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Hiddur mitzvah for Lechem Mishneh

Is there any chiyuv in Halacha for hiddur mitzvah regarding Lechem Mishneh, or no? And if so, is the mitzvah of beautification an obligation for the bread itself (making it beautiful by braiding it) ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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A blessing on an incomplete Mishnah bread on Shabbat

Is it permissible to make a blessing on Shabbat on an incomplete loaf of bread? And in the event that it looks outwardly complete but is actually incomplete, is it allowed? For example, the Challah ...
Avi's user avatar
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Is there any reason to have lechem mishnah when eating cake?

I heard that there's an inyan to have lechem mishnah even when eating cake. Does anyone know of a source for this?
DavidM's user avatar
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Why eat bread and drink wine on Shabbat?

Why eat bread and drink wine on Shabbat? Please help me understand the biblical background. Thank you
stefaniecg's user avatar
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May fried dough be used for Lechem Mishneh?

May fried dough be used for the Lechem Mishneh (double loaves of bread) of Shabbat? Or is there any requirement for it being baked? If being baked is not an inherent requirement, is it still preferred ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Can someone fulfill his Shabbat meal obligation through his family if they eat a k'betza and he eats just a bit?

Suppose someone for health reasons can't eat a full k'betza of bread but can eat a crumb. He wants to l'chatchila (or bedi'eved) fulfil the standard Shabbat obligation of seuda and lechem mishna for ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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At the Shabbos meals, I've seen hosts give each head of a household their own Lechem Mishna. Is this a minhag that is written somewhere?

Is there a benefit to doing this? Is there a drawback?
Daniel's user avatar
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If I arrive late to a shabbos meal, do I need Lechem Mishneh, or can I rely on the others?

If I arrive late to a shabbos meal, and the others at the meal have already made Hamotzi on Lechem Mishneh, when I join them and wash for bread, do I need Lechem Mishneh of my own as well? Or can I ...
david's user avatar
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Cutting the Chalah diagonal slices

Is there a special reason why people cut the Chalah on Shabbos in diagonal slices
Joe B's user avatar
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Challa knife - Non serrated

Recently I met someone who told me there are those that specifically only use a non serrated Challa knife at the Shabbos meal. I was wondering if there is a source that discusses this and what is the ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Can one make hamotzi Friday night on pat haba bekisnin?

Within This article that focuses mainly on the bracha made on pizza, it mentions that most poskim state that when one eats pat haba bekisnin as a meal, one says Hamotzi. Friday night meal requires ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why are we not concerned about zugos with lechem mishneh?

There is a gemara (Pesachim 110) describing the concern for ruach ra with eating even numbers of foods, in particular: 109b - Question: Why did Chachamim enact to drink four cups? This is ...
SAH's user avatar
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Challah roll and a matzah board for lechem mishnah - any preference?

If one has one challah roll and one matzah board for lechem mishna on Shabbat, is there any halacha stating which one should be used to eat from (sliced / broken)? Offhand, I'm thinking the challah ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is the Challah braided? [duplicate]

Every challah I've seen in my life is braided, regardless the country or customs. But what are the origins of preparing the challah in this way? The bread in the Beit HaMikdash wasn't like this as far ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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Why dip the challah in salt?

I recently saw by a Friday night dinner that the challah bread was dipped in salt a few times. Is there a specific amount of times to dip it, and why dip it in the first place?
learning's user avatar
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Why must we acquire Lehhem Mishneh for every Shabbat meal?

The Torah (Shemot 16; Parashat BeShalahh) details the miracle of the mahn ("manna"), which HaShem brought down from the Heavens to sustain 'Am Yisra'el in their journey through the desert. In a shi'...
Lee's user avatar
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Cutting Challah on Shabbos

Is there a source for why many people (Ashkenazim) use a knife to pre-mark the challah where they will cut it before making the bracha on Shabbos?
Mike S's user avatar
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What is the source not to eat the endpiece of the challah?

At the shabbos meal, why do some people (such as Yodeyan NBZ) not eat the end piece of the challah? Some people don't even just start at the middle, they avoid the end-piece altogether.
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Using a Frozen Challah for Lechem Mishneh

If the only available Challah I have for Lechem Mishneh is frozen solid - may it be used ?
eramm's user avatar
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Lechem Mishneh - Do both challot have to be touching?

When holding the Lechem Mishneh together while making the bracha - Do both challot have to be touching ? What if one challah was wrapped in cellophane or in a bag (yet held next to the other challah ...
eramm's user avatar
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Lechem mishneh - Two questions [closed]

1) When holding the Lechem Mishneh together while making the bracha - Do both challot have to be touching ? What if one challah was wrapped in cellophane or in a bag (yet held next to the other ...
eramm's user avatar
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Why are challot traditionally braided?

What is the reason that challot are traditionally braided? When did this tradition begin?
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Covering challas by 3rd meal on Shabbos

We cover the challas by the shabbos meals for a number of reasons. One however is because the mann was covered (with dew) on top and on the bottom (See Tosfos Pesachim 100b) and the challas that we ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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How much must be eaten from the lechem mishneh

Inspired by following 2 questions: Not eating from the Lechem Mishnah Challah Loaves on Shabbat have a minimum size? When eating a Shabbos Seudah how much must the ones that are being yotzee from ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Not eating from the Lechem Mishnah, rather from the incomplete bread

If someone only has one broken piece of bread, can he borrow from his neighbor two whole challas and make ha'motzei on everything together (the 2 challas and the piece of bread); however not eat from ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Challah Loaves on Shabbat have a minimum size?

In this article regarding the Shabbat Challah loaves, The Shmirat Shabbat KeHilchata (vol. II 55:5) is quoted as saying: The loaves must each be at least the size of an olive Normally, the size of ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Which challah does one cut on a Shabbas yom tov?

The Shulchan Aruch (274:1) brings down that on shabbas night you cut the bottom challah. The Rama adds that on Shabbas day and yom tov night you cut the top challah for kabbalistic reasons. What do ...
sam's user avatar
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The number of Challot on Shabbat and salt

If my understanding is correct we use two Challot on Shabbat to represent the two portions of mana the Jews received in the desert of Friday to prevent them from having to collect on Shabbat. We use ...
morah hochman's user avatar
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Should separating pull apart Challah rolls be considered a forbidden act of completion?

I have heard many people state that using Challah* rolls that are baked in one unit to be pulled apart might be a problem for making Leḥem** Mishneh on Shabbath. In fact, there are rolls that are sold ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Lechem Mishneh : holding challos procedure

What's the exact procedure for holding the challos in lechem mishneh. I'm not asking about the number of challos used or which one to cut (top / bottom) but how do we hold them : do we hold them ...
Frank's user avatar
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What is better to do on Shabbos HaGodol?

Is it better to eat egg Matza at the Seuda or is it better to eat Challa at the Seuda? What are the pros and cons of either choice?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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What sort of covering is required for Challa and cake while making Kiddush?

The Halacha is that we cover the Challa / Cake while we make Kiddush in order not to embarass it (Talmud Yerushalmi as quoted by the Tur, Orach Chaim 271) as we are not making Hamotzi / Mezonos first. ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
22 votes
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Lechem Mishneh by the Third Shabbos Meal

Is one required to have Lechem Mishneh by the Third Shabbos Meal?
yydl's user avatar
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What is the status of a pull-apart challah for "lechem mishneh"?

On Shabbat, we're supposed to begin the meals with two whole loaves - "Lechem Mishneh." According to Shmirat Shabbat KeHilchato as quoted in the article linked above, "If two loaves bake together in ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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