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Questions tagged [shiurim-measurements]

measurements relating to the performance of different Mitzvot

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1 vote
2 answers

Dollar Value of Sela

In the ceremony of Pidyon HaBen, the father needs to give the Kohein who is involved, 5 Selaim. How much is a sela in US dollars?
4 votes
1 answer

Meaning of "emunah shlaima"?

The Rambam's 13 Articles of Faith begin with the statement: "אני מאמין באמונה שלמה" - "I believe with complete faith...", words that then go on to express our faith that God "creates and guides" all ...
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1 answer

Source of the idea of "enough to square" - "כדי לרבע"

IIRC the idea of "to square" addresses two main issues - measuring a minimal Succah and a minimal house for Mezzuzah (I'll focus on the first but the discussion on the later is similar). IIRC the ...
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2 answers

Who was responsible for keeping the original measures - weights and rulers?

The Torah obligates us to keep the proper measures in weights and rulers, like Amah and Tefach and Log and Shekel and Selah. Let's imagine there's an argument in court about house footage - one says ...
18 votes
7 answers

Is a rare steak kosher?

If you have a steak medium to rare, such that it's still pink in the middle, is it kosher? At what point is meat cooked enough?
1 vote
1 answer

why were the measurements of the kiyor not given?

the measurements of all the other utensils in the mishkan are provided except for those of the kiyor. why were the measurements of the kiyor not given?
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0 answers

A Plastic inside a silver cup of Kiddush and Havdalah

Is it permissible to put a plastic cup (disposable) inside a silver cup in Kiddush and Havdalah? The disposable cup is filled with the amount of the appropriate shiur (amount). However, it protrudes ...
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1 answer

What is the minimum size for a vineyard to be obligated against Kilayim

According to Halacha, a vineyard is prohibited from being mixed with different fruits or seeds, also known as Kilayim. My question is what is the minimum size/shiur for a vineyard to exist by halachic ...
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2 answers

Is there a concise book on how math and measurements are used in Torah and talmud?

Both the Torah and Gemarrah use math in various places, e.g. percentages (5ths (certain penalties); 10ths (ma'aser), etc.) They also use many terms of measurements - e.g. shekel = 20 gerah; numerous ...
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1 answer

Minimum amount for beracha achorona

According to Halacha what is the Minimum amount to eat before Jews are obligated to recite a beracha achorona? Is it a disputed question?
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0 answers

Minimum amount of dirt required for covering blood

Halacha mandates when Jews do shechita of chickens and wild animals they cover their blood with dirt. The question I have is what the minimum amount of dirt is necessary to use to fullfill this ...
10 votes
3 answers

The size/shape of biblical Israel

Based on this Tosafot in Bava Metzia 28a (D"H Chamisha Asar Yom), Eretz Israel is a square (400 sq. Parsah), and the distance between Jerusalem and the Jordan river is 1/39th the distance between ...
16 votes
2 answers

Does the Holy Ark weigh 4 tons?

I did some calculations, based on the following measures: The Aron was 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 Amahs The gold was 2.5cm thick (a finger) for the ark and 10cm thick (a Tefah) for the Kapores, at 19.3 g/cm3 ...
2 votes
1 answer

Minimum size for door to be obligated in mezuzah

According to Halacha, what is the minimum width and/or height for a door to obligated in a mezuzah? Is it any door, or does it have to be a specific size? And if it has to be a minimum size, what is ...
2 votes
1 answer

How big of a cut on skin renders an animal treif

According to Halacha, how big of a cut on an animal’s skin is necessary to render it non kosher (treif)? Not depth, but width/length wise, what is the shiur for it to become prohibited? Is this ...
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1 answer

How much non-water liquid invalidates a mikvah

According to Halacha, if one has an otherwise kosher mikvah, and then a foreign liquid (not water) spills into it, how much of it would have to exist to invalidate the mikvah? What proportion would it ...
5 votes
1 answer

Shiur for when shaatnez prohibits an item

According to Halacha, what is the minimum shiur (size) of shaatnez in a garment for it to become prohibited to wear? Is it even a single thread, a certain amount of inches, etc.?
2 votes
1 answer

