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Do any Poskim still respond with full teshuvos/responsa?

It seems like until recently, it wasn't very hard to get a comprehensive teshuva to a shaila one had. Sefarim like Igros Moshe, Shevet Haleivi, Minchas Yitzchak, Tzitz Eliezer etc. are compilations of ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Biography of Rabbi Yisrael Yitzchak (Yishai) Chassidah [closed]

Author of the Jewish Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities - Ishei Tanakh. I am having great difficulty finding any information on the Rav. Is he alive? Does he have other works? Any shiurim/books on ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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Looking for picture of "tzadikkim in sukkah"

I recently saw a noy-sukkah, it was a picture of many tzaddikim (chasidic rebbis and litvish gedolim) gathered around a table in a large sukkah, with the head of the table empty (I gather it's ...
yih613's user avatar
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Suggested books on the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Zealots

What solid books there are on the historical and intellectual development of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Zealots? Especially written from an orthodox perspective? The Intro to the Schottenstein ...
Oliver Amundsen's user avatar
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Jewish historical novels

Do you know any Jewish historical novels that center around the lives and times of the rabbis of the Talmud? I know As a Driven Leaf but very few others.
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Where can I find this Rabbi’s seforim?

I can't seem to find several of Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits’ seforim. For example T'nai Bi'N'suin u'V'Get. Does anyone know a store in NYC or which delivers to the US which has his books? Particularly the ...
Orion's user avatar
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Is there an online archive with quality photos of gedolim? [closed]

I'm personally and currently looking for images of Rabbis Shlomo Carlebach & Shlomo Twerski. But I know in the future I'll probably want more for others i.e. R' Wolbe. A Google search might ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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5 answers

Living teachers of the Slabodka approach

The Alter of Slabodka died in 1927. Suppose someone today wanted to learn the unique "Slabodka approach" as embodied and taught by the Alter. Are there any remaining students of the Alter alive today (...
Alex's user avatar
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Part time yeshiva in New York

Are there any yeshivas in New York wich I could go and get a semicha while going to university?
Andrew's user avatar
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Any suggestions for documentaries/videos related to the stories of the sages?

I was curious if anyone would know of some good video resources related to learning about the various Jewish sages of our history. They can be biographical or they can be related to the philosophies ...
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How to get an urgent answer if your local rabbi isn't reachable

I think many frum people have been in the situation of needing time-sensitive help with a halachic question, but not having access to their/any rabbi. What resources such as hotlines are available to ...
SAH's user avatar
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Is there a Talmudic "score card"?

When I am learning a masechta, one thing that shocks me is the ability of those people involved in arguments to cite an authority and know his view on most any other case. So if Rabbi Yehoshua is ...
rosends's user avatar
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Biographical details of Rav Gidel?

I have seen many statements in the talmud such as 'Rav Gidel said that Rav said...". I would like to know where I can find some biographical details of the life of Rav Gidel. Are there published works ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Letter of Rav Yechezkel Landau

There was a letter written by Rav Yechezkel Landau to the followers of Reb Yonason Eibeshitz after the whole debacle between their leader and Reb Yaakov Emden. I have seen a few English versions of ...
user6591's user avatar
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Mekubal in New York

I am looking for an authenticated mekubal in New York who is also a Torah scholar and can assist me with a pressing personal issue.
Yaakov Bentzion's user avatar
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What sort of options are available for pursuing a career in Torah? [closed]

For someone that has a degree in a common field like accounting or law and has decided to look for work in a different field, are there any options available in the Torah field? By this I don't mean ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Written Semicha Tests

Which Rabbonim give a semicha based on a written test (as opposed to requiring one to complete a program under them)? Are they only on Basar Bechalav and Ta'aruvos, only on Shabbos, only on Niddah or ...
Ish Ploni ViKohen's user avatar
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Is there a book containing references to contemporary responsa according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch?

Is there a book containing references to contemporary responsa (maybe think starting from around the time electricity became common until now) according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch? I tried to ...
b a's user avatar
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Are there any Synagogues or Rabbis available in Pakistan?

There was once a very thriving Jewish community available in Pakistan. There was a Synagogue in the port city of Karachi as well till 1985. What is the current situation now? What if someone would ...
Maxood's user avatar
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16 answers

Reliable Ask-a-Rabbi Websites

There are some times on this site where questioners will be directed to "ask their Rabbi." While it's always optimal to have such people discuss the question with their own Rabbi (and such action ...
yydl's user avatar
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Shiurim on Approaches of Meforshim

Does anyone know of any good shiurim that I could find online that go through the approaches of the various meforshim on Torah?
Matthew Miller's user avatar