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Siddur Masok Midvash on cleansing our soul before Shabbos

I have heard from Rav Daniel Glatstein shlita (Shiur: Parshas Emor: The Mystical Dimensions of Shabbos - When They Arrive and How to Hold On To Them), that there is a concept that the six perakim of ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Does anyone know of any sources on the evolution of the three p'sukim added onto the end of Aanim Zmiros (Shir Hakavod)?

Looking for how, when and why these 3 verses were added. I have no sources for this and find the question intriguing. The additional three verses are [image is from Authorised Daily Prayer Book 2nd ...
David Beryl Phillips's user avatar
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"One who does not waste time, has time for everything" - learning on Shabbos

The Chida, in his Moreh BeEtzba (153) writes basically that on Shabbos, ones occupation should solely be Limud HaTorah. He says, כי לא נתנו שבתות וי״ט אלא ללמוד תורה. ומי שאינו מאבד הזמן יש עת לכל ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Where did the Chofetz Chaim mention a segula for Refuah in connection with Shabbos

Read in a pamphlet that the Chofetz Chaim says a segula for Refuah is to have challos and wine on table by daybreak Friday where is the source
Chava Rosen's user avatar
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רִבּוֹן כָּל הָעוֹלָמִים אֲדוֹן כָּל הַנְּשָׁמוֹת אֲדוֹן הַשָּׁלוֹם - source of this Shabbat prayer

Here is its entry in the open siddur project. The open siddur project demonstrates that the claim that this was composed by Rabbi Joseph of Rashkow, Posen can't be true as it is found in the siddur ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why is זֵכֶר לְמַעֲשֵׂה בְרֵאשִׁית left out sometimes on Shabbat Amidah?

Sometimes, the paragraph beginning יִשְׂמְחוּ בְמַלְכוּתָךְ ends with זֵכֶר לְמַעֲשֵׂה בְרֵאשִׁית, and sometimes it doesn't. The only exception I could find composing and researching this question was ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Minhag to say Mizmor Shir L'Yom Hashabbos twice

I recently read in a sefer that there was a minhag to say mizmor shir lyom hashabbos twice in the kehilla of the Maharal by kabbalos shabbos. The reason why it was said twice is based on a story about ...
sam's user avatar
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Start of Shabbos

I believe someone asked a question on this site regarding the which day Shabbos starts I.E. Friday night or Shabbos Day. Some answers quoted machlokes Rishonim that before matan torah Shabbos started ...
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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What connection does וְהָיוּ לִמְשסָּה שאסָיִךְ וְרָחֲקוּ כָּל מְבַלְּעָיִךְ have with יָשיש עָלַיִךְ אֱלהָיִךְ כִּמְשוש חָתָן עַל כַּלָּה?

On Friday night we say: וְהָיוּ לִמְשסָּה שאסָיִךְ. וְרָחֲקוּ כָּל מְבַלְּעָיִךְ - And your oppressors will be destroyed. And those who would devour you will be far away. יָשיש עָלַיִךְ אֱלהָיִךְ. ...
TheInquisitiveOne's user avatar
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Sefer Ginat Egoz on the lessons derived from the prohibition to light a fire on the Sabbath and from Temple-service

The Shaloh HaKadosh in Torah Shebikhtav, Sefer Vayikra, Torah Ohr, Shmini on this week's parasha (Vayakhel-Pekudei) mentions Sefer Ginat Egoz (probably written by Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla, since it is ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Reasons to permit milking cows on shabbos

I was listening to a history class on the Chazon Ish, and it discussed his strong opinion that it is forbidden to milk cows in a beneficial way on Shabbos. Either it has to be done through a non-Jew, ...
robev's user avatar
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Why is it called 'Breaking Shabbos'? [closed]

The standard English language way of referring to חילול שבת seems to be 'breaking Shabbos'. I have not come across the Hebrew phrase 'לשבור את השבת' anywhere, which is the literal translation of '...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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Benefiting from a non-Jew's labor on Shabbat

I understand that if a non-Jew performs labor on Shabbes for a Jew, the Jew cannot benefit from that labor - but what if it was performed for a group of people, only one/some of whom are Jewish? For ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Invalidation of Eruv

Could a Eruv become invalid if the majority of Jews are Mechallel Shabbos(desecrating the Shabbos)while using it e.g. driving a car in the boundaries of the Eruv, carrying and using mobile phones etc?
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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Source for Impurity of an Uncovered Shabbos Table

The Aruch Hashulchan OC (262:2) writes all the tables in one's home should be covered for Shabbos, and not doing so is a tremendous degradation to Shabbos: כל השלחנות שבבית יהיו מוצעים במפות והמפות ...
NJM's user avatar
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Chatam Sofer on Tenth of Tevet falling on the Shabbat

Abudarham argued that should we not use a calculated calendar and should Tenth of Tevet fall on the Shabbat, we would be required to fast instead of postponing it. He learns this from the common ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Does Hashem judge on Shabbos?

