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Please explain the end of Tosefta Eduyot

At the end of Tosefta Eduyot 3:4 it states: One who has students, they call him rabbi. When his students were forgotten, they called him rabban. When both of these are forgotten, they call him by his ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is there any reason to suppose that "Reish Lakish" means something like "chief of the bandits"?

I feel like I've heard this many times over the years. In the last couple of days I've shopped the question around, and everyone seems to have heard the theory that because of his colorful past, Reish ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Source for Rava's first name

According to Wikipedia and, Rava's real first name was Abba and "Rava" is a portmanteau of R' Abba. However, both claims are sourceless ( refers to Eruvin ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Did Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi learn the Angel of Death's personal name?

I recently heard that when Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi was in Paradise he learned the personal name of the Angel of Death/Satan. Can anyone provide a source for this claim? In Ketubot 77b it is written: &...
עמנואל-העבד's user avatar
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What was the name of the Arizal's mother? [closed]

Can someone please tell me the name of the Arizal's mother, preferably with a source.
Yesh Tikva's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the process called to become a Rabbi?

For example, Minister's become ordained in Christianity. What is the process and the actual act of becoming a Rabbi called in Judaism?
Chris's user avatar
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Name for house of rabbi

I know in some religions and denominations, a building housing the officiant at a nearby place of worship has a special name, like rectory, parsonage, etc. Does a rabbi's place have a similar ...
K.A.Monica's user avatar
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Title to use when addressing a rav

When speaking to the rav of a community, what title should one use? "Hello, Rabbi X" would surely be acceptable for someone with regular semicha, but perhaps not for a person who is referred to as "...
SAH's user avatar
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What is the source: Greater than being called ‘Rabban’ is to be called by one’s own name?

I was looking more into R' Yaakov Chaim Sofer's 'Yishmach Israel' when I came across a unique quote by the Sages. To explain this, Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer states that since the first three ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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Why is the term שליט"א more commonly used for a rav than the term נ"י?

As a follow up to this answer to a M.Y. question, why is שליט"א more commonly used after a notable Rav's name than the term נירו יאיר (or נ"י, as an abbreviation)? A wise person, such as a rav is ...
DanF's user avatar
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Does the name Rami (רמי‎) have a meaning based in Judaism? If so, what is it?

Does the name Rami (רמי‎), as used by figures in the Talmud such as Rami bar Papa and Rami bar Chama, have a meaning based in Judaism? If so, what is it? If רמ means high or exalted, does רמי mean my ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Why is Rabbi Yitzchak Luria referred to as Godly?

In shul a friend explained to me the moniker Ari actualy stands for Eloki Rav Yitzchak, meaning the Godly Rabbi Yitzchak (Luria). The appellation Godly struck me as odd. How is such a thing ...
please remove my account's user avatar
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Why are rabbonim referred to by the names of their seforim?

Many rabbonim who published important seforim are coloquially referred to by the names of one of the seforim. Why is this? When did it start?
Daniel's user avatar
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Unique signature of the Chida

The Chida has a very unique signature. What is the significance of this signature (if any)? Is it in any way related to the seven kabbalistic seals? Are there other similarly unusual signatures by ...
none's user avatar
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Rabba bar bar Chana

There is a rabbi in the Talmud referred to as רבה בר בר חנה. Why is he called that way? It says that Rabba was the grandson of Chana. Who was Chana? Was it(?) a woman? Why wasn't he called after his ...
Rabbi Yaakov's user avatar
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Why was Rabbi Yitzchok Alfasi known as the Rif - rather than the Ria? (הרי"ף - רבי יצחק אלפסי)

Rabbi Yitzchok Alfasi was known as the Rif. The Roshei Teivos of his name is רי"א, and as far as I know there is no other historic figure known as the רי"א. Then why was he known as the Rif?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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List of titles before different Rabbis

It is customary to put many honorific titles before most modern day Rabbis (I've even seen seforim that write Harav Hagaon etc. etc. So-And-So). Many times one sees long lines of adjactives praising ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Why refer to Isaac Luria as the Arizal, and not Arizatzal?

One of the common ways to refer to the R' Isaac Luria is "the Arizal". I understand this to mean, The Ari, zecher L'bracha (may he be mentioned/remembered for blessing). However, one usually refers ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Why are the descendants of Rav Pappah mentioned in the text of the Siyum for a tractate of Talmud?

Who are the descendants of Rav Pappah mentioned in the text of the Siyum for a tractate of Talmud, and why are they so important that we mention them all by name? Why don't we mention any other great ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Identification of Rishon

Tosafos Rebbeinu Peretz (in Pesachim 38a) refers to הר"ר דיילקרויישא מאורליינש. Does anyone know who this is, or at least how his name is pronounced? (It looks like it could be "R' Delacroix of ...
Dave's user avatar
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Tzlach - source of name?

The Noda BiYehuda has a commentary on Shas known as Tzlach - can someone help me by explaining what that stands for?
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מרדכי = Mord'chi?

When learning with Jews of the Syrian community, I noticed that they pronounced מרדכי (the name of the halachic commentary on the g'mara) as "mord'chi", as if the final vowel were a chirik. Why is ...
msh210's user avatar
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Meforshim Nick"names

It has become common practice to refer to most meforshim by acronyms of their name (eg Rashi, Rosh, etc.). When and why did this practice start, and is it proper?
yydl's user avatar
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What is the greatest number of pages (daf) you can go in the Babylonian Talmud without encountering Abayei or Rava?

What is the greatest number of pages (daf) you can go in the Babylonian Talmud without encountering Abayei or Rava? I've heard it was 3?
Shalom's user avatar
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Which Amora is mentioned most often in the Gemara?

Which Amora is mentioned most often throughout Talmud Bavli?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Margaliyos family tree [closed]

Many famous rabbanim have had the last name מרגליות. A couple that come to mind are ר' ראובן מרגליות and ר' אפרים מרגליות. Are they related? Where could I find genealogical information on such people?
WAF's user avatar
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