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Questions tagged [shemoneh-esrei]

Literally "eighteen". Also called the "Amidah". The prayer consisting of 19 blessings, recited three times daily, and four times on Shabbat and Yom-Tov. It forms the backbone of all of the daily prayers.

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Source for the permission to imagine Hashem as a person while davening

I have seen mentioned by a Rav the following regarding how we interact with Hashem during tefilah: "However, when we speak to Hashem, so for our benefit, He gives us permission to imagine that a ...
Judah S's user avatar
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Praying Shemoneh Esrei with a big piece of spinach stuck between your teeth

Before saying the Amidah prayer, many men put on a hat and jacket. They want to look good before they address Hashem, the King of Kings. Imagine that you have a big piece of spinach stuck between ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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What is so special about "ve'sechezena" that it is the one word in bold in the whole Amida?

Practically every Siddur I've seen puts it in bold along with the first words of every blessing. Is there any reason for this?
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Difference between Birkas haMazon and Amidah with the Sequence of Blessings

When we say Birkas haMazon (blessing after meals), the second blessing contains thanksgiving Node L'kha with the addition for Chanukah and Purim and the third blessing of Yerushalaim contains request ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Reading tefilas Amidah vs. Birkas haMazon

What reason makes it preferable to read Birkas haMazon (blessing after meals) from a booklet, but tefilas Amidah with one's eyes closed? Also what specific reason makes us say Shemoneh Esreh standing, ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Learning during the Leader's Repetition of the Amidah - sources that permit it? [duplicate]

The sources are clear that one should not learn Torah during the Leader's Repetition of the Amidah. See Halichipedia It is improper to learn Torah or say other parts of davening during Chazarat ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Said Nacheim on Tisha B'Av maariv or shachris

Per Rema 557:1 הגה והמנהג פשוט שאין אומרים נחם רק בתפלת מנחה של תשעה באב לפי שאז הציתו אש במקדש ולכן מתפללים אז על נחמה (רוקח ואבודרהם) מי שאכל בט"ב יאמר נחם בברכת המזון (מהרי"ל): Rema Note:...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Bowing during Shmonei Esrei - why only sometimes

Why don’t we bow every time we say “Barach Ata” during Shmonei Esrei? Are you allowed to if you wanted to? Is there a specific reason why we only bow at specific brachas? Thanks
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Authorship / Derivation of the Yehi Ratzon יְהִי רָצוֹן at the End of the Amidah

In Nusach Ashkenaz we say at the end of each Amidah, a three phrase Yehi Ratzon for the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash (Temple). Can anyone shed light on the authorship or derivation of this Yehi ...
Edward B's user avatar
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Are women obligated in stepping before and after the Amidah

According to Halacha, if a woman prays the Amidah is she obligated to take three steps backwards before and after, or no? Since, women’s halachic obligations are different from men’s, but women to my ...
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Recording Shmonah Esrei

Now is the period around Pesach in which there are two new additions to the Amida: Morid Hatal (or the omission of Geshem) V'sen Bracha The Halacha is, that if one is davening and isn't sure ...
Moishe's user avatar
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May one answer "kedusha" or kaddish during shmone esrei if holding at "shema kolenu", specifically?

Is it permissible to recite the prayers of "kedusha" or "kaddish" during the Shmone Esrei prayer if one is pausing at the "Shema Koleinu" section, where one may engage in ...
nuch_einem's user avatar
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Source that looking up during Shemonei Esreh can blind a person?

I remember reading somewhere that looking up during Shomnei Esreh improperly exposes the person to the Schechina and may cause blindness. Does anyone else remember reading that and know its source?
Jacob J Xiong's user avatar
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Can one do double tashlumin

According to Halacha, if one misses both shacharit and minchah in the same day, can one do tashlumin for both at maariv? Or can one only do tashlumin for one Amidah?
Kirk's user avatar
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Bare-bones Amidah

If you are pressed for time during prayer, would it be OK to say only the blessings when you come to the Amidah, and skip the rest? I know it's not officially sanctioned, but would it be acceptable?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Because the Earth is round, in which direction should we face Yerushalayim?

For example, if one was in Sydney, would it be better if he faces north-west or north-east? Is it more important that he faces the direction in which there is the smallest possible distance between ...
Joseph Moshal's user avatar
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Why are רצה and שים שלום classified as thanksgiving and not as petitionary?

