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Can you look at a home weather station's forecasts during Shabbat?

There's a type of home electronic gadget called a weather station. Weather stations can display the temperature and other things. There's usually a base station, plus a wireless outdoor sensor. An ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Did Orthodox Jews turn on/off lightbulbs etc on Shabbat in the early 20th century?

I’ve heard that before the Halacha was settled by the Poskim like the Chazon Ish, many or most Orthodox Jews used lightbulbs etc on Shabbat. Is there any validity to this? I’m just curious
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Using electric scooters to get to synagogue on Shabbat

There is a principle in Halacha known as Kavod Habriyot, which essentially means rabbinic prohibitions can generally be violated for human dignity. My question is, if somebody has a hard time walking ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Electricity on Yom Tov [closed]

What’s the difference between Yom Tov and Shabbat with respect to electricity? Are they not mostly the same with regard to Halacha, and why do they allow it on Yom Tov, and not Shabbat; same rules ...
jonathan's user avatar
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Clap-activated lights on Shabbat

Does the community know if clap-activated lights on Shabbat is permitted? I understand that speech activation is generally prohibited due to a Halacha brought down in Talmud Bava Metzia 90b-91a where ...
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Triggering motion sensors on Shabbat

I thought it was forbidden to walk in front of a motion sensor on Shabbat But I read that Rabbi Shmuel Wosner allows it, because your intention is not to trigger the sensor [Shevet Halevi 9:69]. Is ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Can I open my fridge on Shabbos? [duplicate]

When my fridge is off opening it causes it to turn on (after I close the door). When my fridge is on opening it causes it to turn off (while the door is open).
user3316598's user avatar
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Have electric cars been suggested for those who respond to emergencies on Shabbos?

In a nutshell – and I know this is complicated – the Mishna says that some rabbinic prohibitions were lifted to make life easier on emergency responders after they've provided their assistance on ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Why aren't Shabbat Lamps muktzeh?

I have been trying to research why kosher lamps / Shabbat lamps are not considered muktzeh. I've read the rabbinic approval that comes with the lamp, as well as any teshuvot I can find on the topic; ...
collegestudent's user avatar
9 votes
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Leaving a phone perpetually on on the Sabbath

I have never been sufficiently religious to understand everything on this site without help from friends or family, but a question was asked by a non-Jewish friend that I was unable to answer, so I'm ...
A. Thomas Yerger's user avatar
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Probabilistic artificial intelligence on Shabbat

I have coded machine learning algorithms and have seen a number of posts about artificial intelligence such as Alexa or a system that monitors movement to turn on ventilation in rooms that are entered....
David Warshawsky's user avatar
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Microphones on Shabbat

What is the Halacha re LISTENING to someone speaking in a microphone on Shabbat. For example if I walk into a room and someone is lecturing/speaking on a microphone an I permitted to listen
Moshe avrohom 's user avatar
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Source that Power generators on Shabbos override Shlom Bayt (in Israel)

Power generators are very popular with Haredim in Israel that traditionally don't rely on Isral Electric Company's electricity on Shabbos. On Rosh Hashana, the power generator of a famous Yeshiva in ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why is turning on a faucet not considered molid or boneh?

As has been discussed in many questions on this site, halachic authorities generally agree that the use of electricity is prohibited on Shabbat, but some differ in their analysis of why. (There is ...
mweiss's user avatar
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Is it permitted to turn off a time switch on Shabbos?

On a time switch (timer), there are generally two options: one which will ignore the time switch and let the current flow, and one which activates the timer. In the case where the switch is on the ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Shabbat: Electric Apartment Door in Doorman Building

Let us say a person lives in an apartment building where the apartment doors (door to the apartment itself) are fitted with electronic locks. The building has a 24-hour "concierge" doorman (non-...
AMR's user avatar
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Asking a non-Jew to turn off a light on Shabbat

If I would like to turn off a light on Shabbat can I ask a non-Jew to turn off the light since it's a shvut deshvut? (ie- electricity is a derabanan and amira lnochri is also shvut)
ein odmilvado's user avatar
6 votes
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Use of an automatic toilet on Shabbos?

Can one use on Shabbos an automatic toilet with an electric sensor that triggers the flushing mechanism when you are done? For example in a hotel lobby, or a public building. Assume there is no other ...
alicht's user avatar
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Can a "brain controlled" prosthetic be used on Shabbat?

New prosthetics are controlled by brain waves which seem to make the prosthetic an extension of the body in an "organic" way, in that we control all of our own limbs through the same brain waves and ...
rosends's user avatar
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Difference between Halperin and Tzomet switches?

I am reading about the various so-called Grama and other Shabbat switches developed in Israel for use in hospitals and security situations. It seems that there was one solution created by Rabbi ...
Barry's user avatar
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Tweeting on Shabbat: d'oraita or d'rabbanan violation?

There was a dangerous situation in my community on Shabbat and I knew (from the amount my house phone was ringing and my cell phone was buzzing) that people I knew across the world would be concerned ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Conductivity of living things and Shabbat

If electricity is banned on shabbat, how does a person deal with the problem of the body being a conductor? When I hold a person's hands, it creates a circuit. If I let go of their hands then I have ...
Untitled's user avatar
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Being in a photo on Shabbos

If someone is taking a picture on Shabbos on their phone or a digital camera - must one try not to be in the picture; does he violate anything if he specifically “photo bombs” the pic on Shabbat? Does ...
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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Light switch on Shabbat - no bulb, unplugging an extension cord

Muktza aside - Is it permissible on Shabbat to turn off a light switch if the light bulb burned out; Is there any issue in removing the current from the circuit 10, 15, 20 ft back? The same I would ...
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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On Shabbos, may someone turn off a switch of an electric-eye controlled light while the light is off?

If a room or an area has an electric eye which causes a light to turn on when someone passes by, and the light is off, may someone turn off the light-switch on Shabbos so that people can walk by ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Who is worried about affecting a refrigerator's thermostat on shabbat?

When one opens a refrigerator door, there are two classes of effects: Immediate result - e.g. light going on, or in newer models a fan might start. This class of effects can normally be fairly ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Temperature controlled urn on Shabbat

What issues may be at play when adjusting the temperature of an urn on Shabbat, e.g. from 200° F to 80° F, specifically on an urn pictured below*? (Assuming the water is already pre-boiled before ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Sewer pump usage on Shabbat

There are sewer tanks where, when full, an electric sewer pump automatically turns on. Is it a problem to pour water down the drain (washing hands, flushing the toilet) into such a sewer system? ...
Sherwin Zadeh's user avatar
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Is a Digital Clock muktzeh on Shabbos?

This question occurred to me over Shabbos, when my clock fell over. What Muktzeh category does a digital alarm clock fall into? If it has a backup battery, does that change anything? Additionally, if ...
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Amazon's Alexa & Shabbos [duplicate]

Does anyone know of a definitive credible source about voice activated devices on Shabbat? Alexa has made life so much easier as my elderly mother can just use her voice to contact us. We have made ...
Bookaholic's user avatar
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Air purifier with LED sensor on Shabbat

Would one be allowed to use an air purifier with an LED smell indicator sensor on Shabbat if bringing in odors near the purifier with outside food or other odorous things could or most surely would ...
code613's user avatar
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What are the various views about electricity on Shabbos [duplicate]

This question discusses specifically R' Moshe's views on using electricity on Shabbos. What are some of the other major views out there (R' Shlomo Zalman, Tzitz Eliezer, etc.)? Believe it or not, ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why isn't walking through a metal detector allowed on Shabbat because of pikuach nefesh?

