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Why didn't Bruriah tear kriyah?

In Yalkut Shimoni Mishlei Remez 964 there is a record of Bruriah informing her husband Rebbi Meir of the death of their sons ד"א אשת חיל מי ימצא. אמרו מעשה היה בר' מאיר שהיה יושב במנחה בשבת ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Espresso on Shabbos... ☕ Will this method work? [duplicate]

I've come across some fully-manual espresso machines, such as Flair 58x*. Assuming one holds like Rav Moshe Feinstein where there is no bishul in a kli shlishi, and one prepared his pre-ground coffee ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Is there an issur of Lifnei iver with animals on Shabbat

In Halacha, Jews are forbidden from having animals do prohibited melachot on Shabbat. My question is, is there any issur of Lifnei iver with animals, or no, since animals don’t have the same free will ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Can melacha be done to hear the Hakhel on Shabbat

According to Halacha, types of melacha which were necessary for the temple were permitted to be performed on Shabbat for the purpose of the Korban sacrifice and the temple operations. My question is, ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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If you are lost in the desert do you make havdalah first?

In Shabbat 69b there is a disagreement about how a person who has lost track of the day of the week should keep Shabbat Rav Huna said: One who was walking along the way or in the desert, and he does ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Mishanh Torah Sabath 11:14 writing rule with respect to left hand and elbow [Question]

In the Mishnah Torah -- Sabbath 11:14 it states: A person who writes with his left hand, with the back of one's hand, with his feet, his >mouth, or with his elbow, is not liable. A left-handed ...
naarter's user avatar
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How to understand quantity in terms of prohibitions and the affect that this has on interacting with that quantity of issur?

Do all issurim have a shiur and how is that quantified? An example of what inspired the question. In my taaruvos shiur the rav told us that on yontiff if wood that was muktza such as branches that ...
Dude's user avatar
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Mevushal kol tzorko - what is it for meat?

We poskin (OH 318(4)) that the law of cooking on Shabbos continues until solid food passes מאכל בן דרוסאי, and reaches מבושל כל צרכו - "completely cooked". What does "completely cooked&...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Asking for melacha on second day Y"T vs. during early Shabbos

If one makes an early shabbos, one may ask a Jew who has not yet accepted shabbos to do melacha for him (based on this answer and its sources). I would assume that, all the moreso, one could benefit ...
rosends's user avatar
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How will Sabbath be followed if sun burns out

Einstein's equation E=mc2, predicted that the sun will burn out of fuel (hydrogen) which it converts to helium and produces light and heat energy. Considering the event is supposed to occur after ...
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Setting up a scraping function to run on Shabbos [duplicate]

What halachic (if any) considerations are there if one has a function that is scraping a website and then populating a database with the data running over Shabbos? It will finish on Shabbos and when ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Wearing clothes that promote ones business on Shabbos

With many shuls (at least in the UK) still requiring their congregants to wear masks, I have noticed that there have been many people who as part of their business now wear personalised masks, which ...
Dov's user avatar
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Making Chameitz Hefker on Shabbat

This year, because Erev Pesach is on Shabbat, the completion of the burning (done on Friday, after a search on Thursday night), is the second (slightly expanded) recitation of the Kol Chamira on ...
rosends's user avatar
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What is the source to forbid Toldos תולדות?

There are times that Torah gives specific "examples" of what is forbidden (e.g. 39 melachos given via a reference to the actions done in the משכן or through other means; Or The Torah ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Why specifically a fig on shabbos?

Why is a dried fig specifically the quantity one must carry to be liable on Shabbos? I would have thought the size of something functional - an olive, egg, or even a barley corn - would be the ...
NJM's user avatar
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Should we prevent a chumra in the laws of Shabbos that exceeds the normal understanding?