Rambam writes regarding the makeup of shemoneh esrei (tefilah 1:4) that שָׁלֹשׁ רִאשׁוֹנוֹת שֶׁבַח לַה' וְשָׁלֹשׁ אַחֲרוֹנוֹת הוֹדָיָה. וְאֶמְצָעִיּוֹת יֵשׁ בָּהֶן שְׁאֵלַת כָּל הַדְּבָרִים שֶׁהֵן ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Requests in the Amidah - hide and seek

The Amidah standing prayer is at the center of our tefillos. Every Amidah has three blessings of praise (שבח) at the beginning, and the blessings of thanks (הודאה) at the end. The weekday Amidah has ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Ashkenazi speed-mumble davening: origins and halachic basis? [duplicate]

What are the origins of the Ashkenazi practice of mumbly-speed-through davening? I refer both to: Shemoneh Esrei where the words are not articulated with the mouth (albeit silently) but rather the ...
Shaine Leah's user avatar
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Are there time parameters for when 10 people have to combine for Shemone Esrei?

Say you have a minyan, and when the Chazzan starts Shemone Esrei, 8 of the others are up to that point and begin as well, but the others aren’t yet up to Shemone Esrei. Is that a problem for the 9 ...
michael's user avatar
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How to gain both wisdom and wealth in the Amidah prayer

O Ch 94 (2) Mishna Berura 12 suggests that in the Amidah one who wants to gain wealth turns his face northward or to gain wisdom turns southward. I remember having found a source that suggests that in ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Extended Amidah or answering chazzan

Assuming one isn’t the 10th member of a minyan and is just a face in the crowd, if you have the option of praying a very slow and meaningful Amidah, but then you’ll end when the Chazan is already well ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Does it matter if an unveiled Cohen says Birchat Kohanim as part of a regular Amidah?

If a Ba'al Tefilah who happens to be a Cohen is reciting Birchat Kohanim as part of the repetition of the Amidah, is there any concern, special measures, or discussion about whether it is appropriate ...
Mike's user avatar
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Implication of the besefer chaim addition?

I always thought that the many plurals in the amida refer to the Jewish people. But the wording of the besefer chaim addition to the sim shalom paragraph of the amida for this time of year (yamim ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why are we allowed to make unlimited prayer in any language at a time where we are not allowed to answer amen?

According to (at least) Rav Ovadiah Yosef (based on his understanding of Maran in Shulchan Aruch), one is not allowed to answer amen (except first 5 of Kaddish), baruch Hu u'varuch Shemo, or the ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What should one do while waiting for repetition of the Amidah to start?

What should an individual be doing after finishing his personal Amidah while waiting for the chazzan's repetition to start? Do the same restrictions apply during this period as the period while the ...
Josh Grinberg's user avatar
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End of Fourth Hour Approaching, Berachot of Keriyat Shema or Amidah?

According to general halacha, one may not recite the berachot of keriyat shema after the 4th halachic hour. Ashkenazim can do so if they were withheld from reciting them in their proper time for ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why do some versions of the Amidah not have the ו on וקונה הכל?

In the first blessing of the Amidah, there's part that often says וְקוֹנֵה הַכּל ("and creates everything"). It looks like this in many siddurim, e.g. ArtScroll, Lev Shalem, and Mishkan T'...
The Beruriah Incident's user avatar
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Child wants bathroom during parent's Amidah

Are there any halachic guidelines when a child tells the parent that he wants to go to bathroom during the Amidah? This occurred to me multiple times, with my 4-year-old who can use the bathroom alone ...
Binyomin's user avatar
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Where is the source that one is supposed take out their peyos when they are davening Shemona Esrei?

There have been many times where I have seen people pull out their Peyos from behind their ears right before Shemona Esrei. Anyone I have asked said there is a source, but I can not locate it. (...
Lanied Sofey's user avatar
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Repetition of Hashem sefatai on Friday night

I've been thinking about lately whether should the prayer leader repeat ה' שפתי תפתח on Friday nights as in the morning or the afternoon? My gut feeling is that he shouldn't, because it's not a proper ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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What to do if Baal Tefillah forgets Yaaleh ViYavoh and remembers during Sim Shalom?

A baal tefillah who forgets Yaaleh Viyavoh in his silent Shmoneh Esrei doesn't need to repeat Shmoneh Esrei, because he'll be yotzei with Chazaras HaShatz. If an individual forgets Yaaleh ViYavoh in ...
Michael's user avatar
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Clapping during Amidah

I've seen (and heard) on occasion people clapping during Amidah, and I've always wondered why. Personally, I find it annoying, so I was wondering if there was some source that explained the reasoning ...
Harel13's user avatar
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What does פ׳ ב׳ פ׳ stand for in the context of prayer (specifically related to prayer #8 of the Amidah)?