I was just reading a Devar Torah which said "Hashem does not judge human beings on Shabbos." I feel like I've heard this before but I'm wondering if this is true. Does anyone know of a ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Why is Shabbos called shabbos bereishis?

I have found in multiple sources that Rishonim refer to Shabbos as shabbos bereishis, and it is clear from context that they are referring to the weekly Shabbos as opposed to Shabbos of Creation. For ...
H. Eugene Walters's user avatar
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The Torah warns us twelve times about observing the Shabbos

Rabbi Abraham Danzig writes: והזהירה התורה על שמירת השבת י"ב פעמים, The Torah warns us twelve times about observing the Shabbos. (Chayei Adam, Shabbat and Festivals 1:1) Does anyone happen to ...
Knowledge Seeker's user avatar
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Bar Mitzvah on Yom Tov

In most situations a boy becomes a Bar Mitzvah and there are certain practices to mark that occasion which take place on the upcoming Shabbos. Those may include some or all of the following: getting ...
user6591's user avatar
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Tying double knot of garbarge bag

I remember seeing in a Shu"t that one is allowed to tie a double knot of something that will be going into the garbage since one doesn't care about it. Has anyone seen this opinion anywhere. I do know ...
sam's user avatar
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War of Sichon & Og Erev Shabbos?

The Talelei Oros (Bamidbar 31:23) quotes the Satmar Rav (Kuntros Chiddushei Torah on Avos) who says the war of Sichon & Og took place on Erev Shabbos and ended just before Shabbos in order to ...
NJM's user avatar
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Sources discussing Trick Candles

Are there any rabbinic sources which discuss whether one can blow out a "trick candle" on Shabbat? I see issues related to m'chabeh but also possibly mavir, but because the intent is not to relight, ...
rosends's user avatar
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Holding ones cup while someone is reciting Kiddush for you

I have seen many people holding their cup of wine while the host (or a chosen person) recites Kiddush for them. What is the explanation for holding ones cup? Sources if possible.
Yosef Warren's user avatar
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Is white wine permitted between 6 and 7 o'clock?

This answer references the possibility that there is a distinction between red and white wine for those that are careful not to make kiddush between 6 and 7 o'clock. Are there any sources that mention ...
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Are relations permitted with one's wife who does not safeguard Shabbos?

One who transgresses Shabbos publicly has the status of a Gentile (Shulchan Aruch Y"D 2:5 and Shulchan Aruch Harav on it). Furthermore, Jews are forbidden from having relations with Gentiles. ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Standing for kaddish

Most of the siddurim by Chacham Ovadia Yosef זצ"ל say to stand at the khatzi kaddish of Shabbat Arvit right before Kryat Shema. I have heard that this minhag is from the Ben Ish Chai (I don't exactly ...
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Mourners by Kabbalat Shabbat

Is there a source that says that someone has to be with a mourner at all times from when he is asked to leave the shul before Lechu Neranena. As I understand the shamash/ warden asks him to leave and ...
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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A poor person, Chanukah candles v. Shabbos candles, and selling clothing to buy candles

Although one who cannot afford Shabbos candles is not required to sell his clothing to fund them, one who cannot afford Chanuka candles is required to sell his clothing. (Shulchan Aruch O.C. 671.) ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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אין כערכך ואין זולתיך - a mistaken addition?

In Shabbos Morning Davening, we read: אין כערכך ואין זולתך אפס בלתך ומי דומה לך. אין כערכך ה' אלוקינו בעולם הזה ואין זולתך מלכנו לחיי העולם הבא. אפס בלתך גואלנו לימות המשיח ואין דומה לך מושיענו ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Birkas Hachodesh when Rosh Chodesh is Shabbat and Sunday

On Shabbat Mevarchim, Birkas Hachodesh, a prayer announcing when the Rosh Chodesh will be, is said after Kriat Hatorah before Mussaf, containing the following line (with some variations depending on ...
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What is the source of the Friday night Shalom Aleichem and how did it become popular?

