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Questions tagged [shabbat]

The seventh day of the week and a day of rest. Also use this tag for questions that apply equally to Yom Tov and Shabbat.

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Remote melacha: remoting into a place where it is Shabbat or Yom Tov [duplicate]

VR control of robots in other locations is a thing. In fact, there is a concept of actually working this way. This article* describes a robot that can be manually controlled to stack shelves, and ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Perek Kira: Hardest Sugya in Shas

Why did the Chazon Ish say that Perek Kira is the hardest sugya in Shas? Is it because it deals with coal ovens, which were ubiquitous for Chazal but almost entirely out of use today? Is it because ...
Shimshon's user avatar
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Torah service on shabbat with no kohanim and not enough yisraelim

If there are no kohanim in shul on shabbat, Ashkenazi practice is to give the first aliyah to a levi or yisrael, and the subsequent six aliyot to yisraelim. (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 135:6,9,10.)...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why do we say Tzidkatcha Tzedek almost every Shabbat Mincha

It is known that in the Shabbat Mincha we use to say Tzidekatcha Tzedek for accepting the decree for the death of Moshe Rabbino who passed away during these hours as can be seen here. However, he died ...
Avi's user avatar
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Is getting home just before Tzeit Kochavim considered Shabbos violation?

If one arrives home during Bein Hashmashot, what is the din - is Shabbat violated or is it bedieved ok (not ideal but ok after the fact)? If violation, is it a d'Rabbanan (Rabbinic transgression) or d'...
Jay's user avatar
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Can you look at a home weather station's forecasts during Shabbat?

There's a type of home electronic gadget called a weather station. Weather stations can display the temperature and other things. There's usually a base station, plus a wireless outdoor sensor. An ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Menstruation leniencies on Shabbat

Is a menstruating woman exempt from any positive and negative aspects of Shabbat?
Fatemeh Nosanjani's user avatar
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How to remember something on Shabbat for after Shabbat (Torah related)

I am looking for some advice on how to remember something one thought of during Shabbat, but can't pursue at the time (such as a question to ask on Mi Yodeya!). Any and all tips welcome, from memory ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Exposing a radiometer to light on Shabbos

May one intentionally or unintentionally expose a radiometer/radioscope (a glass bulb filled with gas that spins internal vanes if light shines on it) to sunlight (like opening a curtain), if this ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Did Orthodox Jews turn on/off lightbulbs etc on Shabbat in the early 20th century?

I’ve heard that before the Halacha was settled by the Poskim like the Chazon Ish, many or most Orthodox Jews used lightbulbs etc on Shabbat. Is there any validity to this? I’m just curious
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Brushing your hair on Shabbat if it’s routine

So I’ve heard that brushing your hair regularly on Shabbat is a problem of boneh (building) or gozez (shearing). I also think I heard once that there is a heter to brush as regular if you do so ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Instant noodles on Shabbat [duplicate]

There is a concept of Kli Sheini (a second cup) in which Halacha dictates that by taking boiling water from its source into an empty vessel and then pouring it into another vessel, the water is no ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Must I follow suit and stand for Kiddush?

There are different customs whether to stand or sit during Kiddush. Even those who stand for all/part of Friday Night Kiddush, many sit for the Shabbos Day Kiddush. I have observed a common trend to ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Sabbath candles accidentally lit too late

Excuse me if this is a silly question, I'm new here and don't know the customs. I have heard about Sabbath candles. They have to be lit before Sabbath. But what to do if they are accidentally lit ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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Siddur Masok Midvash on cleansing our soul before Shabbos

I have heard from Rav Daniel Glatstein shlita (Shiur: Parshas Emor: The Mystical Dimensions of Shabbos - When They Arrive and How to Hold On To Them), that there is a concept that the six perakim of ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Is one ever ALLOWED to make Kidush before Shacharis?

I know that he doesn't NEED to make Kidush, but if one must eat before Shacharis, is he ALLOWED to make Kiddush?
User123's user avatar
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Drinking water before Shacharis when one did not make Kidush the night before

If one did not make Kidush by night, can he drink water the next morning before Shacharis without making Kidush first?
User123's user avatar
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When did the Story of the Mekoshesh happen?

Rashi in Parshas Shelach, Bamidbar 15:32 says that the story of the Mekoshesh happened on the second Shabbat the Jews spent in the desert. ויהיו … במדבר וימצאו. בִּגְנוּתָן שֶׁל יִשְׂרָאֵל דִּבֵּר ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Per the Midrash - how can Hashem make it rain on Shabbat

Per the midrash quoted in this answer, Hashem keeps all commandments, if so how does the midrash explain why Hashem makes it rain on Shabbat wouldn't that be a Zoreia - Sowing See Rambam Hilchot ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Kiddush without a se'udah

If one makes kiddush and its not followed by a meal the Michaber (Siman 273:3) rules that he is not yotzie kiddush. My question is; does he mean that he is not yotzie even on a biblical level? Or that ...
moshechaim's user avatar
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Responsibility for Shabbos expenses

There is a Gemara in :ביצה ט"ו which says that expenses for Shabbos are unlike all other expenses in that they are not included in the debits from one's net profit which were predetermined on ...
Wildin Bochur's user avatar
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Espresso on Shabbos... ☕ Will this method work? [duplicate]

I've come across some fully-manual espresso machines, such as Flair 58x*. Assuming one holds like Rav Moshe Feinstein where there is no bishul in a kli shlishi, and one prepared his pre-ground coffee ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Brushing a Pet on Shabbos

May one brush a dog or other furred pet on Shabbos? When brushing, a toothed comb — made for the purpose of brushing — is used to extract loose/shedding hairs from underneath the top layer of fur, in ...
Jonah Kermaier's user avatar
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Tying shoes on Shabbat if you don’t plan to untie them in a day

According to Halacha, is it permissible for you to tie shoes on Shabbat if you don’t plan on untying them within a day? Or no, is it prohibited and you are obligated to untie them within 24 hours?
Kirk's user avatar
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Hiddur mitzvah for Lechem Mishneh

Is there any chiyuv in Halacha for hiddur mitzvah regarding Lechem Mishneh, or no? And if so, is the mitzvah of beautification an obligation for the bread itself (making it beautiful by braiding it) ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Running on Shabbat when it is raining

The Tur in סימן ש"א writes: כתיב אם תשיב משבת רגליך ודרשו חז"ל שלא יהא הילוכך של שבת כהילוכך של חול ע"כ אין לו לאדם לרוץ בשבת כדרך שעושה בחול אבל אם רץ לדבר מצוה כגון לבהכ"נ ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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What is the disagreement between Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Yehudah regarding muktzah on shabbos vs yomtov?

What is the disagreement between Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Yehudah regarding Muktzah on Shabbos versus Yom Tov? Additionally, where in the Gemara can I find this?
Dude's user avatar
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Opening glass bottles on Shabbat [duplicate]

There is a machloket amongst the Poskim whether there is an issur committed when you open plastic bottles which need to be screwed to be removed on Shabbat. Is there a different din in Halacha in ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Does anyone know of any sources on the evolution of the three p'sukim added onto the end of Aanim Zmiros (Shir Hakavod)?

Looking for how, when and why these 3 verses were added. I have no sources for this and find the question intriguing. The additional three verses are [image is from Authorised Daily Prayer Book 2nd ...
David Beryl Phillips's user avatar
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Old wine for Kiddush!

People go in search for the best a.k.a. oldest wine for Shabbat but is there any halachic basis for it? Other than Oneg Shabbat? In other words, is there any halachic source for using wine that is ...
Rakhem Haokip's user avatar
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When was the first Shabbas observed? [closed]

When did God introduce the concept of resting on the seventh day? Specifically , did the Avos know about it ?
Zev's user avatar
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Beit Shammai and the Shabbos-Lulav gezeira

אֵין מוֹצִיאִין לֹא אֶת הַקָּטָן וְלֹא אֶת הַלּוּלָב וְלֹא אֶת סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה לִרְשׁוּת הָרַבִּים. וּבֵית הִלֵּל מַתִּירִין: Beit Shammai say: One may carry out on a Festival neither a minor child, nor ...
Binyomin's user avatar
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How is Tehilim Teach about The fear of G-d?

