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Questions tagged [schach]

Skhakh is the roof of the sukkah.

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Can I sit under sukkah rafters made of metal

I'd like to build a sukkah with rafters made of metal. (In order to ensure the schach only rests on wood, I plan to lay wood on top of the metal rafters, and the schach on top of the wood.) Is there a ...
Josh Grinberg's user avatar
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Deeper meaning behind the schach on the sukkah

The Rambam (Laws of Sukkah and Lulav, 4:7) writes: A sukkah that does not possess a roof is invalid This is from a halachic perspective. However, I was wondering what the deeper meaning behind the ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Using Wooden Screws to Secure the Beams that Hold Up Schach?

Lechatchila one should not use metal objects that are mekabel tumah (susceptible to tumah) for something that supports the s'chach ("maamid"), however, "maamid d'maamid" is ...
1000K's user avatar
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Pergola - Kosher scach?

This pergola was originally put up a around 2 weeks before Sukkos 5783. The shade that this makes is at least 50/50 (if not more.) So several questions: Is this kosher scach by itself? If yes, what ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Maximum width of schach "planks?"

What is the maximum width of schach "planks?" I've seen several references that they must be less than four tefahim, (~32 cm) wide. Including this MY answer which sources from Hilkhoth ...
Larry K's user avatar
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Is fishing line mekabel-tumah? Can it be used in schach?

סכך cannot be made of a דבר המקבל טומאה, there is a company that make a reed mat that is held together (מעמד) with fishing line and it comes with instructions to put some wood on top of it so that it ...
yih613's user avatar
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Can you use jute twine to hold down the schach of a sukka

In one of the Lakewood weekly (free) papers, I recently came across an ad from Rabbi Yehuda Shain in which he notes that jute twine is acceptable to tie and hold down schach. Keeping the lecatchila ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Looking for Schach Ideas

I have a bit of unique situation. I have a nice sized outdoor space (I live in a basement apartment) in an urban area and wanted to put up a sukkah. I have large walls on every side of the space and ...
JMichaelS's user avatar
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Is one allowed to use neighbor's overhanging tree branches for schach?

The Shulchan Aruch in CM 155:26 rules that if the neighbor's overhanging tree branches present a nuisance, one is allowed to cut them until the property line. Is one allowed to cut these branches if ...
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Interdimensional Succahs [closed]

1: Setting aside the issues of Halachically defined time in space, and ignoring the physical constraints limiting a spacecraft from having Schach mounted properly, how should Schach be oriented to ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Is it perfectly fine halachically to put up the schach first and then tie down the canvas walls?

If one has a sukkah with canvas walls that sway in the wind, can he put the schach on top of the sukkah before tying down the canvas walls so they won't sway, or would it be a problem of "Taaseh ...
mcensneo's user avatar
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Does schach have to lie completely flat on top of the succah?

During Succot, we were discussing what materials may be used to secure the schach. Most people that I know, including I, use a bamboo mat and lay some planks of wood on top to secure it down. Someone ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can Schach that fell be restored on Shabbat/Chag?

If the Schach or a portion of it fell/flew off during Shabbat/Chag, can it be placed back?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why can't you buy water for ma'aser sheni?

Ma'aser Sheni 1:5 says that water is an invalid option for buying with ma'aser sheni money. The reason, as Bartenura's commentary explains, is because ma'aser sheni money can only be used to buy ...
b a's user avatar
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Idea for good insulating s'chach

I live in a fairly cold climate (at least during Sukkos, especially this year) and so I am always looking for ways to reduce heat-loss in my Sukkah. There are plenty of options for the walls, but the ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Why aren't the walls also made of Schach?

The Gemmorah learns the obligation of Succah from the Clouds of Glory that surrounded the Jewish people on Exodus (and later). It also learns (at least one opinion) that the Schach must resemble a ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Supporting schach on a sukkah

I understand that it is preferable to support schach with materials that would themselves constitute schach. I cannot find any information on whether it is permissible to use metal screws/nails to, ...
Dave's user avatar
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Slat Mat Schach [closed]

I've been using loose 1x2 strip lumber for schach since time immemorial, which is sort of a pain, and I've been hankering for some roll-on-roll-off convenience. This year I was thinking of using jute ...
Helmanfrow's user avatar
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Must the top of a sukkah be level?

I saw this question about a portable sukkah and I immediately thought of those pop-up canopies that you sometimes see at picnics and the like. The canopy has a metal or plastic frame that folds up ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Put schah up between Yom Kippur and sukkot [duplicate]

I was told that it is important not to put up the schah before yom Kippur. But in Yeshiva I learned that it can be put up 30 days before. Are there any sources that recommend or forbid to put up ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Why do we use bamboo as סכך?

Why do we utilize bamboo as סכך?
goldie's user avatar
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How much schach would be required for a Leviathan succah?

