini Atzeres Hachag Hazeh"?

On all Yomim Tovim we say "Chag Hassukos Hazeh" or "Chag Hamatzos Hazeh" but on Shmini Atzeres/Simchas Torah we say "Shmini Atzeres Hachag Hazeh" going in a different order. Why do we change the order ...
Rabbi Yaakov's user avatar
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Why do we have different customs for the second day of Shmini Atzeret in the diaspora?

In the diaspora, where two days of yomim tovim are celebrated, the second day is typically an exact repetition of the first day. We say the same prayers, make a second Seder on Pesach, make kiddush ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
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Not sitting in the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres

Shouldn't the obligation to sit in the Sukkah also fall into the category of Sefeika D'yoma? If so why do some not eat in the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres?
yydl's user avatar
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Hakafos on Shmini Atzeres

Out of Eretz Yisroel there are those that do Hakafos on Shmini Atzeres at night and some that even do it by day. Mostly I think it is by the Chasidim. Does anyone know of any Yeshivish or non ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar