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Holding ones cup while someone is reciting Kiddush for you

I have seen many people holding their cup of wine while the host (or a chosen person) recites Kiddush for them. What is the explanation for holding ones cup? Sources if possible.
Yosef Warren's user avatar
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Is white wine permitted between 6 and 7 o'clock?

This answer references the possibility that there is a distinction between red and white wine for those that are careful not to make kiddush between 6 and 7 o'clock. Are there any sources that mention ...
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5 votes
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Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has added sulfites

I'm working on a piece for a Sefer my Kollel is putting out on the topic of making Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has sulfites added (primarily based on שו"ת מנחת שלמה חלק א סימן ד, ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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6 votes
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Source of shabbat evening kiddush text?

The beginning of the shabbat evening kiddush (vayehi erev, vayehi boker, yom hashishi...) is from Bereshit, 1:31 ff. Where does the second part (khi hu yom tehilah lemikraei kodesh...) come from? Is ...
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