I saw a few weeks ago that there are no security checks at the Kotel for religiously dressed Jews on Shabbat. This is to avoid having to walk through a metal detector, apparently. My question is, why ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Audio Recording on Shabbat/Yom Tov

Would there be a problem with leaving a recorder on from before Shabbat or Yom Tov, and thereby recording a lecture given on Shabbat itself? There is a wealth of literature on the subject of Melacha ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Adjusting timers on Shabbat

Can one adjust a socket timer (picture below) on Shabbat to keep one's hotplate or lamp on for longer, etc?
Zvi's user avatar
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Electronic card readers to enter buildings on Shabbat?

As a student, I've noticed that practically all of the dormitories in my university require residents to tap their student cards to a sensor before they are allowed to enter their building. (Moreover, ...
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Kosher switch and Grama according to R. Belsky's letter

Yeshiva World News published a letter from Rabbi Belsky saying that the Kosher Switch accomplishes nothing and is simply a regular melacha. My question is basically the same as this commentor. Is ...
Yishai's user avatar
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using static guard on Shabbos

Would there be any reason why one would not be able to apply static guard to clothing on Shabbos? Would it make any difference if the clothing is currently being worn or not? Two points: 1- I ...
Gitty's user avatar
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Smart thermostat on Shabbos - what to do?

I read an article recently regarding a person who went to a hotel and realized after Shabbos began that all the rooms were controlled by smart thermostats. A smart thermostat detects when one is in ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Snake lamps on Shabbos? [closed]

I have a pet snake that has two types of lamps. One lamp is turned on in the mornings (day lamp) and then the other is turned on at night (night lamp). They both are needed to produce light and heat ...
Dallas Phelps's user avatar
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Is this app really safe to use on Shabbat? It is an interesting approach - trying to satisfy the major halachic issues, while skirting the stringencies. Halachically, what would be the status of using this phone on ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Is one allowed to use a pedometer on Shabbat?

If the pedometer is reset and already on before Shabbat starts, am I allowed to attach it to my person and walk with it on Shabbat, within an eruv? It is electric, and it appears to count steps with a ...
Ely Eastman's user avatar
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Can one run a surveillance Camera on Shabbos?

Is there any prohibition in having surveillance cameras operating on Shabbos? If not, why is is any different to filming a Bar-Mitzva, etc?
Zvi's user avatar
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Crossing at a sensor-controlled traffic light on Shabbat

May one cross at a sensor-controlled traffic light on Shabbat / Yom Tov. I.e. - the light turns green only when it senses there is a pedestrian? Would it matter if it would be dangerous to cross ...
DanF's user avatar
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Amirat goy on Shabbat in regards to electricity

Since many poskim hold that not using electricty on Shabbat is just a Minhag (Rav SZ. Aurbech), would they hold that it is 100% ok to ask a non-Jew to do things with electricity for you?
Yishaq's user avatar
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May one say a blessing on light bulbs for shabbat

If one doesn't have candles for shabbat, may one say a blessing on light bulbs? Since the point is to have light for שלום בית (household serenity), it would seem that electric lights would have the ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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Violating the Shabbat across time zones [duplicate]

Let's say I'm on my computer in the United States on a Friday afternoon, well before the sun has set in the US, but after it has set in Israel. If I access an Israeli website during this time, am I ...
Matt's user avatar
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What was Reb Moshe Feinstein's view on electricity use on Shabbos?

Did Rabbi Moshe Feinstein hold that the ban on electricity use on Shabbos (where no other issur results) is a biblical prohibition, a rabbinic prohibition, or just a minhag?
Ish Ploni ViKohen's user avatar
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Can I use a SodaStream with an indicator light on Shabbos?

I saw that I can use a SodaStream on Shabbos, but I have a specific question: Can I use a Sodastream on Shabbos if it has an LED indicator? If not, is there something I can do to it to make it usable ...
Ilan Katz's user avatar
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Using a flickering bulb on Shabas

Mishna B'rura 264:1 says: The reason for the invalidity of [certain] wicks and oils [for the Shabas lights] is that they do not shine well and we're afraid he may tilt the lamp so the oil within it ...
msh210's user avatar
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