What constitutes the region which Lo Yilbash is based on

According to Halacha, Lo Yilbash (the prohibition of cross dressing as the opposite gender), is based on what is customarily considered men’s clothing/women’s clothing in a region (מנהג המדינה). My ...
4 votes
1 answer

Minimum measure for שריטה/גדידה

I was learning about cutting/scratching. This is a pagan practice of cutting oneself in mourning, and is forbidden in the Torah. The halachot for this are in משנה תורה, הלכות עבודה זרה וחוקות הגויים ...
3 votes
1 answer

Measurement of Cherubim in the Mishkan

Our son would like to bring in a model to school of the Aron, and cherubim (ark of covenant, and cherubim) that was in the mishkan. I found a box with the exact size of the ark. We would like to make ...
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0 answers

How to understand quantity in terms of prohibitions and the affect that this has on interacting with that quantity of issur?

Do all issurim have a shiur and how is that quantified? An example of what inspired the question. In my taaruvos shiur the rav told us that on yontiff if wood that was muktza such as branches that ...
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0 answers

Can someone fulfill his Shabbat meal obligation through his family if they eat a k'betza and he eats just a bit?

Suppose someone for health reasons can't eat a full k'betza of bread but can eat a crumb. He wants to l'chatchila (or bedi'eved) fulfil the standard Shabbat obligation of seuda and lechem mishna for ...
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0 answers

Size of an amah (אמה)

One of the our measurements is the אמה ("cubit"), for which the most usual value is 24 אצבעות. My question is, What information do we have from earlier sources (Rishon or Acharon, say, ...
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0 answers

Rabbinic weights and measures in primary source

Where can I find a concise presentation of the full system of rabbinic weights and measures, in a primary source? Meaning X tefachim in an Amah, etc.
2 votes
1 answer

In what time period must Pas Habaa Bikisnin be eaten?

If enough Pas Habaa Bikisnin (e.g. cake or crackers) is eaten at once (according to some opinions as little as four beitzim Mishna Berura 168:24) then the blessing is Hamotzi instead of mezonot. In ...
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1 answer

Why is Aramaic "tlasah" used for wine in ketoret, where spices are counted in Hebrew "shlasha"?

In Talmud Keritot 6a, read in the siddur, it states, קילופה שלשה וקנמון תשעה בורית כרשינה תשעה קבין יין קפריסין סאין תלתא קבין תלתא Why is the Hebrew שלשה used for "three" (hin) in ...
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0 answers

Shortest/longest halachic hours

Chabad's article explains the “halachic hour” like this: The hour has a special meaning in Jewish law. "The third hour of the day" doesn't mean 3:00 a.m., or three sixty-minute hours after ...
11 votes
2 answers

Is there a halachic time limit for sending an organization its charity box money?

Many Jewish organizations distribute tzedaka (charity) boxes. A few that I know tell people, "collect the money and at some point, empty the money and mail us a check." Let's say someone leaves this ...
2 votes
1 answer

Apparent contradiction in Bamidbar 35:1-5

I am aware that Sotah 27b and Rashi do not not regard these verses as self-contradictory, although they point to the apparent contradiction. The verses in English: The LORD spoke to Moses in the ...
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0 answers

How large is an issar coin in halacha?

The Shulchan Aruch OC (648:2) writes אתרוג שניקב נקב מפולש כל שהוא פסול ושאינו מפולש אם היה כאיסר פסול ואם חסר כל שהוא פסול ויש אומרים דגם בנקב מפולש בעינן חסרון משהו ושאינו מפולש בחסרון כאיסר - An ...
3 votes
1 answer

Giving Tzedakah Less than a Perutah

The consensus among poskim is that a prutah is 1/40 of a gram of silver, which is usually more than 1 cent but less than 5 cents. So if a person only gives a penny to tzedakah (let's say that is all ...
1 vote
2 answers

How would you practically measure the volume of a matzah?

So assuming a Kezayit is measured as volume, how would one calculate the volume of a matzah? Water displacement probably wouldn’t work, because it’ll get soggy!
12 votes
5 answers

What is the absolute minimum length for peyos?

