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Maaser-Specialized Accountants

Are there accountants who specialize in calculating the exact amount of maaser one should give and adjust 'deductions from maaserable income' as per different shittot?
יהושע ק's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Shul Donations Kiosk

Where can I find information for a digital wall kiosk to hang up in a Shul to get donations or to pay Shul balances? I saw that in Israel they have it in almost every shul but in the US I don't see ...
user13902's user avatar
6 votes
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Software for organizing a "thing" gemach

I'd like to organize a baby clothes gemach in my area and I was wondering if there was any software that people have used to do this, or if this was a piece of software I'd have to write on my own. ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Standardized charity documentation in Israel?

Most American charities, to preserve their tax-exempt status, have to file a Form 990 annually with the federal government, detailing some important statistics about their organization, including how ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
  • 48.6k
3 votes
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Purim donation card sources

What are some organizations that produce "Money was donated for Matanot Le'evyonim in your honor in lieu of Mishloach Manot" cards, with national, international, or Israeli scope?
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How do you get your money from your home tzedaka box to your favorite charity?

Okay now I have this tzedaka box sitting in my living room and it's full of coins and crumpled bills. How do I give that to my favorite charity? Or any charity?
Shalom's user avatar
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