Preface - While this question may appear humorous, it is not "Purim Torah". On Shmini Atzeret, there is a short "good-bye" to the Succah prayer which includes the wish that we should merit, next year,...
DanF's user avatar
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Sukka - can walls extend past the schach

If my walls extend about five inches past my Schach support beams is that an issue? Does the Schach need to "top" the sukka or can it rest a few inches below the top of the walls?
chavatzles's user avatar
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Can your succah schach also be your walls? [duplicate]

Does the schach need to be completely detached from the walls of the succah? Let's say that you build a "pipe" succah. You get a giant bamboo mat, and spread it out so that it not only covers the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Does a succah require a definitive roof?

Let's say your entire succah is made from very large bamboo poles, which are eligible to be used for schach. You decide to make a true 3-sided pyramid, where you lay the poles at an angle making a 3-...
DanF's user avatar
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May a 3 sided pyramid (almost) be used as a succah?

Talmud succah states that a succah must have a minimum of 3 sides. Can a person build a 3-sided pyramid, but rather than a "full" pyramid, where all the sides meet at the same point at the top, let's ...
DanF's user avatar
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Pressure-treated lumber for schach

I'm familiar with the rules of schach in general, but specifically, can I use pressure-treated lumber for schach? (We're looking to make a rollable "mat", like the reed ones, but out of 1x2 or 1x3 ...
Marc's user avatar
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Notched 2x4 for maamid?

Let's assume that there is a lechatchila to not use metal object that are mekabel tumah (susceptible to tumah) for something that supports the s'chach ("maamid"), which can be avoided by using ...
MTL's user avatar
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How much invalid material invalidates schach?

How much invalid material invalidates schach? (tefachim + inches preferred, but not required) Would it make a difference if this material was in the middle of the roof, or on the side (=next to the ...
MTL's user avatar
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How much of a gap in schach is acceptable?

How large of a gap is allowed in a sukkah's schach (roof) without invalidating it? (in tefachim and inches/feet, if possible) Would it make a difference if the gap was in the middle of the roof, or ...
MTL's user avatar
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How can i prevent schach from flying off in the wind?

In the case of a heavy wind, is there any way to prevent the schach from simply flying away? It can be quite a pain if it falls down, in addition to the danger that it might get ruined.
Scimonster's user avatar
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Beam for s'chach with wood glue + embedded screws

Let's assume that there is a lechatchila to not use metal object that are mekabel tumah (susceptible to tumah) for something that supports the s'chach ("maamid"), which can be avoided by using ...
MTL's user avatar
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Must the entire decoration be within 4 t'fachim of the schach?

Inspired by Can too many decorations render a sukkah invalid? If there is a big decoration hanging from the schach, is it OK as long as the top (part, or most of the decoration) is within 4 tefachim, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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What green plants can I use for s'chach?

I use bamboo poles for s'chach (yes, real bamboo poles). They're great, but I would like a little green up there, if I can get it. Some years we used branches from the tree that was growing over our ...
MTL's user avatar
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How far does dofen akuma stretch?

After reading Is a covered sukkah wall counted as a wall? i had a followup question on the answer there. (I was actually going to ask that, and had even drawn up diagrams, only to find that it was ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Can you use algae, water plants (e.g. water lillies), hydroponics or fungi for schach?

My understanding is that schach must be from a plant that specifically grows from the ground. If this is not so, would there be any problems using: algae / seaweed / water lilies / swamp scum - these ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is bamboo kosher for schach?

Why is bamboo kosher for schach? I know everyone uses them, but one should not use anything like planed wood which is used for building or straw for thatching roofs. I understand that certain bamboo ...
5780's user avatar
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Putting up scach before walls of sukkah

If one puts up the scach of the sukkah before building the walls then the sukkah is pasul (See Rama OC Siman 635 Sif 1.) If however a tefach of a wall is put up next to the scach (somach to the scach) ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Making a tanai on Scach

It says in SA Siman 638 that one may make a tanai (condition) on the "noi sukkah" (sukkah decorations) in order he should be able to use it during the chag and that it won't become muktzeh l'mitzvaso (...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Putting poison inside bamboo rods (s'chach)

It says in Shulchan Aruch (OC Siman 629 Sif 3) that one may cover a Sukkah with "chitzim" (arrows) that don't have a "beis kibbul." However, if they do have a "beis kibbul," then it's not valid for ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Slant-roofed sukkah

This is the frame that I'm using for my sukkah. In the event that the bars forming the frame's roof cannot be removed, would they completely posul the flat sechach I might construct beneath them? If ...
yoel's user avatar
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What do sukkahmobiles use for schach, and how do they keep it fastened?

What do sukkahmobiles use for schach, and how do they keep it fastened? Also, are they able to drive the sukkahmobile without the schach falling off? (If you allow cable-ties you're all set, but if ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Sechach supported partially by metal

For those who are careful to only support their sechach on sechach-eligible materials, how much does it matter if a small amount of the sechach inadvertently rests on non-sechach-eligible materials? ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Can you use plastic cable-ties to hold down your schach in your sukkah?

I've seen people use plastic cable-ties to hold down the schach in their sukkah (as they're not "makabel tuma"), but others who don't like it, I think because they're not plant matter? Can anyone ...
Shalom's user avatar
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What can I use for schach?

What materials can be used for the top of a Sukkah?
Bas613's user avatar
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