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What Ever Happened To Palti Ben Laish After He Returned Michal To King David?

Did he end up marrying someone else? I feel so bad for him that someone he loved so dearly was taken away from him after being teased. etc. I'm not condemning What King David did but hindsight he ...
TheTribeOfJudah's user avatar
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Being a "son of God" among "sons of God"

During the course of Hashem's explanation of his relationship to the Children of Israel, he likens them to his child: Yirmiyahu 31:9 "כִּֽי־הָיִ֤יתִי לְיִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לְאָ֔ב וְאֶפְרַ֖יִם בְּכֹ֥רִי ...
rosends's user avatar
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Who can become king of the Jews?

The Talmud says: חכם קודם למלך ישראל חכם שמת אין לנו כיוצא בו מלך ישראל שמת כל ישראל ראוים למלכות -- A Torah Sage comes before the king of Israel, because if a Sage dies, we have no one like him to ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why was King David allowed to mourn on the floor?

I heard from my rav that one of the laws of a king is that during mourning, he is not allowed to sit on the floor. Rather he sits on a couch, so as not shame his status as the king. If this is true, ...
DanF's user avatar
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Did Samuel annoint David in Publicly?

It seems from I Samuel 16 that Samuel pretended to come in peace, and then anointed David. Also, if it was done publicly, how come nobody told Saul, look, someone claiming to be prophets is anointing ...
user4951's user avatar
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What is the status when there are two anointed kings at the same time?

The Rabbi's teach that one kingship does not overlap with another even a hairbreadth (Yoma 38b). I understand this to mean that there may be only 1 Jewish king ruling at a time, or in the case where ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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No Monarchy = No Need for a Davidic Dynasty?

If it is true that "som tasim - Placing you shall place" (cf. Devarim 17:15) is not a mitzvah, but a reshut (cf. Ibn Ezra there). And if what the Abarbanel (to Devarim 16:18-21:9) and the Netziv (on ...
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Why does David refuse to kill Shimi b. Gera, but then later tell Shlomo to kill him?

II Samuel 16:5-14 And king David came to Bahurim and, behold, there came out of there a man from the family of the house of Saul, whose name was Shimei, the son of Gera, coming forth and cursing. ...
yonatanhakatan's user avatar
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Where can I find a poster of the Davidic Dynasty?

Does anyone know where I can find a poster of the Davidic Dynasty? I have looked online at poster web sites, but I have not been successful.
Jeshurun Obadaiah's user avatar
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Can a Davidic King rule while his father is still alive?

Can a King of the House of David (i.e an inherited - not appointed - King), serve as king while his father is still alive? I think King Shlomo might have been king during his father's lifetime.
jj2's user avatar
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Shmuel Anointing King David and Shaul

Why was Shmuel afraid that Shaul would kill him for anointing David (Samuel 1 16:2)? If Hashem told Shmuel through prophecy to do this, why would Shaul (who was a righteous man) kill Shmuel for it (...
Emet v'Shalom's user avatar
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How was Dovid a descendant of Miriam?

It says in Sota 11b that the houses which were given to Yocheved and Miriam are interpreted as kingship, and the gemarah says that Dovid comes from Miriam. I'd like to know how that is possible given ...
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Does the Messiah have to come from Solomon or his successor? [duplicate]

Is him being a descendant of Solomon accepted as fact or is it only speculated to be the case? Is this based off of the section in 1 Kings chapter 2 verse 4, where David tells Solomon how G-d promised ...
Echad-Ani-Yodeya's user avatar
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If David Commited Adultery, How Could He Remain With Bathsheba?

Samuel II Chapter 11 tells of David committing adultery with Bathsheba. Whether or not she was actually considered to be married is a matter of debate, as sourced here. According to those who say ...
Baby Seal's user avatar
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What does Dovid Melech Yisrael Chai Vkayam mean?

I'm pretty sure Dovid, the king of Israel is dead and buried. If so, what does this song really mean and why do we sing it? Why do we pick Dovid specifically and not some other tzadik, like Moshe?
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When did David Hamelech become king?

The story of David in short, as requested: Shmuel (Samuel) anoints Shaul (Saul) king of Israel at G-d's command. (Shmuel I 10:1 and ibid. v 24)  Shaul disobeys G-d, and G-d regrets his anointment. ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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Dovid haMelech and Amalek

In Shmuel Alef chapter 15 Shaul HaMelech (King Saul) loses his kingship because in his battle against Amalek he failed to kill King Agag and saved livestock to offer as sacrifices. Later we find ...
Yirmeyahu's user avatar
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