In the Siddur I am using (Siddurenu, The Prayer Book Press, 1961), there is a supplemental prayer directly below prayer #8 of the Amida (on page 56) that prays for healing of specific individuals. (It ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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Why on Yom Tov does the brocho in Amida change to "בְּךָ"?

Hi gut moed / moadim lesimcha everyone! Does anyone know / have a source for why on Yom Tov at the end of the brocho in shemonei esrei we say: וְיִשמְחוּ בְּךָ יִשרָאֵל And yet on Shabbos we say: ...
Dov's user avatar
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Davening Amidah quietly during Chazarat HaShatz

What is the custom when davening the amidah quietly. Assuming that someone is in the body of the amidah, I am aware that he has to stay quiet during kedusha, but if he is in Elokai netzor, he says “...
David Ishack's user avatar
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Beracha of Knowledge

We say in the 4th beracha of shemoneh esrei that G-d gave us knowledge and we thank him for this. Yes, obviously everything comes from G-d, but in the beginning of humankind we had no knowledge, and ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Different traditions during the repetition of Modim

At the repetition of the Modim blessing the prayer leader and the congregation say two different things. I have seen two different customs at this point. As a shliach tzibur, I was taught to say מודים ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Mistakes in Amidah

I could not find this answered specifically, so I apologize in advance if this is a duplicate. If you make a pronunciation mistake, or lose your place in the final section of the amidah, can you go ...
Asher Klein's user avatar
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Does the repetition (Chazaras Hashatz) need to be recited in the same place as the silent prayer (Amidah/shemonah esre)?

Does the repetition (Chazaras Hashatz) need to be recited in the same place as the silent prayer (Amidah/shemonah esre)? To be specific can a minyan that already prayed silently together move ...
Dude's user avatar
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Does it count as "praying with a minyan" you are saying a different service?

Let's say you arrive late while a congregation is saying Ma'ariv on a weeknight. Would it be counted as praying with a minyan if you said Ashrei to yourself then said the Minchah Amidah while everyone ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is there a Possuk in Tanach that starts with a Pheh פ and ends with an Aleph א? [duplicate]

In the list for names printed in many Siddurim, there is no Possuk for פיגא.
Elcho's user avatar
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Shaliach Tzibur saying personal prayer in Shema Koleinu

Recently I was in a Shul and the Shaliach Tzibur while saying the loud Shemona Esrei stopped in the middle of Shema Koleinu and quietly said a personal prayer. Having never seen this done before, I am ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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What should one do if his kippah falls off during the Amidah?

What should one do if he notices that his kippah fell off during the Amidah? How does this depend on whether he is between brachot, in the middle of the body of a bracha, or saying the bracha itself?
treenuts15's user avatar
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Did Rav Hai Gaon pray maariv twice on Friday night when the tsibbur prayed before tseit hakokhavim?

According to most early decisors, the evening shema should be said after tseit hakokhavim (see mishna Berakhot 1:1 and its gemara), and the rishonim debate how to deal with a tsibbur that is praying ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Hilchos Barech Aleinu in the Summer

Where does the Shulchan Aruch discuss if someone mistakenly asked for rain in in Barech Aleinu instead of saying "Vesein Beracha" and what is his ruling?
YAK 's user avatar
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Signing off the bracha of 'magen Avraham' with just Avraham

In Parshas Lech Lecha 12:2, the pasuk famously reads: וְאֶֽעֶשְׂךָ֙ לְג֣וֹי גָּד֔וֹל וַאֲבָ֣רֶכְךָ֔ וַאֲגַדְּלָ֖ה שְׁמֶ֑ךָ וֶהְיֵ֖ה בְּרָכָֽה׃ I will make of you a great nation, And I will bless you; ...
Dov's user avatar
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Is Ulichaporas Pasha a new request or a continuation?

When we say Ulichaporas Pasha in musaf on a rosh chodesh that is a leap year, is that supposed to be read/understood as a continuation of the previous request or as a new request? (Relevant to how to ...
Dani's user avatar
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Repeat shemoneh esrei if you forget to say atah chonantanu but you already said havdalah

If someone did havdalah before davening maariv, would he have to repeat shemoneh esrei if he forgets to add “atah chonantanu”?
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Bowing at the end of Modim deRabanan

An answer tangentially mentions that there are those who say that one should also bow at the end of the Modim deRabanan. This is mentioned in Orach Chayim 127:1, and its foremost proponent seems to be ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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