I have often heard that 1/4th of an inch is the minimum length of the hairs in the peyos area. For example, that is mentioned in an answer to a previous question: How to advise your barber My ...
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0 answers

Amah, tefach, and pi

I have a question on Eruvin 14a bottom which says that Shlomo's pool was round, had diameter of 10 amot and thickness 1 tefach, and circumference 30 amot (we learn from this that halachically pi=3). ...
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0 answers

Sotah 34a se’a as unit of weight?

In Sotah 34a, the weight of the stones at the Jordan from Joshua 4:3 is given as “about forty se’a.” Some (for instance Steinsaltz) use this in the discussion of the cluster of grapes brought back by ...
5 votes
1 answer

What precisely are the differences between היתר מצטרף לאיסור and טעם כעיקר?

Learning maseches nozir around daf 35, I encountered two concepts: היתר מצטרף לאיסור (HML) and טעם כעיקר (TK) HML The Gemoro 35b indicates that HML is derived from Bamidbar 6(3) מִיַּ֤יִן וְשֵׁכָר֙ ...
6 votes
0 answers

Operating a mechanical calculator on Shabbos

Are mechanical calculators Mukzte on Shabbos? Would it be considered a form of measuring? Mechanical calculators have no electric parts. Everything is purely mechanical: If it is considered measuring,...
15 votes
4 answers

Cash value of 'perutah'

How much is a 'perutah' worth in modern currency?
1 vote
2 answers

Pouring wine into a pagum/used cup in order to reuse the wine inside

I heard that after drinking from the kiddish cup, in order to reuse the wine left over which is pagum, we pour some wine into the cup from the bottle it before pouring the wine in the cup back into ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why are there different versions of what Chazon Ish says is the size of an Amah?

Different sources have different information regarding the size of an Amah (all measurements are attributed to Chazon Ish): Halachipedia - 24 in. / 60.96 cm - 22.72 in. / 57.72 cm Daat....
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2 answers

Must a kazayit be eaten immediately?

In order to recite an after-beracha —- take bread, for example —- must the full kazayit be eaten right after making the opening-beracha, or could one taste the bread and wait a period of time before ...
6 votes
1 answer

The angle of heseiba and derech cheirus

Heseiba (reclining) is a Rabbinic ordinance of the Passover seder intended to invoke the style of derech cherut ("the way of freedom" - associated with luxury/aristocracy). Some Rishonim (medieval ...
3 votes
1 answer

Teaching halacha to children with halachically invalid "props"

The Talmud (Sukkah 2b; cited also here) implies that chinukh (educating children in halacha observance) necessitates that the mitzvah be fulfilled according to its halachik details (at least with ...
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0 answers

How much is "k'dei l'chametz"?

How much is "enough sourdough to ferment"? Orla 2:6 refers to it as a qualitative measure, independent of the 200:1 ratio which is the quantitative measure that would render the sourdough indelible ...
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1 answer

What is the finest measurement in the Talmud?

The standard Talmudic measures of length include, for example, Amah, Tefach, and Etzbah. But those measures are pretty loose, around 20% of freedom. What object or usage, in our Halacha, requires the ...
6 votes
4 answers

Tzitzit length after knots

Once the Tzitzit have been tied, is there any requirement about their length?
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Additional examples of measuring length in 'whole people in Halachah

אמר ר' יוחנן: סוכה העשויה ככבשן, אם יש בהקיפה כדי לישב בה כ"ד בני אדם כשרה ואם לאו פסולה. Rabbi Yoḥanan said: With regard to a sukka that is shaped like a furnace and is completely round, if ...
17 votes
3 answers

Eating out Friday night of Chanukkah

If one is lighting Chanukah candles inside (for whatever reason) relying on the publicizing to himself and his family, then what should he do on Friday night if he is eating out? Must he make the ...
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0 answers

How much should Rosho Verubo be for Succah measurements?

The Gemmorah (Succah 3 and Mishna on 28) states that the requirements for a Succah are that a person can fit it "ראשו ורובו" - the head and most of the body. IIRC the average body is 3 Amot (18 ...
3 votes
1 answer

Shouldn't the minimum Succah size be 6x7 Tfachim?

According to Bartenura on Mishna Sukkah 1:1, the calculation for the minimum Succah footage is the footage one man occupies (1 Ama x 1 Ama), i.g. 6 by 6 Tfachim and 1 Tefach for his table: שהסוכה ...

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