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TIKKUN OLAM תיקון עולם [closed]

I am looking for material about TIKKUN OLAM, POST TALMUDIC PERIOD, NOT kabbalist (too difficult for my students) somebody can give share a few links or detailed resources?
Igor Braha's user avatar
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Can a good decree on Rosh Hashanah be rescinded?

If someone was decreed for the good on Rosh Hashanah and afterwards sinned (possibly say with nivul peh) can the good decree be rescinded?
Fei23's user avatar
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Hashem as the judge vs His omniscience

How can Hashem's role as the Supreme Judge on the High Holidays be reconciled with His omniscience: On one hand, we picture Him as He weighs the Mitzvot and the sins and awaits for our Teshuvah for ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Weekdays atoning for Weekdays during the year

I have heard from a few speakers that during the week before Rosh Hashana (some versions say that it is the week of Aseres Yemei Teshuvah), each day of the week that one does Teshuvah and acts ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Where do we first see Elul as a time for repentance?

Today, the month of Elul is seen as being an introduction to the period of the High Holy Days (Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur). For instance, Tur Orach Chaim 581: התקינו חז"ל שיהו תוקעין בר"ח אלול ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Are there any commentaries that refer to the word "Shanah" being an antagonym?

The Hebrew word שנה has several meanings. It means "year", "to review / repeat" (as it usage in the term, משנה תורה and it also means "to change". Thus, it is an antagonym. With Rosh Hashanna ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why the custom at the end of Tashlich to shake off Tzitzis?

In the Siddur Nussach Ari it says by the end of Tashlich to shake the ends of your Tzitzis, I heard that this symbolizes the tossing of a persons sins in the depth of the water (as in the verse " ...
EHS's user avatar
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Why by "Ut'shuva, Utefila UItzedaka" does it say "Zom, Kol, Mamon"?

On top of the words ut'shuvah utefila utzedakah1 in most machzorim it also says Zom, Kol, Mamon2. Why zom on teshuvah if the Rambam's formula for teshuva (Hl. Teshuva 2) no mention of fasting; why ...
moishe's user avatar
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Why is Aseret Yemei Teshuva a time when Teshuvah will be accepted immediately?

The Rambam in the Laws of Teshuvah, Chapter 2 Law 6 states: אע"פ שהתשובה והצעקה יפה לעולם, בעשרה הימים שבין ראש השנה ויום הכפורים היא יפה ביותר ומתקבלת היא מיד שנאמר (ישעיהו נה:ו) דרשו ה' ...
RCW's user avatar
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Is the Book of Life ever really sealed?

In davening and in greetings, we always refer to the "sealing" of the Book of Life. כתיבה וחתימה טובה1 we say; בראש השנה יכתבון וביום צום כיפורים יחתמון2 we pray. Wikipedia says: The High ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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