BH Hi I read in Meam Loez correct me if I am wrong, that Rebbe would say that Psalms teaches about fear of G-d. How does it teach this specifically? & Is he talking about the pshat of Tehilim or ...
David 's user avatar
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When can we call a holiday "Shabbat"?

In talking about Pessaḥ, the Torah says that Shavuot begins seven complete weeks from “the day after Shabbat”. [Leviticus 23:15-16] Which Shabbat? Unspecified. The Sadducees said it’s the Shabbat ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is wearing a Fanny pack considered carrying

According to Halacha, is wearing a fanny pack considered carrying or no? So on Shabbat would it be permitted according to Halacha for a Jew to wear a Fanny pack between different domains or no? Is the ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Practical Garuf?

I am writing an article about Garuf and Katum. According to Chazal, one can perform Garuf, which most Rishonim interpret as removing most of the coals from the fire before Shabbos. This practice was ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Opening champagne on Shabbat - untwisting the metal

Somewhat related to this question. (Open bottles shabbos) In order to open champagne bottles one first has to untwist the metal tie. "Everybody" seems to open champagne on Shabbat - and the ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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What are some good modern-era books on Hilchos Shabbos in Hebrew?

Looking for something late 20th Century or later: Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos Others? (What did R' Shimon Eider write?) How do the above compare? Others you'd suggest? This is ...
Shalom's user avatar
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A blessing on an incomplete Mishnah bread on Shabbat

Is it permissible to make a blessing on Shabbat on an incomplete loaf of bread? And in the event that it looks outwardly complete but is actually incomplete, is it allowed? For example, the Challah ...
Avi's user avatar
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Vocalization of תצפה in נשמת כל-חי

In various siddurim I have seen the word תצפה—near the end of the Nishmat prayer of Shabbat and Yom Tov—vocalized as either תְצַפּה or תִצְפּה. Which is correct in this context? (Thanks to Joel K for ...
QwertyCTRL.'s user avatar
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Should an Orthodox Jew give up on their dreams if their dream job involve the possibility of having to work on Shabbat?

If Judaism is a religion about living a fulfilling and meaningful life, then is following your dreams a Jewish value when it may conflict with Shabbat? For example, if someone’s dream is to be an ...
Zack's user avatar
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If a Jew accepts Shabbat early, is something new which came into existence then nolad

According to Halacha, if a Jew accepts Shabbat early, is something new which comes into existence then (when it is still before when Shabbat would naturally start) considered nolad? Or no, since it ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Why is Psukei Dezimra in Yom Tov the same as Shabbat?

Why is Psukei Dezimra in Yom Tov the same as Shabbat? Why isn't there a difference in the Psalms (Nusach Sfard, Ashkenazi)? Some of the additional Psalms, in comparison to Yom Chol, include ...
Avi's user avatar
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Wedge in between toes on shabbos

One of the common ways to treat an ingrown toenail is to place a small rubber or plastic wedge in between the toe that is infected and the next toe to give it space and not apply pressure on the ...
Moishe's user avatar
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Is there any reason to have lechem mishnah when eating cake?

I heard that there's an inyan to have lechem mishnah even when eating cake. Does anyone know of a source for this?
DavidM's user avatar
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May Jews play Chinese checkers on Shabbat

According to Halacha, May Jews play Chinese checkers on Shabbat or no? Does it violate any issur like muktzeh or something else?
Kirk's user avatar
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Birkat kohanim on Shabbat in South Africa

A South African acquaintance of mine told me that in (the Ashkenazi communities in) South Africa, the custom is not to do birkat kohanim on Shabbat, even when Yom Tov falls on Shabbat. He said that ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Does Shabbat starts at what for the rest of the world is 12 PM on Friday?

In Genesis 1:5 it reads: God called the light Day and called the darkness Night. And there was evening and there was morning, a first day Does evening (the english translation of the word "erev&...
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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What are volumes 3 and 4 of _Shemirath Shabbath_ about?

Shemirath Shabbath is the English translation of a work by Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth. The books explain how to keep Shabbat. They also explain the halacha regarding modern conveniences such as fridges ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Is it permissible to pet a household cat or dog on Shabbat? [duplicate]

Is the owner of a household cat or dog permitted to pet his animal on Shabbat?
Tzvi Fastag's user avatar

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