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Why is the mitzvah called "Shiluach haken"? [duplicate]

Why is the mitzvah of sending away the mother bird before taking the young called שילוח הקן (Shiluach haken; "sending the nest")? It's not the nest you send away; it's the mother bird. I would have ...
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Sending away the mother bird, mitzvah at the onset?

The Mishnah in Chullin 141a says הנוטל אם על הבנים ר' יהודה אומר לוקה ואינו משלח וחכמים אומרים לוקה משלח ואינו לוקה Someone who takes the mother bird with the children, R' Yehudah says they're lashed ...
robev's user avatar
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Criteria for obligation to obligate oneself in mitzvot

Certain commandments are automatically obligatory, e.g., praying, reciting shema, eating matza on the first night of Passover, etc. Other commandments, however, seem to be obligatory only if one ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Why do we still even try to do Sheluach HaKan?

If we don't need the birds' eggs, as they used to, why do we send a mother bird away from her own eggs just to fulfill the mitzvah of Sheluach HaKan? Would the mitzvah even apply if we are doing it ...
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