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Questions tagged [shabbat]

The seventh day of the week and a day of rest. Also use this tag for questions that apply equally to Yom Tov and Shabbat.

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Is it permissible to pet a household cat or dog on Shabbat? [duplicate]

Is the owner of a household cat or dog permitted to pet his animal on Shabbat?
Tzvi Fastag's user avatar
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"One who does not waste time, has time for everything" - learning on Shabbos

The Chida, in his Moreh BeEtzba (153) writes basically that on Shabbos, ones occupation should solely be Limud HaTorah. He says, כי לא נתנו שבתות וי״ט אלא ללמוד תורה. ומי שאינו מאבד הזמן יש עת לכל ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Must one remove one's chewing gum at shkia of Shabbat day?

Halacha requires not eating after shkia (sunset) on Shabbat day, in order to prevent one from missing havdala (SA OC 299:1 - exception being if one has washed before shkia, one may continue one's meal,...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is there an issur of Tzad (trapping) when returning a pet hamster to its cage on Shabbos?

Putting the issue of muktzah aside, the question is- do poskim discuss whether or not a pet hamster is already considered trapped? The baseline halacha is that a "domesticated" animal is ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Looking for online Yerushalmi Trope trainer

Need a slow speed audio with large Hebrew font to learn to lead Shabbat Shacharit and The Musaf Amidah for Shabbat in the Yerushalmi trope.
Debra Cohen MUSIC's user avatar
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Are Jews permitted to play jacks on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permitted for Jews to play jacks on Shabbat? Or no, would it involve any issur like muktzeh or anything else? Does it depend on if it’s a minor chinuch age or an adult?
Kirk's user avatar
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Where did the Chofetz Chaim mention a segula for Refuah in connection with Shabbos

Read in a pamphlet that the Chofetz Chaim says a segula for Refuah is to have challos and wine on table by daybreak Friday where is the source
Chava Rosen's user avatar
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Is a bird muktzeh on Shabbat

According to Halacha, is a bird which is owned by you as a pet muktzeh on Shabbat? Or no, is it not muktzeh and has a different din to land animals? If muktzeh, what type?
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jews attach or detach cup handles on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permitted for Jews to attach or detach detachable cup handles on Shabbat or no? Would it fall into any prohibited melacha or something else?
Kirk's user avatar
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Do the 4 Shabbatot between Adar and Pesach bear a particular name?

I came across this question because I thought that in addition of Shabbat Hagadol, Shabbat Shuva (or Teshuva) and Shabbat Mevarchim, the Shabbatot between Purim and Pesach also bear a particular name ...
Eli83's user avatar
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Switching from בוֹ to בָהּ in Shabbat blessing

During Shabbat, it is a common Ashkenazi practice to say three different versions of the Retzei blessing – vah, vo and vam (Magein Avraham to Orach Chayim 268:3 citing Sheyarei Keneset haGedolah). But ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Aerating wine on shabbos

Is it permissible to use an aerator (non battery operated) on shabbos? What about a decanter?
Ben S's user avatar
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Was there a group of Jews who would fast on Shabbat?

I heard from a friend with Russian Jewish ancestry that her ancestors used to fast for the rest of Shabbat after Shabbat dinner. All the research I’ve done has yielded what I already knew that Jews ...
YaakovNotJacob's user avatar
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Latest time to eat the first Shabbat meal

What does the Halacha specify about the latest permissible time to eat the first Shabbat Seudat? Can it be eaten past midnight or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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Is collected rainwater on Shabbat nolad

According to Halacha, is rainwater collected on Shabbat nolad, and therefor muktzeh or no? On the one hand, it is something new which was collected, on the other hand it’s not “created” just changing ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Shvus and oneg Shabbos: instruments and dancing

Introduction: Understanding shvus and oneg Shabbos Playing instruments/ clapping, dancing and banging The mishna (Beitza 36b) says one can’t play an instrument lest he come to fix it. Nor can he clap ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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Are glasses muktzeh on shabbat for Jews who can see

According to the Halacha, are glasses muktzeh on Shabbat for Jews who can see fine without them? Or no, are they not muktzeh and may they be moved on Shabbat?
Kirk's user avatar
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Hearing Aids During Shabbat- Sleeping

It seems to be accepted that a hearing aid should be turned on before Shabbat. Out of curiosity, how do people practically manage having their hearing aids left on when they are sleeping in a ...
Eva V's user avatar
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Is rotten food mutzkeh on Shabbat or can it be removed

According to Halacha is rotten food considered muktzeh on Shabbat? Is there any heter for throwing out rotten food on Shabbat for smell or other inconveniences?
Kirk's user avatar
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חצי לה׳, חצי לך [closed]

If all Torah learning is for ourselves, and, when we do Hashem’s will, our will becomes His will, then how can we say YomTov is: חצי לה׳, חצי לכם (See Beitzah 15b), it’s either כולם לה׳ or כולם לכם, ...
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Is it permissible to reheat rice on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permissible to reheat already cooked rice on Shabbat? Would it depend on if it is reheated in a kli sheini or a kli rishon or would that not make a difference either way?
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jews apply hand sanitizer on Shabbat

In halacha, is there anything issur/prohibited for Jews to apply hand sanitizer on Shabbat? Or no, is it Muttar/permitted and not an issue of smearing?
Kirk's user avatar
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May Zecher Machatzit Hashekel be given on Shabbat when Purim falls on it

Some Jews have the minhag to give Zecher Machatzit Hashekel on Purim. My question is, is it permissible in Halacha to give this as a gift on Shabbat when purim falls on Shabbat or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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List of acceptable stars for determining the end of shabbat

The week before last I saw the three stars of Orion's belt but the western sky was not completely dark. Is there a list of acceptable stars (i.e. not exceptionally bright ones) that one can use for ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Hand flute on Shabbat

What is the law of playing a hand flute on Shabbat/Yom Tov?
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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May Jews remove fake nails/eyelashes on Shabbat

According to halacha, is it permissible for Jews (particularly women) to remove fake eyelashes/nails from their bodies on Shabbat? Would it be any problem of borer or handling mutzkeh? Or is it ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jews make popsicles or icicles on Shabbat [duplicate]

According to Halacha, is it permissible for Jews to make popsicles/icicles on Shabbat or no? Would it be a prohibited form of melacha such as Boneh or something or not at all? Or is this a machloket ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Throat Lozenge and Hotza'a [duplicate]

What is the law of transfering between domains, and carrying outside with no eruv on Shabbat (hotza'a), with a throat lozenge in one's mouth, when one has a sore throat?
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why eat bread and drink wine on Shabbat?