The basis of the song Shalom Aleichem sung Friday night seems to be the Gemara (Shabbat 119b) about the two angels who accompany a person home on Friday night. This question discusses why each stanza ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Source for preferring doing melacha which benefits sick person exclusively

I recently heard the following halacha from a talmid Chacham. He said "I remember that this is the halacha, but I do not remember the source". If one has to do a melacha on shabbos for a choleh ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Who is worried about affecting a refrigerator's thermostat on shabbat?

When one opens a refrigerator door, there are two classes of effects: Immediate result - e.g. light going on, or in newer models a fan might start. This class of effects can normally be fairly ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has added sulfites

I'm working on a piece for a Sefer my Kollel is putting out on the topic of making Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has sulfites added (primarily based on שו"ת מנחת שלמה חלק א סימן ד, ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Sources prohibiting Mi Sheberachs on Shabbos [duplicate]

There are a couple of potential reasons to perhaps avoid saying Mi Sheberachs for Cholim or people who get Aliyos during Leining on Shabbos (Tircha Detzibura and Pesikas Mammon). However, whether due ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Sources forbidding a gentile from keeping the Sabbath

I have read that there is a halacha that a non-Jew may not observe Shabbat. This seems to stem from the gemara cited here and the Rambam listed here. But the gemara only seems to be saying that a non-...
rosends's user avatar
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Is there an obligation to work when it is not Shabbat?

related Must one "work" and "deserve" to observe Shabbat? Why don't we have to work every non-Shabbos day? Is there any source which explains that the phrase lo ta'aseh kol ...
rosends's user avatar
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What is the origin of the naming of Shabbat Shira?

Related to this question (about the reason for the name), what is the source or origin of calling the Shabbat on which we read Shirat Hayam Shabbat Shira? We don't call the week on which we read the ...
rosends's user avatar
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Judaism and Ping-Pong

I am looking to perhaps write a paper on ping-pong and its place in Torah literature. I can see a number of issues relating to ping-pong on Shabbos and Yom Tov, e.g., there is a widely discussed ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Why do people stand for "Hodu L'Hashem Ki Tov"?

On Shabbos, we say the long Hodu L'Hashem Ki Tov. The minhag is to stand. What is the reason for this?
subara1836's user avatar
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Munn in the World to Come

The Rema in OC Simman 242 brings a minhag to eat "pashtidah" shabbos night in memory of the munn. The Beur Halacha is very bothered why one would do such a thing on shabbos, given that the munn ...
robev's user avatar
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Hand waving during candle lighting [duplicate]

There seems to be a ubiquitous minhag for women to wave their arms around when they light candles, let's say for shabbos. I don't mean covering their eyes with their hands I mean waving around in the ...
robev's user avatar
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kaddish of a siyum on shabbos?

I heard once that the special kaddish recited after a siyum is replaced by a regular kaddish dirabbanan when the siyum takes place on Shabbos. Is this correct or perhaps just a minhag of some? Is ...
Jew-Duh's user avatar
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Protesting Chillul Shabbat- מחאה

Is there a halachic basis for those who loudly protest Chillul Shabbat publicly? I heard there are those who justify themselves by saying the Shulchan Aruch clearly states שצריך למחות when there ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Amazon's Alexa & Shabbos [duplicate]

Does anyone know of a definitive credible source about voice activated devices on Shabbat? Alexa has made life so much easier as my elderly mother can just use her voice to contact us. We have made ...
Bookaholic's user avatar
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How can Gentile that kept Shabbat repent? [closed]

I have kept Shabbat for two and a half years. I stopped doing this almost half a year ago. I know that Gentile who does this deserves death according to Talmud. Any sources that can give me a little ...
kanski's user avatar
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Sources for Rav Pinkus's ideas on Shabbos

We are learning נפש שמשון - שבת קודש from הרב שמשון דויד פינקוס. Rav Pinkus typically gives concepts without giving sources. I would like to know what sources there are for the ideas that: on ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Shamor and Zachor beyond Shabbat

Much is written about the relationship of Shamor and Zachor in relation to Shabbat but Shamor and Zachor are also used for Pesach (at least the first day) - Shmot 13:3 Moses said to the people, "...
rosends's user avatar
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Shabbat Mincha 2 Nuschaoth

I am wondering what is the source of the difference between Sepharadi Iraki and Ashkenazi, Sfaradi Nord African,and Yemenite nussach:Sepharadi Irakiוּמִי כְעַמְּךָ כְּיִשְׂרָאֵל גוֹי אֶחָד בָּאָרֶץ ...
kouty's user avatar
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