The halacha is that generally a keli shelishi does not cause bishul. The Chazon Ish says that a keli shelishi (or revii) above yad soledes bo does cook those things that are kalei habishul. A ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why is the use of indoor plumbing allowed on shabbos? [duplicate]

Use of indoor plumbing on shabbos involves moving water or waste from/to public and private domains, which could involve a biblical prohibition of hotzoa. Why is this allowed on shabbos?
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Streaming services on Shabbat and holy days [duplicate]

More and more non-traditional congregations stream their Shabbat and Yom Tov services, for the benefit of hospital patients and shut-ins. If done automatically, or managed by Gentiles, or started ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Source that Power generators on Shabbos override Shlom Bayt (in Israel)

Power generators are very popular with Haredim in Israel that traditionally don't rely on Isral Electric Company's electricity on Shabbos. On Rosh Hashana, the power generator of a famous Yeshiva in ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is one allowed to endanger his life for learning Torah like Hillel did?

The famous story about Hillel's devotion to Torah learning, in Yoma 25b, tells that Hillel endangered his life by trying to listen to Shmayah and Avtalyon in extremely cold weather until he fell ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Does Isaiah 66 say that the non-Jews can keep Shabbos?

Given the context of Isaiah, I always seen the expression כל בשר as a reference to am yisroel, given the expressions of לא רחמה and לא עמי in Hosea 1-2. I've always understood it as all Israel in its ...
Elchanan Campan's user avatar
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Sources discussing Trick Candles

Are there any rabbinic sources which discuss whether one can blow out a "trick candle" on Shabbat? I see issues related to m'chabeh but also possibly mavir, but because the intent is not to relight, ...
rosends's user avatar
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Do slaves owned by jews observe shabbat (day of rest)?

To my understanding it is a commandment of God that those who live among jews observe Shabbat. Historically, slaves owned by jews must have lived among them. Does Gods commandment apply to slaves, if ...
Nephilim's user avatar
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Amira L'Akum not on Shabbat

One may not ask a non-Jew to do an action on behalf of the Jew if the action is assur on Shabbat (a gross over simplification, I know). This would constitute Amira L'Akum (or Nochri). Is there a ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why does S"A start Hilchot Shabbat with the laws between a Jew and a gentile?

The Shulchan Aruch Hilchot Shabbat (siman 243) starts with the laws between a jew and a gentile. Why does it specifically starts there when it is more likely to discuss the importance of Shabbat at ...
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Can a "brain controlled" prosthetic be used on Shabbat?

New prosthetics are controlled by brain waves which seem to make the prosthetic an extension of the body in an "organic" way, in that we control all of our own limbs through the same brain waves and ...
rosends's user avatar
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A poor person, Chanukah candles v. Shabbos candles, and selling clothing to buy candles

Although one who cannot afford Shabbos candles is not required to sell his clothing to fund them, one who cannot afford Chanuka candles is required to sell his clothing. (Shulchan Aruch O.C. 671.) ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Men making Kiddush (Shabbos day) for women after eating at shul

Women and men are both equally chayiv in kiddush, at least on shabbos. Additionally there is a commonly known rule that a non obligated person (or obligated on a lower level) cannot fulfill a mitzvah ...
Orion's user avatar
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Tweeting on Shabbat: d'oraita or d'rabbanan violation?

There was a dangerous situation in my community on Shabbat and I knew (from the amount my house phone was ringing and my cell phone was buzzing) that people I knew across the world would be concerned ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Minhag Avoisenu

Rabbi SZA held (in I believe Meorei Eish) that electricity is only forbidden on Shabbos because of Minhag Avoiseinu. Double AA also says that he heard orally that Rabbi SZA held that certain ...
Orion's user avatar
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In a situation where אמירה לעכו"ם is permitted, how can one be sure that the person he is talking to is truly a Goy

In a situation where אמירה לעכו"ם (telling a non-Jew to do something for a Jew, which the Jew is forbidden to do) is permitted, if a person goes to a non Jew and asks him to do it, how can he be sure ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Do non jews really have 8 Mitzvot and not just 7? [duplicate]

According to this thread It seems that non jews aren't allowed to ...
Orion's user avatar
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How do we determine what is inevitable enough to be a Psik Reisha?

Regarding a psik reisha, my earlier question focused on whether the resultant action is judged according to a standard, but I am also unclear about what determines the "inevitable" nature of the ...
rosends's user avatar
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Moving with magnets: what's the status in halacha?

If I move something on Shabbos with the force of a magnet, is that considered Halachicly like I move it with my hands (גופו), with my force (כוחו), indirect (גרמא), or have I done nothing? This is ...
Orion's user avatar
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An Unblech that may/will boil off

If someone uses a water blech (Unblech or k'deirah) to exploit whatever halachic advantage he sees from this pot on a pot method, does he have to anticipate the possibility that the water inside will ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why is making tea/coffee on shabbos not considered bishul

Bishul/cooking is food prepared by heating in liquid. Why then is making tea/coffee not considered cooking?
Laser123's user avatar
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Shofar and Lulav on Shabbos - how can Rabbinical decree override Deorayso

The gezaira of Raba is that when Purim Sukkos or Rosh hashana fall out on shabbos we do not blow shofar or shake lulav or read the meggila. Why? Because we are worried that he may not know what to ...
menachem's user avatar
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How to Reconcile if/when the Jewish Day Was to Begin at Sunset?

Question: Are there any historical documents that detail the differences in opinions on when the "Jewish Day" began? (Perhaps between Sadducee and Pharisee/Rabbinic definitions, etc). What the ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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Can a public road include an underground area below it to qualify as a Reshut Harabim?

On Shabbat, one may not carry in a Reshut Harabim. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 81:2 says that there is an opinion that a road not having at least 600,000 people passing by it daily would not be considered ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can one use an Eruv if the Rabbi who built it says its down?

If a Rav Hamachsheir of an Eruv, the Rabbi who built it and supervises its use, sends out a message that he holds that the Eruv is down because of a particular reason (reason X), and should not be ...
Tzafnas Paneach's user avatar
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Homeopathic or unscientific medicine on shabbos

On shabbos there is a rabbinic prohibition against doing many medicinal things. Is the whole requirement that he is doing it for medicine and that it looks medicinal, or must it actually be ...
mroll's user avatar
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Source for Rabbis being able to say not to do a Deoriata

What is the source for Rabbis being able to say that one is not allowed to do a mitzvah deorita? Examples that come to mind are blowing shofar on Rosh Hashana on Shabbat, lulav on Sukkot (at least ...
soandos's user avatar
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Why was Joshua allowed to break Shabbat in attacking Yericho?

In Joshua 6 the Jews marched around Jericho, thereby attacking it. Why was Joshua allowed to break the Shabbat e.g carrying their weapons in a public domain when attacking Yericho? Surely this ...
Chaim22's user avatar
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How did the Beis Din have the authority to relax the rules of Muktza?

Shulchan Aruch HaRav (O.C. 310:16) lays out the general history of the prohibition of Mukza (Based on Shabbos 123b): בימי נחמיה בן חכליה שהיו העם מזלזלים באיסורי שבת כמ"ש בימים ההם ראיתי ביהודה ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Kosher switch and Grama according to R. Belsky's letter

Yeshiva World News published a letter from Rabbi Belsky saying that the Kosher Switch accomplishes nothing and is simply a regular melacha. My question is basically the same as this commentor. Is ...
Yishai's user avatar
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What is the hallachic definition of randomness?

A new Shabbat-friendly technology, KosherSwitch, uses randomly timed light pulses to create various safeks, so that flipping the switch does not hallachically count as switching the light on, even in ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
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Is a psik reisha d'lo nicha or d'lo echpat judged against a communal standard?

If I perform an action on Shabbos which will cause a secondary (forbidden) action, the secondary action is assessed as to whether it is desirable, detrimental or neutral (as per Difference between ...
rosends's user avatar
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What is the source of the prohibition of not preparing on Shabbat for after Shabbat?

Preparing on Shabbat for after Shabbat is not one of the 39 melachot (Biblical categories of "work"). I gather that many prohibitions are gleaned from Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 58:13. However, the only ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is השמעת קול about?

Apparently, there's a prohibition against making noise on Shabbos. See Shabbos 18a: אבל אין נותנין חטין לתוך הריחים של מים אלא בכדי שיטחנו מבעוד יום מאי טעמא אמר רבה מפני שמשמעת קול But ...
MTL's user avatar
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Descrating one Shabbat for many

The Talmud states that one may violate the Shabbat to save a life, because it's worth violating one Shabbat to let someone keep many in the future. Does this principle apply in other cases? For ...
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