Why eat bread and drink wine on Shabbat? Please help me understand the biblical background. Thank you
stefaniecg's user avatar
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Is there an issur of Lifnei iver with animals on Shabbat

In Halacha, Jews are forbidden from having animals do prohibited melachot on Shabbat. My question is, is there any issur of Lifnei iver with animals, or no, since animals don’t have the same free will ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Opening metal cans on Shabbat [duplicate]

According to Halacha, is it permissible to use a can opener to open metal cans on Shabbat? Or no, would it fall under a form of prohibited melacha? If it is a form of prohibited melacha, which one ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is melava malkah obligatory or minhag

In Halacha, is the meal of Melava Malkah just an optional minhag, or is it obligatory Halacha? I would imagine the former category but I don’t know for certain.
Kirk's user avatar
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Torah source for lighting Shabbat candles

What is the written Torah source requiring Jews (and/or specifically Jewish women) to light Shabbat candles just before Shabbat begins? My understanding is that mitzvot may only come from the written ...
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A few days before Shabbat, you folded up some pre-cut waxed floss and stuck it to itself. Can you unstick it during Shabbat?

Background Flossing is okay on Shabbat, if and only if: you don't usually bleed, and the floss is pre-cut before Shabbat. (Source.) Please imagine: Several days before Shabbat began, you pre-cut a ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Removing plaque from floss: is the plaque muktzeh?

Background Flossing is okay on Shabbat, if and only if: you don't usually bleed, and the floss is pre-cut before Shabbat. (Source.) Please imagine: Your hand-eye coordination is not the best. You ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Removing plaque from floss: is this borer?

Background Flossing is okay on Shabbat, if and only if: you don't usually bleed, and the floss is pre-cut before Shabbat. (Source.) Please imagine: Your hand-eye coordination is not the best. You ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Are the laws of techumin biblical or rabbinic

According to Halacha, is the prohibition of leaving techumin on Shabbat biblical or rabbinic in origin? Not that it wouldn’t be issur if rabbinic, but it would have implications for Kavod Habriot and ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Ripping letters on food package on Shabbos

I was told many poskim including R. Moshe permit cutting through letters in a destructive manner for the purpose of getting food. Where is the teshuva by Rav Moshe found? Who are the others that agree ...
sam pine's user avatar
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Putting on Band Aids on Shabbat

According to Halacha, is it permissible to apply band aids to your skin on Shabbat? Or would it involve any problem, rabbinic or biblical? Would it depend on whether you tear the band aid’s wrapping ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Shabbat pedestrian crossing, and Marit Ayin

In my town, the local (non-Jewish) council, in a gesture to the Jewish community, set certain traffic light crossings to automatically go green (Walk) for pedestrians every 30 seconds or so. This is ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What is Earliest time a Jew can accept Shabbat

According to halacha, what is the earliest time (zemanim) one can accept Shabbat? Basically one can accept Shabbat before it would naturally start, but what is the maximum amount of time before ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May fried dough be used for Lechem Mishneh?

May fried dough be used for the Lechem Mishneh (double loaves of bread) of Shabbat? Or is there any requirement for it being baked? If being baked is not an inherent requirement, is it still preferred ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Hair spray on Shabbat

According to Halacha, is it permissible to spray your hair with spray on Shabbat? Or would this fall under a form of prohibited melacha on Shabbat, potentially Boneh? If not, is there anything ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Alfalfa Sprouts on Shabbos

If you are consuming alfalfa sprouts directly from the container they were grown in would it be an issue of kotzer to consume them on Shabbos? There are two types I have seen Homegrown - is done in ...
sam freed's user avatar
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Legalities of launching a preemptive strike on shabbat

Should the IDF be allowed to launch an offensive on Shabbat if it seems as if there will be no threat from any opposing forces until Shabbat is over?
Sarah's user avatar
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Opening chips bags on Shabbat

According to Halacha, is it permissible to open a bag of potato chips on Shabbat? Does it depend on whether it is a small one time bag or a family sized bag? If not, which melacha would it fall into?
Kirk's user avatar
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What’s more important, keeping Shabbat or Kibbud Av V’em? [duplicate]

In a situation where these two conflict, which trumps the other?
Joseph Moshal's user avatar
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Using electric scooters to get to synagogue on Shabbat

There is a principle in Halacha known as Kavod Habriyot, which essentially means rabbinic prohibitions can generally be violated for human dignity. My question is, if somebody has a hard time walking ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is one forbidden or permitted to use a pogo-stick on Shabbat

I have found that using a spring in itself is permitted on Shabbat (e.g.,_Yeshivat_Har_Bracha&lang=bi&with=all&...
AlephNull's user avatar
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May Jews cut extra vegetables when slicing for immediate eating on Shabbat

Halacha permits Jews to cut vegetables on Shabbat for immediate consumption, my question is, if a Jew is doing this anyways, are they allowed to cut extra vegetables (more than they are going to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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